I'm still praying that my BHGardens magazines arrive TODAY before we leave! =) (NOTHING is impossible with my God!)
~One never knows what they might find in their refrigerator when they are busy packing. =) [My sweet Elijah put that in there!]~
With just 6 1/2 hours until we leave for the airport...I'm feeling like singing that old song,
It's me, It's Me, It's Me, Oh Lord, Standing in the need of prayer =)
I thought I'd give y'all some specifics to pray for concerning our trip to Argentina.
~That we get everything done by 2:30 PM to leave for the airport.
~That we find a van to take us...our van cancelled on us last night!
~That our suitcases check in fine with no extra charges...AND THAT NOTHING GETS STOLEN OUT OF THEM, and that they all arrive safely!
~Our airplane leaves at 6:00 PM to fly during the night.
~We arrive in Brazil at 3:00 AM, have a 3 hour lay-over, and then head to Argentina at 6:00 AM arriving at OUR NEW COUNTRY at 8:00 AM on Oct. 20th!
~Please pray for our kids ears, they always have LOTS of pain when flying.
~Please pray that our babies will be able to sleep on the plane and on our lay-over.
Thank you tons for your prayers! We'll try to blog again (once we're in Argentina) as soon as we can. Y'all are the BEST! =)

praying for you all! Is. 26:3
Trust that all goes well for you and your family on the trip to Argentina and once you arrive there. May God richly bless your endeavors for Him!!
We have been praying for you all, and will continue to do so!!
love you all much,
Heaven will be so much sweeter for you and your precious family!! I know God is going with you and will work out every detail! Can't wait to hear from you again! You are so amazing, that is why God chose you to be Phillip's wife. Many blessings and prayers your way. love you tons
Praying for u all today!
Praying with ceasing! For some reason I have felt more lonely for you 7 the last two days. Perhaps it is because you will be further a way. I know that he God who is calling is also working. Until I hear from our Missionary to Argentina, Farewell! I love you, Moma
So glad to hear you are safe in Argentina! After commenting earlier on this post I later thought that maybe I should give you a warning that the Lego truck in the fridge just might be Elijah's effort to compete with his Mommy's Fun Friday Food on her blog. I love both Mommy and Son, Moma
Will continue to pray for you! May the Lord be especially near in the coming days!! Anxiously awaiting news from ARGENTINA!!!
-Sis. Jowers
Praise the Lord. This is such great news. Thank you Jesus.
Love to all, Dad/Gramp
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