The Long, Long, L.O.N.G. night is past…and I can blog at last! =) Wow! Where do I begin? I guess…I’ll start at the beginning. =) The Lord helped us as Kimberly, Sarah, and I got all the laundry washed, hung up, dried, and packed or folded and put away before we left. (The Lord held back the rain so things could dry and we got lots of laundry done! Things that could not wait for 4 1/2 months to be the boy’s comforter, etc. ) We were able to get everything we wanted to take, packed and ready to go by 3:00 P.M. JUST THAT MORNING Bro. Jimmy had “just happened” to ask for the cell phone number of the driver of the van in which his girls ride to school each day. Soon after that is when Phillip called to tell him that our van had cancelled on us and did he have any suggestions. His van is the one who ended up taking Bro. Jimmy, Sis. Farly and our family and all of our luggage to the airport. Coincidence? Hardly! =)
check email before packing up our computer…and that is when we got an email saying
that there was a furnished apartment that we could rent if we were interested!! (The owner hadn’t wanted to rent to us since
“we are so many”, but the Lord must have moved on her heart and she decided
that she would let us rent her apartment for our first month if we liked what
we saw when we arrived!) Isn’t God awesome?!!!!!!!!!!!
We got to the airport and were a tad concerned that
every thing would weigh in ok. (I always breathe a SIGH OF RELIEF when that
part is done!) Come to find out the website AND our travel agent had given us
the wrong info. We could have packed 20
more lbs. in each big suitcase!!!! So, they
let us check 5 of our 6 carry-ons as well.
That made it SO MUCH easier to travel with 2 babies!! =)~Bro. Jimmy, Sis. Farly, our family and our luggage outside the airport.~We then headed to McD’s to have a quick bite and last minute time with Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Farly. Each time we say goodbye to our DEAR Colombian friends it gets HARDER!
~We left with tears in our eyes and lumps in our throats.~
After we ate we were running to get in line to go through customs when the lady who had checked us out met us and told us that we had to go and pay taxes for Baby Mary. Phillip ran to do that but due to a problem with their system it took quite awhile. He then came back to me…concerned that we HURRY as to not miss our flight! As we were walking very fast toward our gate, that same lady arrived to call ahead and tell them we were coming and escort us to our plane. =) (God takes GOOD CARE of His people!=)
God gave us a GREAT 5 hour and 20 min. flight with an airlines called TAM. They gave us service with a smile! Before they served us the first of 2 Delicious HOT MEALS and drinks…they passed out HOT WET WIPES for us to wash our hands first. =)
Baby Mary "visiting" with the people in the row in front of her.=)
~Phillip, Mary, Elijah, and Noah.
(Phillip was giving me a break and holding Baby Mary, for we knew that the rest of the night I would have her on my lap.)~
~Kimberly, Sarah, and I.~
~Thank you for praying…Mary and Elijah both slept some on both planes!~
~We arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil at midnight our time…only to discover that it was 3:00 AM their time! So, we had just lost 3 HOURS of our night! =( We waited our 3 hour layover here…on seats that are NOT made for one to lie down. So, I made myself a bed on the HARD floor hiding behind some seats and this tired Mommy slept while Phillip and Kimberly took turns watching a VERY AWAKE Mary! =)~
Our second flight went beautifully as well and we arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina this morning at 8:00 AM their time (6:00 AM our time.) We went through customs and found out that we had to pay $140 US per person entrance fee into Argentina! Whew! We weren’t expecting that! (Thankfully you only have to pay that entrance fee once every 10 years!)
Then Phillip took the kids and I and our 3 carts of luggage (which all arrived safely!=) to sit down while he ran to do very necessary business like withdrawing money, exchanging it, checking email to see if he had heard back from that apartment, finding transportation for us, etc. We waited there for 3 HOURS…the longest 3 hours of my life. =) It wouldn’t have been so hard if there had been a playground or something to entertain some VERY tired children. Thankfully towards the end Phillip started taking a very active Elijah with him where ever he would go.
~Here's where we waited while Phillip did everything he had to do before we could leave the airport.~
Phillip called the realtor named Thomas from the apartment and he said we could come and see it and meet the owner. Phillip found us transportation…but we had to ride in 2 separate vehicles. The girls and I in one, and Phillip and the boys in another…a 45 min. ride in a VERY LARGE unknown city…having NO CELL PHONES to keep in contact…HOPING that we arrived at the same destination. Thankfully we did. The girls and I arrived first, and then shortly thereafter Phillip and the boys arrived. =) The apartment is very nice and very roomy for a 2 bedroom apartment.
I had been praying that if it were God’s will that we could go straight to an apartment rather than camp out in a hotel for days, for I only wanted to have to settle ONCE. After the owner met us she told us that if we want to rent her apartment for the full time we are here…we may!!!!! God worked a miracle and they are taking our word that we will finish paying them as soon as we can. (For...Remember that we weren't prepared for the nearly $1,000 in entrance fees that we had to pay at the airport!)
Have I mentioned that we serve an AWESOME GOD?!!
I'm posting this from a table in our new apartment...We have internet too! (Which means we won't have to drag our kids to dirty internet cafes.)I’ll post pics of our apartment later! THANK YOU FOR PRAYING! We’re here safe and sound and we like what we have seen of Argentina so far. Now, we hope to get settled in…AFTER we get some sleep! =)

THANK THE LORD, THANK THE LORD, THANK THE LORD!!! God is SO GOOD!!! Writing with tears in my eyes as we rejoice in ALL of your answered prayers!!!
Sis. Jowers
Thank you for taking time to share this news. God has gone before our children and we thank Him. So many answers to prayer, surely He went before you and will lead you to the souls that need and want Biblical Truths. Daddy was the first to see your post and tried several times to leave a comment, he just came in from his study and we opened it on the home computer and he asked that I please sign his name so here goes, Love from a grateful Daddy and Moma
Was texting with Laura this morning and was so thrilled with how God had answered our specific prayer that you all go straight to your new home! Benji and I have had special prayer for you all each day in Bible time the last few weeks re. your move to Argentina. We are praying God gives you many stalwart souls in Argentina that will serve Him the rest of their lives. Love, Aunt Nesi and Benji
Praise the Lord for your safe arrival and all the other details He worked out!Thanks for being so quick to update. We love all of you bunches!
PTL, PTL, PTL!!! SO glad you were able to give us the news quickly. I had been praying & thinking of you during the night as you were travelling. Can't wait to see pics of your new home!
Thanking our wonderful Heavenly Father for your safe arrival!! I read your blog on Sunday a.m. and was fairly blown away that y'all were heading that way w/ not knowing where 'home' was going to be. I so much enjoyed reading all about your answers to prayer before, during and on your safe arrival to your new field!! Praise the Lord! I tried to send a note on Sunday, but after getting it all just how I wanted it....cyberspace ate it! We love y'all and do so much want to come down to see you if you could find something for us to help w/ for a few days. Love EABII and tribe
Thanking our wonderful Heavenly Father for your safe arrival!! I read your blog on Sunday a.m. and was fairly blown away that y'all were heading that way w/ not knowing where 'home' was going to be. I so much enjoyed reading all about your answers to prayer before, during and on your safe arrival to your new field!! Praise the Lord! I tried to send a note on Sunday, but after getting it all just how I wanted it....cyberspace ate it! We love y'all and do so much want to come down to see you if you could find something for us to help w/ for a few days. Love EABII and tribe
Sounds like an exciting trip! So glad you are in your new apartment. Praying that you get settled in quickly. Love, Prayers, and Hugs!
I was very surprised to see an update already. It is just like God to surpass our expectations and give you all so many answers to prayer. I felt panicky for you when you were waiting while Philip did the paper work and etc. and then the seperate car rides. Oh girl! Please rest and do nothing for awhile :-)
Isn't GOD so awesome?! Praise the Lord that everything worked out, and you had safe travels as well!
We love you all SO much! Thanks for posting the pictures, we loved getting to see them. I just love the picture of Mary "going visiting".
So thankful our prayers have been answered. I haven't commented on your blog posts, but I've been reading and reporting to our church and asking for prayer for you guys. Hope you all settle in quickly and get rested up.
Nicki Woodard
So happy that you've safely arrived in Argentina and that God has provided you a place to stay!!
Heather, what a beautiful testimony of God's grace, care and provision for His special children! You and your family are an inspiration to me as we are getting ready to go down the path of being a missionary family very soon! It is AWESOME to see how God goes before and works out the little yet importnat details! Tears are freely flowing down my cheeks and will be praying as God continues to use you all there in doubt He has BIG plans for you! Get LOTS of rest!
Prayers & Hugs!
~Liz Flowers
SOOOOO Happy that you're there safely and that Jesus gave you an apartment!!! and for all the other answers to prayer :) Thanks for the update! Love you guys and praying that you'll get lots of rest :) the song and Scripture "His Eye is on the Sparrow" has been going over in my mind and it surely is true!
Isn't it amazing how God takes care of His children!
My sweet Daddy tried to post this comment and it wouldn't let I'm posting it for him. =]
Praise the Lord. This is such great news. Thank you Jesus.
Love to all, Dad/Gramp
We were thrilled to hear of your safe arrival and how God answered so many prayers for your family. God is so good! We are continuing to remember you in our prayers.
Oh Heather, what an amazing, personal God we serve!! Thank you so much for sharing your "God moments" with us. My momma says those are hugs straight from the Lord. It encourages me and brings tears to my eyes. Continuing in prayer for your family, Carla
Thank the Lord soooooooooo Happy for you!!! Love, Hannah Klunder
Soooo glad to know you're there & prayers...
Thank the Lord!!!!
Oh Heather! What a Mighty God we serve!!! So happy for all the answers to prayer! God always does above and beyond what we humans can imagine! I am estatic for you all!!! I knew God was going take care of His special family!! So happy you could update us so soon. Praying and love you tons
My main prayer was that Jesus would heal your kids ears and send you "Home" not to a motel PTL, God is sooooo good! Much love,Laura
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