This is a holiday that we missionaries miss getting to celebrate there in the USA...with our family and friends that understand what we are celebrating. The Freedom that we have because of brave men and women that gave their lives and because America was started on Christian principles, and so God has blessed us. I had an Uncle that was killed at 17 in boot camp, training to serve our country, my Granddaddy was in the army, and my Father-in-law was in the Navy. My Granddaddy had just received his papers saying his years of service were done, when Pearl Harbor was struck and he had to go back in. =(
May God bless, revive, and help America! WE LOVE THE USA!!
You are with us in our thoughts and prayers! Without people like you, then other countries wouldn't know what principles the USA was built on. My Pap was in the Navy during WWII, and so was my Granny. My father-in-law is a retired Marine (it was his career) and my brother-in-law is currently serving in the Marine Corp. My cousin is in the Army. I'm with you on being the proud military family, and I love Noah's pics!
I love you, Noah! And you too, Heather, Kimberly, and Sarah!
I'm thinking of you today, Heather, knowing it must be hard to be away from HOME on holidays like these. And did I understand somewhere that even your hubby is gone? Bless your heart! You're such a brave girl, and I admire your life of devotion and sacrifice.
I remember when I used to go on TLC trips, they were always over July 4th; there was such a sense of alienation and loneliness in being away from the USA on her birthday. But we knew we were headed home in a few weeks!
On a side note, I was wondering if you have a good recipe for a Lemon Pound Cake? I love it, but don't have a recipe to make my own; since you're the resident baker, I thought I'd ask!
Happy Fourth!
Oh, and yes...the pics of Noah are truly ADORABLE!
Happy Independence Day to you, too!! Love the pictures of Noah!!
Happy 4th of july to all of you!!! We had a really good missionary service this evening. We talked about are favorite missionaries the Dickensons!! Have you ever heard of them!! Mark is doing a series of the different countries we have missionaries in. He is giving a lot of facts and interesting things about the people and culture. We then had special prayer for you!! We love you guys!
I'm sure it is different to be away on the 4th...bless you! Kayla is here..we had a cookout, played violins w/Uncle willard, and have gone twice to New Orleans...thought you might enjoy the news:) You have come up quite a few times:) Love you and praying for your safety!
Happy 4th to you all! You were in our thoughts and prayers... as we kinda understand the lonely feeling over this holiday, more than any other, I think. we miss our family and friends and the good ole USA... but it did give me even more of a desire to PRAY FOR OUR NATION and it's leaders. Made a FUNNY LOOKING flag cake to lift our families spirits... if only by a laugh!!! :) Love you sis, Laura
Happy 4th of July
We miss you all
Michael, Beth and Baby Isaiah
Heather, I loved the picture!! He looks sooo adorable!! It was nice to have all my family under one roof again even for a short time and including Christa!! I will try to post pictures a little later!!
It was so good to spend time w/Laura and family for 3 weeks.
I have a new appreciation and respect for you missionary wives.
I will be praying for you in a different way now that I experienced some of the "daily battles" you face. I am proud of you BOTH. God is using you.
We had such a wonderful TLC team. The best ever! I was blessed.
I miss them but am so glad to be back HOME with my family!
Love you Heather!
I'm so sorry Heather. I know it must be difficult. Like Tara, I was on a TLC trip during the 4th. It was such an awful feeling - that no one around you appreciated the holiday and had no reason to celebrate. I'm praying that God will bless you immensely for all that you are sacrificing and giving up in order to share his gospel. I loved what "les" said..."without people like you, then other countries wouldn't know what principles the USA was built on". So true! Thank you for your willingness!
I thought of you yesterday:) I just love being able to communicate this way! Have a great day!
I'm thinking of you all today, after the 4th. If it's any consulation, it was too hot to go watch fire works here so we had a boring 4th also. Noah is adorable in that hat and outfit. I think he looks more like you then either of the girls.
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