Last night, Sarah was choosing a little goody out of our goody box, and it took her QUITE a while to choose...then after she chose, later, she was thinking about trying to exchange it for something else. So, I decided to make this a "lesson in life" and told her that this time, she had to "stick with her decision". That sometimes we can change our mind...but that some decisions we make ARE FOR LIFE~~Marriage being one of them!
Later on that night, before we went to bed, I was reading to my 2 girls out of the book "Beautiful Girlhood" Revised by Karen Andreola, and telling them that God has made us SPECIAL...and has made us to want to be 100% lady. That today there are girls and women that are trying to make themselves THINK that they want to be like a man, do a man's job, or they wouldn't ever want to be a wife..."for I want to be my OWN BOSS", wouldn't ever want to be a Mommy..."for my body is my own...and I won't be "ruining" it by having children", don't want to dress very feminine, etc. But...down deep inside those women, they are fighting against the way God made them. I had a good talk with my girls about marriage and carefully making their CHOICE FOR LIFE!!
~This is Sarah in 2004~

Ever since I can remember, I ALWAYS wanted to be a wife and Mommy. I played dolls until I was 11 or so, and I pretended that my name was the name of one of the girlfriends of my 2 brothers at that time. =) (Sorry Vonnie, and Lyn...but I'm THRILLED that they married y'all! =) But not only did I want to be a wife...I always wanted to be a pastor's wife...for that was what my Mommy was...and she was/is the Best Pastor's wife that I have ever known. She made the "job" look wonderful. We ALWAYS had visitors over and I enjoyed the Christian fellowship. When we were having company, I always got to set the table with the pretty dishes, and fold the cloth napkins fancy. (THAT IS STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO DO WHEN I HAVE COMPANY OVER. =) When I went to college, I went to study "Church Music" and graduated 5 years later with a BA in that, but as I already told you, I prayed that God would lead me to the right husband.
~This is My baby Noah...2004~

When I got engaged (And I got to marry a PASTOR and be the Pastor's wife I'd always wanted to be!!), I took one of my FAVORITE classes while in College called "Marriage and Family Living" taught by Dear Sis. Wolf!! (I loved all of the 1,000 pages of Collateral reading that I had to read for that class. =) I remember her GREAT talks to us about marriage and how there would be days that we might wake up and not FEEL in love. That there would be other men that we would see that might appear "better looking", or we didn't see any of his faults and thought, "I bet that He never leaves His dirty socks on the floor", etc. But she told us that each time that the old devil tempted us to look at our husbands faults or look at someone else, to get out our scales and our husband had better outweigh the other man EVERY TIME!! WE HAD TO CHOOSE TO STAY IN LOVE!! I don't remember her singing this, but my friend Nancy said that she remembers Sis. Wolf singing "I have Decided to Stay Married, I have decided to stay married, I have decided to stay married, NO turning back, NO turning back!" (or like I sang to my girls last night, "TO MY MAN, TO MY MAN!")
~Our family in Canada~~June 2006~
Kimberly and Sarah may be a tad young for that talk that we had...but I'm laying the foundation for their marriages some day (in God's plan) and am PRAYING DAILY FOR THEIR MATES...wherever they are! Isa 28:10 says "For precept must be upon precept; line upon line; here a little, and there a little. Duet. 6:5, & 7 also says that we should love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our might,...and we should teach these words of God DILIGENTLY unto our children, and talk of them when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down and when we rise up. As a Mommy, I AM TEACHING my girls...by my example...whether I mean to or not!! Also as a Mommy it's my job to raise my girls to want to be LADIES, want to be a wife and Mommy (Again I say in God's plan), and to want to be the BEST CHRISTIANS that God will help them to be!
Your a wonderful momma, Heather and a big inspiration to me. Thank you for being an example to us other young moms. You make me want to always keep doing better. Your girls and Noah are blessed little ones to have such special parents and I know they will grow up to be great for Jesus.
Beautiful admonition, beautiful children, from a beautiful woman. Love always-Mom D
Heather - what a fantastic post!! You are a wonderful Mom!!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Heather. I am confident that your 'line up line, precept upon precept' training to your children will stay with them always. And I am also confident that you are setting a fine example before them!
The reward of getting the house all ready for company is setting the table isn't it? One of my favorite things to do also. I love formal company and then those times that are very laid back and comfy. Don't you just love those times that you can tell are teacheable moments and feel the Lord giving you the words. Sounds like a neat opportunity you were given.
Ladies~~ After Phillip read this post of mine, he said, "Help us, your friends are going to think that we're having trouble, or that it's tough being married to me the way you write!"
I think you know this, but wanted to make sure that there is NO DOUBT that Phillip and I are VERY HAPPILY MARRIED, and I love him more today than I ever have. =)
WHAT??? Andrew had other girlfriends?? Oh, he is in BIG trouble now..... HAHAHAHA. I know, we can't even count how many girlfriends he had. I guess I'll stay married to him though, because he outweighs all the other men in the world. I just hope he doesn't have to use the scales to measure me against all the other women in the world. :( hahaha
Set your hubby's mind at EASE! Thoughts of trouble never even entered my mind. Just that you were using a teachable moment to enforce things to your girls that they will certainly not learn in this world. Love IS a CHOICE; and even if you were having "troubles" (so to speak), what's the big secret???! Everyone has times of consternation in any relationship; it's that grounding in GOD, and our solidarity of our Covenant that brings us through those times! I don't know how couples survive without God. Having His blessing and guidance in our marriage is a pearl of great price.
Well, sorry for the sermon! Just wanted you both to know that your heart comes through in EVERY post, not just this one. So you should know that your readers will trust that heart!!
Blessings on you today!
It was so good to talk to you on Saturday, but it really made me "homesick" to see you!!! Deanna and I were talking awhile back and we said there are no perfect children but yours come awful close!!! This doesn't happen on its own! It take a lot of love and discipline and a really good mommy and daddy!! Paul and I just celebrated our 13 wedding anniversary. I love him as much and even in deeper ways than the day we got married!! It can be done!! I just hope and pray there are some descent men left when my girls are ready to marry!
Heather, I can only pray that my girls will grow up to be the awesome mommy that you are! DeAnna still plays with dolls and drives me crazy with always wanting to set the table with the best dishes and oh, everything must match or she gets stressed out. Cheyenna never wanted any part of any of that and she quit playing with dolls at probably 8 but, all she could think of from 7 on was boys, boys, boys.
oh, I never thought there was trouble in paradise -- I think those of us who are married know what you're talking about! You're such a good mother, Heather and an inspiration to me!
Oh, I forgot to say that your family and my family getting together would be a blast -- just like old times!
Hey aunt Heather I wanted to tell you that I loved that Blog that helped me. Thank you for writing that. I appreciate it. Anyways ill ttyl Heidi
I never once thought marital trouble either! I think this is a great post and all I've seen going on with marriages now days this is so true! So many marriages have even broken up in the church recently, my friends have had marriages fall apart and even my own family. (Dad and step-mom- she left and never looked back) I agree with what you said. Love is a choice and not some googly eyed thing forever. I've never thought Scott was perfect (and I know I'm not) but he is the love of my life no matter what! I've also heard of some who wanted abortions because they didn't want their bodies to change! My 4 boys did a number on my body, but I'd do it all over again! Being a wife and a mom is the hardest, yet most rewarding job ever! I consider it a priveledge!
What an inspiration! I too want to portray that enthusiasm to my girls. Thanks for the motivation!
What a sweet moment with your girls. You're such an inspiration.
Philip was asking for Brant's e-mail address and for some reason I couldn't leave it at his blog - my computer would stop responding every time I went to his site. Anyway, his e-mail is brant.luther@juno.com.
Take care!
I really enjoyed this post. I have a passion for praying for my kids future spouses. I don't know you well, but I can tell you're a great mom and wife.
(I'm Susanna's friend. I've met you one at IHC, I believe)
Heather, Glad that you are getting to enjoy that book. I wondered what you thought of it. I love and miss you so much and you are an inspiration to me too... even though your my sister. You're the bestest sister a girl could ever want and I'm glad that we ARE best friends. (I remember our Moma thinking this might not EVER happen!) Now often at night I listen outside my older girls bedroom and think of you and all our fun times giggling ourselves silly when we were supposed to be cleaning our room... Okay enough of that... Memories! I love you, Laura
I love taking the opportunities that come up to teach our children! I takes being attentive to our childrens comments to see these moments...I have a tendencies to pass over their comments and then a few seconds later it hits me what they have said. I loved Noah's pics and little comments!
Heather, your blog this date is right on, and no thoughts of your marriage being in trouble. Uncle Dan and I have been married 38 years in August and it's so true. As they say, everyone has their ups and downs in marriage. The key is working through the downs so you can enjoy the ups!
Uncle Dan and I have laughed when we talk with others that there have been some days when we didn't even like each other, much less love each other (on that day, or in that moment)!
I love that you could take a class in college that gave you a basis to begin on in marriage. It would be so much better if high schools around America offered such a class (did I say offered? I meant it should be MANDATORY) and perhaps the divorce rate wouldn't be so high. Dan and I were fortunate as we both were raised in families where it was taught "we don't believe in divorce" -- my mom told me when I insisted on getting marriage at such a young age (17) not to come running home when we had a spat because "I had made my bed, and now I had to lie in it." Fortunately I never had the urge to run home to mommy, but I could tell you some funny instances! :>) Funny now, I mean, not so funny when the instances happened.
I love you, and who knows, perhaps God gave you those words for someone who might read them right here on your blog (do you know strangers read our blogs? I looked on the site where I upload cell phone pictures, and my site had over 300 hits! Don't know why, nothing special except photos.) Your words might have saved a marriage or two, now or in the future. Isn't it great to be used by God? :>) Love, Aunt Ellen
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