~Our family got up at 5:30 AM to get the bus that we had rented, and go and pick up our church people. Then we headed to a neat place 1 1/2 hours away for the Baptism service.

~Diana, Kimberly and Karen riding together. (These girls are Kimberly's best friends here.)~

~We had 49 people from our churches that went. Most of these people had not even been to other parts of Bogota, let alone to get to take a neat trip 1 1/2 hours away.~

~Sarah and Erika riding together.~

~2 of our faithful ladies and one of their 2 girls. They decided to get baptized.~

~The oldest lady that we have attending our church, and another faithful lady.~

~These are the parents of our dear friend, Gloria. Her Father is a pastor. He is holding her little Donna that has to wear that hip cast. She should get it off in about 20 days. PLEASE PRAY THAT WHEN SHE GETS THAT CAST OFF, THAT HER HIPS WILL BE FINE! THANKS!~

~Adorable Little Donna wearing her Grandpa's hat!~

~Gloria, Noah and I~

~Enjoying the trip~

~We had a nice little service before the Baptism. Phillip and Gloria's Father spoke and we sang a lot of songs.~

~Enjoying the sun and having service!~

~Phillip and I talking before service started.~

~Gloria helped us get to rent the farm, for it's owned by her uncle. And she made the phone calls to locate the bus for us to rent. So, we gave her a nice study Bible for all of her help.~

~The 5 ladies that got baptized.~

~2 Ladies watching from up high!~


~A beautiful flower called, "Bird of Paradise"!~

~The place where we had the baptism was beautiful!~

~The first lady to get baptized. Phillip had each lady testify before they got baptized, and the Lord's presence was very near. I was crying while taking these pics.~

~Getting baptized, and the other 4 waiting!~

~The 2nd Lady to get baptized.~

~The 3rd Lady to get baptized.~

~Our precious Kimberly getting baptized! =) ~

~Kimberly's friend, Karen, getting baptized!~

~Our delicious lunch that we paid the people at the place to make us. This was a CHILD'S PLATE...we adults got enough food to feed 7 people! This food was a yummy salad, chicken and rice (that I learned to make a few weeks ago) and a salted potato, with fresh lemonade to drink.~

~Enjoying their lunch!~

~Afterwards the kids swam a little. This is Sarah and Noah in their doggy floaties. BRR! The water was chilly!~

~Sarah enjoying the water...while her teeth CHATTERED! After they swam, we fed them a snack of coke to drink and some cookies before we got on the bus to go home.~

~All tuckered out after a long, fun day!~

~An exhausted Kimberly and Karen!~

We took the bus up the mountain to take our people home, and arrived there at 7:15 PM. Then our family rode that bus back down the mountain, and we got home around 8:15 or so. While I read the email really quickly, Phillip ran and got us each a slice of pizza for our snack, and he bought tamales for our Sunday dinner, for I was too tired to cook. We were sooo exhausted and ready to hit the hay, WHEN....one of our children had a glass of water too close to the computer and accidently tripped and a bunch of water fell on it. OOPS! So, Phillip vacuumed all the water out! Praise God it is OK!! After that, we fell into bed!!! We Thank God for a safe, nice day that He gave us. ~Phillip vacuuming out the water from the computer!~

We had a good, busy day on Sunday as well. God gave us 2 good services in our churches.
Thanks for sharing your Saturday! I am sure you were quite tired. Glad that the computer is still ok so that you can keep posting for us!! By the way, you do have a great family! I will hope to be seeing your parents this next week at camp sometime.
That sounds like a really neat trip and beautiful place to have a baptismal service. Tamales for Sunday lunch sounds sooooooo delicious!!
I loved your report and pictures of the baptismal service - how wonderful!
We are so glad that everything worked out for your Baptismal Service.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Enjoyed the pictures......even if I AM a Quaker! :-)
Looks like fun! Thats awesome that Kimberly got to be baptised there!!! Luv you all...
I think it is going to be an amazing memory and experience for Kimberly to be baptised there! It was nice to see all the pics and glad your computer is ok.
Looks like a wonderful baptismal service! Thank you sharing! Michelle
I am so glad that God is working in Colombia....But i think baptizing your computer is a little much..;)
What a nice place for a baptism! Glad your computer is still functioning!
Thank you so much for sharing this! My kids have been asking about being baptized, but of course it's very intimidating. Joshua is very interested though and seeing Kimberly do it made it look fun for him.
What a special memory you made for Kimberly!
Fruit for your hard labors. God is blessing your work. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. The bird of paradise flower is beautiful.
How Precious! I was bawling while reading this. I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU KIMBERLY and that you've chosen to serve Jesus. How wonderful that you were able to be baptized on your mission field too. God is so wonderful to help your computer not to be ruined too! Love you much, Laura and family in Romania
Loved catching up with your life, I've been behind:( The baptismal service just looked wonderful!
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