~And here is our dryer. =) Thankfully, right now is windy so the clothes dry pretty fast!~
~Next we make breakfast (I made quiche this morning and a fruit salad) and then we'll bathe a baby Mary. Then she lays beside Daddy (who is reading his Bible) while I find her some clothes...and we can tell that she is ready for a nap....~
~Yep...thought so!~
~After she gets up we do several attempts of trying to get a picture of Mary...to show Gram that her hair is getting long enough to put in a little barrette.~
~Next we realize that the house is QUIET...so we must go and find Elijah...who was waiting to get into the tub. We found him...he had climbed up into my closet and was playing in Mary's hair things. =)~
~Now, we'll go on a walk in our neighborhood, so we can see what kind of stores we have around us. WOW! That's exciting...look at all the fruits and veggies in that store. YEA!...And look what else I see....~
~YUMMY Strawberries~
~Now...we'll walk a little over a mile to the main grocery store. Look at all this variety of fun crusty breads for sale.~
~And lots of different types of pastas too~
~And a HUGE long cooler full of every kind of cheese one kind think of. We haven't found it, but hopefully they sell cottage cheese here too.
[And right after we take this pic, the guard comes and tells us that we are NOT allowed to take pics in this store.
(I thought to myself...Really...WHY NOT?...this is just a grocery store.)
But, I obeyed and put our camera away...and felt sad. =( ]~
Now, we'll go back home and heat up some pizza for supper. Just after we get it on our rackless oven, and Phillip goes on a walk...the lights go off...and baby Mary starts wailing. The lights stay off for about 45 mins. THANK THE LORD we had purchased a fun candle as part of my centerpiece for our table...for that is how we were able to see when to get the pizza out of the oven and help Mary to stop crying. =)
We make a phone call to Thomas [who helped us get this apt.] to tell him that we'd like to continue living here, if they could please fix a few things...like the CD player, the internet which only works every 3rd day, etc. =)
Thankfully, they are VERY NICE and helpful and just left after spending about 2 hours here trying to fix everything. They plan to come back tomorrow to continue to make sure that everything is fixed...for I think they want us happy, for they seem happy to have us here. =)
[Before the owner left, she went and bought me an oven rack. YEA!!!!]
God is GREAT...ALL THE TIME! Thanks for coming to visit me, grab a piece of lemon cake sprinkled with BLUEBERRIES, and WALNUT as you leave!
(YES!!!!! We were THRILLED to find blueberries and walnuts here!!)
Please come again REALLY SOON! =D

Thanks for letting us be apart of your "day"!!! So glad you have all the nice veggie's and cheese and breads!!! YUM! Great minds must think alike, for we are having pizza for supper too! ;)
Love you all much,
So glad you guys are settling in and you are finding the things you need. God Bless.
I enjoyed "following you around" for a day! That is exciting about finding all those fruits and veggies! Love ya,
I enjoyed reading about your lives! Prayers for you all, Emily A.
That was a fun visit! I enjoyed going to the grocery store with you and "seeing" what your day is like. Blessings to your dear family, as you minister in Argentina!
Thank you for sharing about Baby Mary's hair barrette. Quite an accomplishment for a one year old, looks like she is trying to be like her Mommy but got the color mixed up. Great Grandma Bryan thinks she saw a touch of red but I think that it is auburn. Dear sweet pictures of some dear sweet kiddies. I do not like your "washing machine" and hope soon you can get that laundry mat figured out. The breads and pasta's are so picturesque. The fruits and veggies are lovely, the wonderful creation of our Heavenly Father. Thanks Baby Mary for the sweet smiles for Gram. Love, Moma
I really enjoyed my day with you,but didn't care for your washing machine either. You and Kimberly did make it look fun tho! Love all those veggies. Makes me think of the health food stores in Az. Glad you got an oven rack. love you tons. Can't wait to visit you again!!
Little Mary's eyes are soooooooooo blue and pretty! And Elijah hiding in the closet playing with her hair stuff was so cute :o) So happy that you have such a variety of markets to shop at. Are the prices pretty good there? Just curious! You are a pretty good tour guide!!
I've really been enjoying seeing what Argentina is like!! :-) So thankful you all had a safe trip and are settling it!!! Praying for you all!!!
I enjoyed seeing your city of BA from the roof of your apt.
Have mercy! Even when you go to a laundermat, you'll have bushes and bundles of clothes, no car, and clothes piled above your arms and head! I can see it now, clothes dropped behind you in a trail of socks, undies, blouses, pants, and blankets. (Just joking, just joking!)
It is SO INTERESTING seeing the gobs of foods in your stores. I guess with 12,900 people in that city, there is a demand for a BIG VARIETY of foods.
When you wrote, "And look what else I see.", I thought you were going to say you saw Noah. He looked so nice, all combed and dressed up. Little busy Mary looked so cute after her bath, too. I can see so much of you when you were a little girl in her face, and I can see the Sutherland/Dickinson look also. And I love it that your blue eyes are being the dominant factor in your children. Dear little Elijah went from being the star of the show, and from being Mama's baby, to being a busy little boy who keeps himself entertained. He's such an adorable ray of sunshine. What language does your family speak to the shop keepers when you are in a food store? What language do you speak to Thomas and to your landlady? What language did the security guard use to tell you not to take pictures?
I've stayed up too late and my brain has quit working, so I'm going to close this for now but
I thoroughly enjoyed hearing all the details of a day in your life. Thanks for sharing with us, Heather! Love, Mom D
Isn't God good to let you have LOTS of different varieties of fun fruits, breads, pasta and walnuts too! Yea! I'm sooooo happy for you! And praising Jesus with you too!
Gotta get this "School Haus" underway for this day! =) MUCH LOVE,
Heather, you are amazing. You make being a missionary wife with 5 homeschooled children, in a far away country, look like such a breeze! May the Lord continue to richly bless your home. I enjoy your updates so much, and pray for you every day. Love to all, Carla
Exciting trip to the store with you! And I will gladly share a bit of your treats. God bless you in these early days in Argentina! Always remember: Carbs are a great source of energy for the body! ;o)
Loved going with you on your daily rounds. Since I worked for Wal-Mart's corporate office for 20 years, I'll tell you that they also do not allow pictures to be taken in their stores -- because they're so afraid their competition will see them. Of course, their competition already knows their prices, it's just a game, I think. :) I know your post is an old one, but I'm just reading it today. Love you all, Aunt E.
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