~Mary got to sit in Elijah's high chair to eat her breakfast. (I would move him out of there and let her have it, but when he eats...he E.A.T.S....and there is food everywhere. It's easier to clean up the high chair than the side of the tablecloth, the floor, the chair, etc. =)
~While we were eating breakfast we called and let Mary talked to Daddy (Phillip) since he was visiting our church in Cartagena and couldn't be with us for Mary's birthday. =(
~Kimberly and I made cookies and made a pinky/peachy icing and wrote "M" (for Mary) on some cookies and a "1" (for first birthday) on others and took them to church to pass out after church that night.~
~Baby Mary and her "big brother" Elijah. =)~
~Kimberly is holding a sleeping Baby Mary and Bro. Jimmy is holding her one little hand, and I'm holding her other hand and we are praying for her on her birthday...then afterwards we sang to her. It was a special time. (Thank you, Bro. Edgar, for taking and sending me this picture. Gracias, Hermano Edgar, por tomar y mandarme esta foto.)~
~Our church people were happy that Mary had had a birthday...for they got cookies. =)~

What a nice first birthday your little Mary had! She had pictures taken in her white dress, she got to sit in Elijah's high chair to eat her hearty breakfast, she talked to her daddy by phone, she got to take a nap while the church people prayed (and Elijah kept watch) for her, then she got to have a cookie with her church friends, and she received some cute gifts; including the toothbrush that tasted so good to her. I am anxious to see how she takes to her new baby doll when she gets it.
You're such a good little mama to your childen, Heather. I love seeing all you do for your family.
Love, Mom D
Sweet post from my friend Sherry! I agree Mary had a real nice 1st birthday! Cute, cute, cute is what she is. Love the pic of her and Elijah! The coat from Gram and Gramp is so cute. I don't know why but I am missing you all sooo terribly as of late. :( love you all tons
It looks like Mary had a great 1st birthday. She's so cute!!
Loved getting to see these pictures of Elijah and Mary. In each picture that I see of them they always look just too cute! =)
Love you guys,
It's hard to believe that your baby Mary is already ONE! And she just keeps getting cuter ;) Love the birthday pics in her white dress - so sweet!
And I hope you get your magazines in good time!
Sweet birthday post! Your baby girl looks more and more like you did at "1". I know that she "can't wait" untill Daddy gets home for hugs, kisses and a new baby doll! Wish we could be there. Love, Moma
SO CUTE! Thanks for letting us be "apart" of her first birthday! It is hard to believe that she is already a big one!!! :) That little ponytail is TO CUTE!
Love you all,
How sweet! Love you all much, Laura
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