Mary has learned to climb into her walker and this morning she was just standing there...balancing on the top edge! =} I think she thinks she is "Super Woman" or "Super Mary" or something. =)~
~Mary climbing into the already packed suitcase!~
~Playing in my cabinet while I'm trying to make pumpkin scones and breakfast.
In spite of my 2 Precious little "helpers" Jesus is helping us to get lots done. I don't think we have ever had this much done 3 days before we are to fly. =) I attribute it to Y'ALL'S PRAYERS!!! THANK YOU!!!~
~Last weekend Kimberly and Sarah invited Nataly and Gaby over to our house to spend some time with them before we leave. Since I have "just a tad on my plate" Phillip took us to the mall and bought us supper. [What a sweetheart!] =) Here's Kimberly and Nataly fixin' to eat!~
~Phillip, my friend Marisol, and I. (I had somethings I had to give to her and since she lives right behind the mall she met us there.)
~Elijah, Sarah, Gaby, and Noah waiting for their food.~
~Nataly and Kimberly playing a game (There's our little helper again!=).~
~On Saturday morning Sarah knocked on my door and asked me to come downstairs. She and Gaby had fixed Breakfast for all of us. =) (I had been awake for quite awhile, but was taking care of baby Mary. I knew the girls had stayed up late to talk, so wasn't in a hurry to rush down and make breakfast.)~
~Noah snapped this picture of me in the kitchen making lunch/supper.~
How we are going to miss Nataly and Gaby and their precious family! We are thankful that God has given our girls some good friends like Nataly and Gaby! =)
( Nataly y Gaby...les queremos mucho! Vamos a estar orando mucho por ustedes y su familia aqui en Colombia mientras estamos en Argentina!)
Translation: Nataly and Gaby we love you both a lot! We are going to be praying a lot for y'all and your family here in Colombia while we are in Argentina! =)

These pictures with Mary in them are so cute. I like the picture too of Elijah in his high-chair with his hand raised high. That boy is always giving life everything he's got. How nice of Sarah and Gaby to make breakfast for the family! You look cute making your supper, Heather.
Love, Mom D
Yes, I too liked your "do" as the girls are always calling people's hairstyles! I love your sweet lil' helpers! Fun post and fun friends. Glad the Lord has given your family such close friends. You all are in our prayers as well as the dear church folk you leave behind! May God sustain the work there and their hearts as they labor for them!
Love you dearly,
Mary is so cute! Give her a squeeze for me! Love ya'll,
I love the pics of Mary. She is getting SOOOOOOOOOOOO big!!! I can't believe it!!!!
I loved all her 1 year pics, SOOOOOOOOOOO SWEET!!!! :)
Praying for you as you go to Argentina.
So glad your children have good children to play with. The breakfast table was cute. That Mary is a busy little thing. So happy you post a lot of pics. It is fun to see all they do and watch them grow. love you tons
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