~These are the pretty flowers that Amparo brought to me when I was sick last week!~

On Tuesday, Sarah and Phillip arose early and went to the Prayer and Fast that is held every Tuesday, from 7:00-12:00 at one of our churches.
Pastor Jimmy, that used to pastor in Cartagena, moved here in May and he and his wife are in charge of the new ACE school (started by DeWayne Joslin and Helbert) that is above one of our churches. This school is free for the students, and they have 17 students attending that have never been schooled before. Pastor Jimmy also started a church a month ago, and has been wanting us to visit one of their services. So, on Wednesday, Amparo took charge of our normal service, and we went to visit Pastor Jimmy's church, and God helped Phillip to preach. The next day, Pastor Jimmy told Phillip that GOD HAD LED HIM TO PREACH EXACTLY WHAT HIS CHURCH NEEDED! Glory to God!
~Phillip preaching at Pastor Jimmy's church~

On Thursday Phillip went calling in one of our churches areas, then there was our normal Thursday evening service. Thursday I got a rare treat, and got to call my dear sister Laura, in Romania. They have had the TLC team with them for the last 3 weeks, so it was fun catching up on all that had happened. Then my kids begged me to take them to the park. It has been raining almost every day...and they were SICK of being in the house. So, we went to the park, and as we were wallking there, IT STARTED RAINING! So, we ran back and got our raincoats...and PRAYED, AND ASKED JESUS TO PLEASE HELP IT TO QUIT RAINING, FOR OUR KIDS NEEDED SOME FRESH AIR. HE STOPPED THE RAIN FOR ABOUT A HALF AN HOUR, AND THEY HAD FUN PLAYING, THEN IT STARTED RAINING AGAIN, AND WE CAME HOME! THAT'S MY GOD...I LOVE IT...that He cares about the smallest detail, and LOVES TO ANSWER PRAYER FOR HIS CHILDREN!! =)
On Friday, my friend Neyla, from the fruit market, came to practice her English and my Spanish. I do get to practice my Spanish, for when I talk in English, it's HARD TO TALK SLOW enough for her to understand. So, I say the sentence in English, and then say it in Spanish to make sure she understood what I was saying. We had a good day together. We made a yummy Colombian dish called, "Arroz con Pollo"..."Chicken with Rice"! We made enough to feed the whole Barrio (neighborhood) but it was delicious, and makes great left-overs too! =)
~Neyla and I and are HUGE pan of "Arroz Con Pollo" ("Chicken with Rice")~

Please continue to pray that I can touch Neyla's life for Jesus!
~The YUMMY Chicken with Rice and fried platano that Neyla and I made. My kids LOVED IT..they ate 4 plates EACH!~

Phillip was able to fix my vacuum cleaner. YEA! You see, our stairs in our house are carpet (which is RARE, for there is not a lot of carpet here!) So, after trying to sweep those stairs with a broom for 7 or 8 months, we finally were able to buy a vacuum. But....I had only used it 5 times, when it rolled down the stairs and quit working! UGH! I was beyond SAD! But, thank the Lord, it looks like He helped Phillip to be able to fix it up good! YEA! "Phillip, the vacuum man"! (Did I ever mention that Phillip is a SMART, DEAR husband?! (`~`) Neyla was here from 11:00-4:00 and after she left, I mixed up 140 oatmeal raisin cookies (and decided that I'd add choc. chips for a new taste...and we really like them =). These cookies are to pass out at our churches on Sunday (with some extras to bake up on Monday...for the AMAZON TLC team that we are to meet again. They still have some things for us, that they were unable to get to, when they first arrived.) Friday evening , while I was baking cookies, Kimberly and Phillip went to have the house service that he has every Friday night...and there were 13 there, and God helped! Today (Saturday), we went to the fruit market, got to talk to my parents and I was happy to hear that they are safe in their new home in Westfield, IN (after a LONG move!) Now we are getting ready for our BUSY Lord's day tomorrow! And there you have it...We thank God for His help this week!