I LOVE scrap booking...arranging our photos, and writing down my thoughts about each picture...that is filled with memories... in a book(s) that should be a keepsake for MANY YEARS...for my kids and their kids to ENJOY! The artist in Phillip LOVES my scrapbooks, and he is happy that I take the time to make these books for our family! But...photos keep happening every day...so it's easy to get behind FAST! (Just like dirty laundry!! When is someone going to invent DISPOSABLE CLOTHES?! Ha!(`~`) I was able to get the pictures from last November and most of December done! YEA! I don't consider myself to be a "professional scrapbooker", (whatever that means ;) but I enjoy scrap booking. I have some friends that it seems like they spend $50.00 and 40 hours PER PAGE...but I keep mine fast, fun, cheap and simple. Scrap booking is fun for it helps show the personality of the person doing it. Just like our weddings, our kids names, the way our homes are decorated, etc. I like it that all Scrapbooks do not look alike. Here are some of my pages!(These didn't turn out very good...I learned that it's HARD to take pictures of Scrapbook pages. =D)
~Kimberly, and Sarah with their violins in Canada June 2006. I love this page, because of my precious girls, and I like the "Every Good Boy Does Fine" too.~

~This is a page about our trip moving to Colombia! We flew with "LAN" and they served us a hot meal, with real silverware wrapped in a colorful napkin ( that's below the picture on bottom-left) and wrapped in that pink thing to the left of the page.~

~Our 220 sugar cookies (smiley faces) and 24 loaves of Banana Bread that we made for "Bible Day" (BEFORE I GOT MY MIXER=)for our 2 churches!~

~Some Great pictures of MY FAVORITE FAMILY, that our Dear friend Janet R. took at a falls about 30 miles from Bogota. Nov. 2006~

~Phillip, Janet and I at the Falls!~

~More fun family shots!~

~Sweet Miss Janet (and she has some sweet kids with her!) =D~

~Janet and Us took a gandola, to see this pretty church on top of the mountain that overlooks Bogota. ("Monserrate")~

~My Sweetheart and I, on top of the mountain, seeing the church, and the pretty view of Bogota. (I love that man =), and I love that paper that has real rose petals in it!)~

~Janet bought this hat (made in the colors of Colombia) for her brother, and they all had fun trying it on! =)~

~Our sugar cookies that we cut into Christmas shapes and made for our Church people last Christmas. Also, our Chocolate Christmas Mice. I loved using the neat baking, and sugar cookie stickers that Kelly Becker got me!~

Your scrapbook pages are cute, Heather. I love you. Mom D
Glad you're feeling some improvement, Heather. We'll keep praying for you! I thought your scrapbook pages were WONDERFUL! I think the whole point of scrapbooking is the memory preservation and the JOURNALING, which is great that you've done. That's what makes it special: not glamorous, expensive page embellishments. When Lauren was a baby, I was a consultant with Creative Memories, Inc. It's sorta like the "Home Interior" of scrapbooking. I enjoyed it very much, but couldn't keep up with it as all the children started coming along. CM emphasizes the journaling more than anything b/c of its value to future generations. So I think you've done a lovely job! And you've managed to stay relatively on top of it, too. I am ashamed to say how far behind I am in getting my albums up to date. Seems like every time I get the chance to do it, it's for a "specialty" album, rather than just staying current. I have made really sweet ABC books for my children, gift albums, etc.
Well, anyway, I should close this book I've written and bid you adieu! LOL!
Thanks, Tara, for your sweet comments about my scrapbooking. When I first was introduced to scrapbooking, my dear friend, LuAnn, introduced me to Creative Memories, and I LOVE THEIR STUFF! Thanks to God and some dear friends, I have a lot of fun "CM" things to use. I use their albums, tape and pens, and some of their papers, etc. but then I also find my papers and stickers whereever I can find them cheap! =)
Have a wonderful night, and it was fun hearing from you!
Love, Heather =)
I forgot to add, that one of the things that I learned to love about Creative Memories, and learned to do...is the JOURNALING! It's fun to read what happened and see the great pics too! =)
Love, Heather =)
Sure hope & pray you're better!! Wish you could get a massage..could you? I believe in that!
I thought your pages were very cool..very creative but not overdone. I love looking but would feel very overwhelmed w/actually scrapbooking!:) Love to All!
Nice scrapbook pages! Glad you are feeling better!!
Great job... so creative!
Looks very nice !
Heather, I enjoyed seeing your pages... I'm WAY behind you, that's for sure. school took too much time this year for any scrapbooking to get done. I thought that now that Kimberly and Sarah are taking lessons there in Columbia, maybe next you'll have to do a do re me page! :) If they are teaching your girls that anyway. Brittany has never even heard of EGBDF... :) love you now I've gotta hang out laundry, Laura in Romania
I am so glad you are feeling better. I also love to scrapbook. Fancy pages are fun to do sometimes, but gets expensive and time consuming. The important thing is to get them into book. I think your pages look great. I love the EBDF idea for a page. I am going to have to use that one. Thanks for sharing.
I really like your pages. They are great and very creative.
What are the little cooking shapes
ie. icing decorating bag, rolling pin, cookie cutters? Are they stickers, or cut outs? They almost look 3-D.
Great job and keep it up.
The cookie sheet with cookies, the little cookies, or cookie cutters, the icing bag, the rolling pin, etc. are like 3-D stickers that my dear friend Kelly Becker got me for a Christmas present! I squealed with delight when I saw those stickers, for I knew that I had pictures to go along with them, and that they would help make my page ADORABLE!!! =D
Love, Heather =)
Glad you got the stuff.
Great scrapbook pages!!! Isn't it great to be able to make such great memories on our journey HOMEward?!!
Your pages are very attractive! I also do the journaling. A picture is nice, but there is so much about a moment that one can forget. We love looking through old scrapbooks; they boys are enthralled by them.
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