Besides washing, sorting, cleaning, and packing...we've also been...=)
~Learning new songs and recording them so that the church will have music to sing them while I'm gone.
~Me waiting to record... with Gaby and Sarah behind me.~
Here is Bro. Edgar recording for us. Muchas Gracias, Hermano!! (Thank you, Brother!)~
~Dear Sis. Farly always keeps the church as clean as can be. She and Bro. Jimmy have servants' hearts as BIG as Texas! =)~
Our Sarah has wanted to be baptized for 3 years she is very happy that tomorrow (Monday, Oct. 17th), Lord willing, she will get to get baptized along with her friend Gaby! Tomorrow our whole church will leave in a bus from our church at 6:00 AM to head to a place about 2 hours away to have the baptisms. We will come back that night. (So, you can pray for me on Tuesday as I try to get all of the wet clothes washed up, hang them to dry, (in the rainy season!), continue packing and get all the loose ends tied together before we fly on Argentina on Wednesday.=)
~Gaby and Sarah at their baptism class.~
~The Lord gave us a precious service today! Lots of tears, and a close sense of His presence.~
~One side of the church. Notice Noah's friend has his arm around Noah in the right hand corner of this picture.~
~Worshiping Jesus in the back of the church as well. (We always have someone back there to greet new people, give them a songbook, or Bible, and to keep a watch on things so no one comes in and steals, etc.)
~Praying for the group to get baptized tomorrow, Lord willing.~
~Nataly and Kimberly teaching Sunday school.~
~Phillip preaching. He was sad when he got to church and realized he had forgotten his tie upstairs. =) Poor man he has soooooo MUCH on his mind with getting ready to leave, it's a wonder he didn't forget his Bible too. =) The Lord helped him as he preached.~
Jesus made me a people person. I L!O!V!E! people! When Phillip is called to serve another group of people it's not long before they have wrapped themselves right around my heart! =) I rejoice when they are doing well spiritually, I am burdened when they aren't, etc.
I remember growing up in a pastor's home and each time that God would call My Daddy to another church, how the TEARS would flow as I told that group of friends goodbye. (But a good thing about that is...that I'm very wealthy in friends now! One can never have too many friends! =)
I guess the Lord knew how to prepare me for being a pastor/missionary's wife. =) It seems our lives are full of Goodbyes and I cry every time. This morning through tears I tried to admonish our people to stay true to Jesus and if we don't meet again here on this earth, to make sure we meet in Heaven!
Won't Heaven be wonderful? No more goodbyes!
~The church praying for our family.~
~This week Phillip has printed off 150 certificates to give to the people who have attended the classes that he and others like our brother-in-law Daryl have taught here in Colombia. They only got a certificate if they attended and did their homework. Here he is passing out the certificates.~
~We were sooooo SAD when we (being in the USA) received the news that Sis. Farly's Daddy was hit by a taxi in front of our church! =( He went to Heaven shortly thereafter.
So, Phillip printed his certificate and gave it to his wife as a keepsake. It was a touching time.
This is Sis. Farly's Mom with the certificate and Phillip.~
~Recording a couple more songs after church this morning. (I would have loved to have had Kimberly play her violin yesterday as I recorded, but Elijah still wasn't well enough to come out in the cool evening air so she kept him at the house while Phillip and I ran to the church to record.~
~Sis. Joanna and Heather Sofia patiently waiting while Edgar helped us record.~
~Our 3 youngest trying to color and keep quiet so Mommy could record. =)~
Please pray for the baptisms tomorrow that God will come in a special way!

Very nice post! Thank you for all you've shared with us... it really makes us feel like friends! We love you guys and are praying for you.
As you all prepare for Argentina, Benji and I have been praying special for you all each day in Bible Time before we begin earthly schoolwork. We pray that God just makes every door open so smoothly and quickly that you know it's Him. We anticipate that next week at this time you will be all settled into your new home and God will be working out each and EVERY detail! Love to you all, Aunt Nesi
Thought of you this morning when I read Psalm 90:1. Being in the presence of Jesus is what makes a home, not a certain location (my version of the verse ;o) Praying for you during this transition.
thanks for posting your heart! Love you much and enjoyed our chat on Sat. Love you and our hearts go with you along with our prayers! Love you all SOOOOO much,
Can't believe how TALL your Sarah is!!! Poor Darla has girls 8 yrs old taller than she is! =)
So precious Sarah wanted to be baptised! Praying for you all for strength and help to get it all together.Bless your dear hearts. love you all tons
Praying for your beautiful family as you enter a new phase in ministry! (And thank you for all the wonderful recipes--I've tried a ton of new things this fall!)
Heather, So sorry about the delay, I have tried to email you from my new email that I gave you and it keeps coming back 'error' so I am going to have to see what's going on with it now. Don't know if you received the one I sent with my mailing address but if not it is PO Box 302 Nelsonville, Ohio 45764 We are having our WOW meeting Tues. Oct 18 and will be having special prayer for your travels and housing needs.
Love and Prayers,
Our prayers are with you as you fly tomorrow! (We used to say as we cross "over the pond" when flying to Europe!) that wouldn't apply to you all though for your geographical locations are different!=) We are asking Jesus to heal your kids ears, and keep you all safe and sane as you fly over-night... again no fun, speaking from experience! How we love you and our hearts go with you! You are in our thoughts and prayers every waking moment!
Much love from this Haus to yours!
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