~Cleaning the house while the kids are still growing, is like shoveling the driveway before it stops snowing!~
~A series of cute pics that Phillip snapped of Noah~

Noah was outside and he came in and said that the "Inchy Inchworm" made his hands green. I later was outside hanging our clothes on the line and I thought that he said, "I'm going to "KISS the worm". So, I asked him what he said, and he replied, "I'm going to SQUISH THE WORM, and it is going to be GROSS."

One of Noah's favorite breakfast foods is "OAKMILK" (Oatmeal!)

~Noah Quotes~
...Out of the clear blue one day Noah came up to me and said, "Even if the Mountains fall...let Jesus come!" Out of the mouth of Babes...
Our 3 year old Noah is pretty smart! He can tell when his parents or his sisters are REALLY LISTENING OR NOT! If he says something to us and and we just say "UH-HUH" (because we are busy cooking, or emailing, etc.) he'll look at us and say, "DON'T SAY UH-HUH, MUMMM, OR YEA...SAY YES OR NO!" And he'll stand there saying "YES OR NO MOMMY, YES OR NO...?" until I quit what I'm doing and pay attention enough to say "YES, OR NO" =)....He's our precious boy!
Noah eating a mango sang, "There is a name I love to sing, and Jesus is the MANGO." (There is a name I love to sing and Jesus is his NAME-O. J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S, J-E-S-U-S, and Jesus is his NAME-O =)

Boys are made of squished worms, tractors and cars
Driving "motorcyles" through the house, and eating candy bars.
And Blue Craylon marks all over mint green walls. =)
"Weed eating" with my long handled dustpan, & playing with balls.
Although boys aren't sure they need them, kisses and hugs.
And Taking the wings and legs off of bugs.
And eating all the food they can find,
We love our boy, boys are special and kind. =)
Every time we leave our street to go anywhere, we have to go through a gate. Noah always runs ahead and opens the gate...saying "Let me be a GINGERBREAD MAN!!" (He means a Gentleman! =) He's one of the cutest "GINGERBREAD MEN" that this Mommy has ever seen.

-Our little Sarah talking to us about her baby doll's name. =) "Momma, ya know it's kind of hard sometimes to remember "Betzy Amillia's" name. You know why? Because I'm like, "What's her name?"
What adorable quotes and pictures!! Aren't little boys fun?! As well as little girls!! :-) Thanks so much for sharing this post!!
P.S. Do you have any relatives by the names of Earl & Mildred Bryant? I'm working on a 60th anniversary project for our church camp, and I ran across those names on an old camp flyer. They were the singers in 1957, and were from Wilmore, KY. Just wondering. Have a great day!!
Those are some pretty cute quotes from Noah and Sarah. I wish I could remember all the cute things my kids have said!!!
I can just hear Noah saying, "I am going to squish the worm and it is going to be gross". You write it in a manner Heather, so that I can just hear what your children are saying and HOW they are saying it. I surely can relate to Sarah having a hard time remembering her dolly's name! That's quite a name she picked out too! Your children are sweeter than Pooh's Pot of Honey! Love, Grandma Dickinson
I want to know if you will give me permission to use that poem on a scrapbook page in Clayton's book?? That's a great one! A couple years ago, Clayton had overheard his brother talking about the "big" football game in January and asked if the Colts were going to the 'crock pot' meaning super BOWL!!! We laughed our heads off about that one!
Noah is one handsome little fellow. I would have a time getting up from the position he was sitting in and he probably popped right up.
Dearest Noah,
I may have forgotten to tell you this... but the little boy here from the orphanage reminds me so much of you Noah... that I miss you ALL the time. You are a sweet boy and I'm glad that you love Jesus and want to serve Him... even while you are eating mango's. Bryan has no idea what those are. He said to me after your Moma called the other day, "Moma, I miss Noah Really bad!" Bryan says to tell you that he misses you and he wants you to come and play over here with him. We love you, Love Aunt Laura in "Manian"
This blog is so cute & fun! Thanks for sharing, I like your poem too. It reminds me of my own crazy little people. Your "Gingerbread Man" is so Dear! So is your Precious Sarah! & Kimberley too! :-)
Too cute!
Very cute quotes, Heather. Your children always say the funniest things. Noah is adorable. I like Sarah's doll's name. Very nice.
Awesome pictures of Noah. Thanks for sharing your memories and thoughts with us! I really appreciate it. Your kids are so cute!
beautiful pics....
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