~The girls and I thought this was so cute when we saw Mary sleeping with her arms crossed like this. =) (Sarah had put her to sleep rubbing her hair, so that is why it looks the way it does. =)~
~Elijah's birthday gifts.~
~Elijah is our "Curious George". I often call him "George" for at times HE makes Curious George look like an amuteur. Hee! Hee! So, I decided to use a Curious George theme for Elijah's birthday! I had fun making this cute but simple monkey cake. (Frost one layer of cake with choc. icing and place choc. rice krispies about an 1 1/2" around the edge of the top of the cake (leaving middle of cake without cereal for FACE) and all around the sides of the cake for his "fur". Use about 1 cup of white frosting mixed with some Peanut Butter for face. (With a mixer I mixed about 1/4 cup of Peanut Butter with COOLWHIP and it was DELICIOUS!!) Place this in a ziplock bag, cut a rather large hole and squeeze it out to make round face. (Smooth with knife.) Place 2 Hershey Kisses upside down for eyes, use some choc. frosting and pipe on for nose and mouth. Cut a choc. cookie in half for ears, peel a banana and place on top for his "hat". =) Enjoy!~

~We were all SAD for Elijah started getting sick on Friday...the day before his birthday. But Praise the Lord he was feeling
some better by the time we celebrated his birthday Saturday evening. (As you can tell he still wasn't himself yet.)~
~His Curious George monkey table~
~We had planned a grill out on our patio, but then it was cold and sprinkling, so Phillip just grilled our hamburgers, toasted the hamburger buns on the grill, and we ate inside. We enjoyed our delicious American style hamburgers, freshly squeezed lime-ade (made by Kimberly), my potato salad, chips and
Ranch dip (Which is a treat for us), and then Monkey cake and icecream.=)~
~Mary wore her "Monkey" jammies for the occassion. =)~
~Our family...minus Phillip who was taking the picture.~
~Our sweet Elijah with his monkey cake.~
~We bought a volcano candle and Elijah loved it.~
~Elijah with his gifts...minus the red jumping thing, (we're saving that until he is better. When he gets too active he coughs more.)
~Mommy and her "little" Elijah. (I was praying that Mary would be a girl...for I wanted another little girl, and because I wanted Elijah to stay my "baby boy". =)
~Kimberly and Sarah got blocks for Elijah. They were a big hit. Elijah loves them! Here Noah, Sarah, and Phillip are playing blocks with Elijah.~
~Another gift to Elijah is this nice bike which Noah outgrew and passed down to him. (Now...if he can only learn how to pedal front ways. This bike doesn't have pedal brakes, but is like a 10-speed and so the pedals go backwards...so he just sits there and pedals backwards and GOES NO WHERE! =)~
~Noah made this cute birthday card on your left and Sarah made the fun Curious George birthday card on your right.~
Elijah enjoyed his birthday so much he's already talking about having another one. =D~