Thank you for your prayers...our Sunday started out calm, cool, and collected! Bro. Raymond Shreve was in town to be with his pastor and family, but he got to be with us on Sunday! He had a man with him named Alec, which is a Colombian too. I was a little nervous riding in his nice, rental car, with all of us white faces,(WHICH TO PEOPLE HERE MEANS MONEY) and heading to the DANGEROUS area where our Sunday morning service is held. BUT GOD PROTECTED US ONCE AGAIN! God's presence was so CLOSE during our hour of singing, with testimonies, tears, and rejoicing in God. Then Bro. Shreve preached, and God anointed and helped him. There were some that came to the altar to pray too!
~Sunday evening service~
After church, we passed out the cookies and were visiting, when a young couple who was in the service (for the last part of it) asked Phillip to PLEASE PRAY FOR THEIR 1 MONTH-OLD BABY THAT WAS SICK! Phillip asked if it was a boy or girl...and they unwrapped the babies face and he looked into a sweet BABY BOY'S FACE! So, Bro. Shreve and Phillip and all of us began to pray and ask God to please touch their having no clue why he was sick, or how sick he was. Then Bro. Shreve and Phillip talked to the crying, UNSAVED parents and explained that it was GOOD that they were in church, and that they needed to put God first in their lives! (THE BABY'S GRANDFATHER IS A PART OF THE GUERRILLA ARMY, AND HAS COME TO OUR CHURCH A FEW TIMES!) Then they left the church, and we continued to visit with others, and were getting ready to get a family picture, with our visitors, when all of the sudden someone CRIED OUT..."THE BABY...PASTOR, THE BOY!!!! So, Phillip and I ran outside thinking that our Noah had fallen off of the HIGH PORCH of the house we use for our church. BUT, NOAH...WAS STANDING THERE FINE! We looked around and saw that there were about 20-30 people STANDING AROUND WEEPING, AND THE PARENTS OF THE SICK BABY STANDING THERE WAILING...AND THEN THE DAD PULLED BACK THE BLANKET...AND I SAW ONE OF THE SCARIEST SIGHTS I HAVE EVER SEEN...! THERE LAY THE BABY...A SICK, YELLOW/GRAY COLOR OF D-E-A-T-H, WITH HIS EYES ROLLED BACK IN HIS HEAD!" Oh, I cannot tell you how HORRIBLE that moment was for all of us, BUT ESPECIALLY THE PARENTS! Phillip and I began to weep, and PRAY OUT LOUD, and then Phillip went into the USA mode...and grabbed his cellphone to call an ambulance...THEN REMEMBERED THAT WE WERE 45 MINUTES UP INTO THE MOUNTAINS, and that no ambulance would get there in time! Then, the Daddy of the baby looked at Phillip and PLEADED..."Can y'all take us in this car?" and pointed to Bro. Shreve's rental car. (THANK GOD HE HAD THAT CAR!) We said yes, Phillip threw me the keys to our house, and some money for a bus...and he and Bro. Shreve jumped into the front, and the POOR, DISTRAUGHT COUPLE WITH THEIR BABY jumped into the back of the car...and they sped away like LIGHTENING!!! Phillip said that God helped Bro. Shreve drive FAST, But SAFELY, flashing lights, and honking the horn...and flying down the mountain. (Literally, Dogs and people jumping out of their way!) While Bro. Shreve drove, and the parents WEPT...Phillip PRAYED OUT LOUD!! They arrived at the hospital...and as soon as the Medical people saw the baby they went into action. Phillip and Bro. Shreve had to wait outside, and the parents took turns coming out to tell them what was happening. BUT EACH TIME THEY WOULD COME OUT...IT WAS THE SAME SAD NEWS..."They cannot get any vital signs on our baby!" Each time they would talk to the parents about putting God first, and then pray with them! Finally, the Daddy came out...and said, "I BELIEVE THAT GOD CAN HEAL MY BABY, IF HE WANTED TO!" And Phillip and Bro. Shreve told the Daddy that God could raise up that baby, and that he could serve God, and he could possibly be a pastor of this church, or a missionary someday...but that it was up to his parents to raise him to love God. So, they prayed one more time, and then he went back in...and about 10 minutes later he came out and said, "The baby is stabilizing enough so that they plan on transferring him to another hospital!" PRAISE GOD!! THAT WAS A MIRACLE!! So, Phillip gave the Daddy a little money, and his phone number and told him to call him if he needed him and also to call us later and give us a report! (since the Daddy is to poor to have a phone, for Phillip to call him) And then Phillip and Bro. Shreve came running home in enough time to eat with us and then run to our Sunday evening church service! (While Phillip and them were at the hospital, the man Alec, the kids and I came home on a bus! Thank God that Alec could help us to get home!)
~Bro. Shreve, Alec, our family, Shreve's pastor & wife, & some of our church people.~
We had a nice Sunday dinner, and then ran out the door for church again. God helped in that service too, and several people prayed. Then we came home, had a snack, and had a nice visit! It was so refreshing having Bro. Shreve and Alec with us, and we had a GREAT day in the Lord! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!! PLEASE KEEP PRAYING FOR THE BABY...MICHAEL DAVID, AND HIS PARENTS!
~Kimberly, Bro. Shreve, Phillip & Alec visiting~