I'm needing to make contact with Valerie Heskett. There is a problem with email and my emails aren't getting through to her. If any of you are in her Women of Worth group and could ask her to please write to me as soon as possible, I'd appreciate it tons! =)
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Just like when we arrived in Colombia we are heading to Buenos Aires, Argentina...not knowing anyone (but a couple that Phillip met when he was there a year ago.) We have no idea where we are going to live, if we'll have internet, if I'll even have an oven or if we'll celebrate Thanksgiving in a hotel room cooking on a one eye burner, how often we'll get to check our email, and update my blog. If I'll even be able to bake any recipes to post on "Fun Food Friday", etc. Phillip had planned to make another trip to Argentina before we all go....but that didn't work out this time. So, for now we are planning on staying in the hotel where Phillip stayed, and then trying to look for a place to rent. I'm sort of feelin' like Sarah must have when Abram broke the news to her that they were leaving their city...not knowing where they'd go. =)
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Just like when we arrived in Colombia we are heading to Buenos Aires, Argentina...not knowing anyone (but a couple that Phillip met when he was there a year ago.) We have no idea where we are going to live, if we'll have internet, if I'll even have an oven or if we'll celebrate Thanksgiving in a hotel room cooking on a one eye burner, how often we'll get to check our email, and update my blog. If I'll even be able to bake any recipes to post on "Fun Food Friday", etc. Phillip had planned to make another trip to Argentina before we all go....but that didn't work out this time. So, for now we are planning on staying in the hotel where Phillip stayed, and then trying to look for a place to rent. I'm sort of feelin' like Sarah must have when Abram broke the news to her that they were leaving their city...not knowing where they'd go. =)
~A picture of Buenos Aires, Argentina...a city of 15 million souls!~
Now, I'm not telling you this to make you get out your hanky and dab at your eyes....I'm just talking from my heart and asking you to Pray with us that God will guide our every step. =) Please pray that God will guide us as to where to live, what souls to touch for Him, etc.
Phillip was just reading somewhere from a family that has moved a
lot...that "unknown surroundings" can make a child feel insecure. But,
the writer went on to say that his wife does her very best to decorate, take the kids to the park, etc. to make them secure in who they
are even in the midst of unknown surroundings!
All that to say...that
is one reason I do my best to decorate with flowers, make fun table settings, decorate for each season,
and bake lots...for it really helps my family's hearts...and my heart too! =)
We are moving to Argentina on October 19th, Lord willing, but have tickets to return to Colombia in March to be here for some classes in the churches, and to work on some important Colombian papers. We plan on still making trips into Colombia and working with the churches here for years to come!
These first steps of faith into a new country are hard...but we know that God is calling us and like He has done in Colombia, He will raise up a work in Argentina in His will and time.
These first steps of faith into a new country are hard...but we know that God is calling us and like He has done in Colombia, He will raise up a work in Argentina in His will and time.
I know that God will go before us/and with us...for He always has. Our family is looking forward to this adventure! We'll try to keep you posted as often as we can when we get to Argentina. Thank you for your prayers and your sweet comments...they mean A LOT to me/us!~

My prayers are with you and your family, Heather!
We have been, and will continue to pray for your upcoming trip to Argentina, and all the details involved!
We love you all much,
We will be remembering your family in prayer as you leave to go to Argentina on October 19th.
Our prayers are going with you too!
Just last week, Gracie saw some pictures of a gymnast...she said that's what she wanted to be when she grew up. After I shuddered a little, I showed her your blog and pictures, told her all about you and what a virtuous and courageous lady you are for God.
I told her that Daddy and I would be very happy for her to be a lady who follows God wherever He leads her and tells others about Him. Thank you for being a beautiful role model for my little girl.
I really appreciate you!
Thank you for this sweet post. Of course we are praying for you and all of the Phillip Dickinsons. I think of the talk Moses and God had in Exodus 33... God promised him, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
Dearest Heather, I know we are human and the devil tries to make us uneasy, but I know God is going to take care of you there as He has done in Colombia. I can't wait to hear about the beautiful house, apt, that God leads you too and all the wonderful friends and answers to prayer. I am so excited about it. love you tons
Even though you were MANY miles away, we had such a BLESSED time at the altar last evening praying for your ENTIRE family! Bro. Eisenhart challenged us as a church to hold your family up with prayer and fasting and helped us to know how to pray for some of your needs! You are WONDERFUL missionaries and I know the Lord is going to bless the work in Argentina as He has in Columbia!
We love you all...give the kids hugs for me!!!
-Sis. Jowers
Praying for you and your family, Heather, as you make this move. I pray things go as smooth and well as possible!!!
We will be praying for you and your family. Prayer is powerful, and God NEVER fails!
I appreciate you, Sis. Dickinson!
Love, Emily A.
life sounds very complex just now! i believe in you and i know the Lord will be with your family as you make this move...love and prayers!
Praying for you and your family during this time of transition. We love you!
Praying for you and your family during this time of frantic busyness and unknown adventures!
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