When I turned 4 Daddy and Mommy gave me my cousins violin to use. At first I didn't do anything with it, then I started playing along with the songs on CDs, and Daddy and Mommy realized that God had given me an ear for the violin. When I turned 6 I started violin lessons with our good friend Janette C., and God helped me buy my own violin with my money from my kindergarten graduation. I had only taken lessons for about 6 months, when we had to leave AZ and do 8 months of deputation. Mommy didn't know much about the violin, but she and I kept working up piano and violin arrangements, to keep me practicing my violin. Right before we left the USA to study Spanish, the Jewetts gave Sarah her own violin. YEA! Then we headed to Costa Rica for 1 year, then to Colombia. All of this time, my Mommy had been praying that God would PLEASE, IN HIS TIME, send us a good violin teacher to teach Sarah and I. Well, our friend Carlos just got us in contact with a violin teacher, and she came for the first time last week. She WILL COME RIGHT TO OUR HOUSE FOR THE LESSONS (YEA!), she knows her stuff, is registered with Suzuki International and teaches that program, and we fell in love with her. God answered our prayers, and sent us a good violin teacher. Our new teacher's name is Adriana. She's all that I wanted in a teacher. She is sweet, patient, and good. While she was here, she asked me to name the strings of the violin in Spanish, and I said the note names in Spanish like this "E, A, D, G", and she said, "NO, I SAID IN SPANISH", so I said the note names again in Spanish, and she said, "No, they would be Mi, La, Re, Sol", and I about fell over, for I had NO CLUE what she was talking about. I guess here everyone learns music by Solfege, so I guess we'll be learning solfege, along with the violin. (I guess my cousins that have been missionaries in Russia and Romania have had to learn their violin notes that way too! =) We always have to do exercises with our violin and with our bow, and our teacher is making my Mommy do them too, so she can help us pratice! (and so my Mommy is learning how difficult it really is to hold the bow just right, etc.) We're excited about learning more on the violin, to play it for God's glory!
~Our teacher, Adriana, Sarah, Noah, and I~

A wonderful story! Love, Grandma & Grandpa Dickinson
That is so wonderful that you have found a great teacher. I am very glad that you are using your talents for God's glory!!
That is great Kimberly!
I can't wait to hear you play.
Your teacher seems to be a very nice lady.
That is a very neat post, Kimberly. I am so glad you are getting to have a violin teacher. You are very talented and I am so glad you want to use that talent for Jesus. Keep practicing and tell Sarah to work hard too. You will both be wonderful the next time we hear you play.
Awesome news...so thankful to hear this!! I can say that you play a wonderful "Joyful" arrangement:)..I do not know Solfege, except a little for singing so that is really great that ya'll will be learning that as a tool as well!! Thank the Lord for His help!
Kimberly and Sarah, We are so happy for you. Our favorite person in all of Russia was our violin teacher. She made learning the violin so much fun that we didn't even really realize that we were working hard and learning the Solfege stuff too! Now Poor Brittany has no clue when people ask her where is "middle C":) But she knows right where Do is! We love you all so much and are praying for you during yet another adjustment time in your lives. You'll be light years ahead of other students whenever you come back to the states... so keep encouraged and keep using your talents for Jesus! WE ARE SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU ALL and will be praying for your Mommy too! YIKES! We love you, Natasha, Brittany, Darla and their Mommy and Daddy oh and of course Bryan too... he misses Noah MUCH!
I'm so glad you all have found a violin teacher - and a Suzuki teacher at that!! Thank the Lord for blessings!!
Kimberly, I'm so glad you found a violin teacher. I liked reading your blog.
That's great! I'm so glad you (& Sarah) are able to keep up your violin lessons and practice!
I'll be anxious to hear you and Sarah play someday!
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