~ I had planned to decorate with different colors, but when I went shopping for the plates, cups, napkins, etc. the colors I wanted weren't there...but due to halloween, they had a lot of ORANGE! So, I changed my colors and decided to decorate with pink and orange. =) The Lord helped Kimberly and I make Mary's # "1" birthday cake and it turned out so FUN...exactly how I had pictured it. ~
~In case you can't read it...there is an "st" on the orange star...so with the "1" candle it spells "1st".~
~Looking at my scrapbooks while waiting for the last guests to arrive.~
~The kids table with a baby Mary peeking around Noah's chair. Phillip plans to post about these later...but our pastor's wife and husband from Medellin made the jeans skirts that Kimberly, Sarah, and I are wearing (and the shirt that Noah is wearing too)...as gifts to us. =)~
~We had a wonderful evening together. I just served a simple meal. My Mother-in-law's taco salad, a yummy punch, cake and ice cream.~
~Sorry, I was too busy dishing up plates to remember to take this picture when the punch bowl was full. Jesus helped it be yummy...and I had to fill it up twice. =)~
~Mommy, Mary and her cake~
~We sang to Mary and clapped and Mary wasn't quite for sure WHY the celebration...but she grinned shyly and watched us clap. =)~
~We also made a jello cake for Phillip and Bro. Jimmy's sake. =)~
~Mary enjoying some bites of her cake and ice cream.~
~Kimberly has taught Mary to say "Wow!" So here she is saying, "Wow" over her nice gifts she received. =) Mary also says, "Gracias" (Thank you in Spanish!) I hope to video her saying it some time.~
~And at last, she got to open her doll baby from Phillip and I. We would have never guessed that she would have reacted so much. She L.O.V.E.S. her doll. The little bear that the doll is holding plays music. When Phillip took her doll to take it out of the box for her, Mary began fussing. =)~
~Look at her sweet smile looking at her new dolly.~
~One happy Daddy with his 3 girls...with a cute smiling Elijah in the left hand corner. =)~
~I was happy to find this cute little outfit for Mary's birthday in our mall for a great price. I love the cute little 1" tall piece of aqua piece sewn in at the neck, and the little orange belt in the skirt. =D It's got a cute little doggie, flowers, a hippo, and a purse on it. The skirt is a tad long...but the blouse is a smaller size than the skirt (and they didn't have any other sizes), so I knew that she has to wear it now before she outgrows the matching blouse. =)
Thank you, Dear Jesus, for sending us our sweet Baby Mary! |

Baby Mary looks adorable! I'm happy that she had such a nice birthday!
Dearest Heather,
Wow, you and Jesus did it again and had a beautiful birthday party for Mary! So sweet! l Love her little outfit and Her cake was perfect! God is good all the time! Love & Prayers, Hannah Klunder
What a sweet baby girl. It was so cute "seeing" her say wow! and also how she loved her baby when she is only a baby herself. But God made little girls to want to grow into Mommies and they know early just what to do. Who would ever have thought a few years back about putting orange with pink but it goes together nicely and made for pretty decorations. Loved the pictures. I love you all, Moma
I love the expression that Mary gets on her face when she's looking intently at something; like the picture here where she's looking at the cake and ice cream in her bowl, and the pose of her looking at the apple in her first birthday pictures.
I should have known that Mary would love her new dolly. Every one of your girls have always adored their doll babies. I think your love for babies must be contagious and your girls have inherited that from you. Smile.
I really like your orange sweater that matched baby Mary's cute, new outfit, and that matched your pink and orange decorations. Also, I like Mary's cake that turned out adorable and festive.
Man, Heather, you went from loving white decor in your home to having some very bright color in your home and life. But you're a sweetheart and have made the change gracefully. Bless you for being flexible.
Love, Mom D
Such a sweet and adorable post. What a special blessing children are. We are enjoying Deron beyond what words can describe. Mary sure had a nice celebration. So glad Jesus helped with the cake. love you all tons
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