~Our dear Pastor and wife (whom I call Grammy) were BRAVE people and invited all 27 of us to come over to their house for Sunday dinner. Since Laura and Moma had a lot of the food for our Sunday dinner prepared already we offered to bring our food to Grammy's house. Of course, Grammy as usual made lots of yummy food too! We had a delightful time! Here are the kids playing in their living room. THANK YOU, Pastor and Grammy, for everything!!!~
~Grammy helping at the table of our younger kids.~
~Here are Sarah, Grant, and Darla and they are all about 6 months apart. Though they have been "separated since birth" due to Darla living in FL, Russia, and Romania, Grant living in AK, Sarah living in AZ, Costa Rica, and Colombia...they are the BEST of friends! They had a wonderful time being together. They found that they have LOTS in common. =)~
~The young people's table. I'm sure that Keith and Drew kept all the girl cousins laughing!~
~Our table. My parents, Andrew and Vonnie, Linc and Lyn, Daryl and Laura, Pastor and Grammy, and Phillip and I ( but I'm taking the picture.=)~
~Our little baby Mary (3 months) looking over Aunt Lyn's shoulder. She didn't know that her Aunt Lyn and family were fixin' to leave to head back to VA and that she wouldn't see them again for possibly 2 years. =( It was SAD saying goodbye!~
~I think that maybe Drew got his tie a little short!?! =D~
~The men talking. (I could almost guarantee that with my brother Andrew there [who is an AVID hunter and has killed nearly everything in the book =] they were probably telling hunting stories! =)~
~Elijah borrowed one of Pastor's T-shirts to eat dinner in, so he didn't kill his clothes. The sad thing is that he probably KILLED Pastor's T-shirt!! =)~
~The ladies cleaning up. (Yes! That is me in the background...not helping cleaning up...for my baby Mary was needing her Mommy right then. Convenient, huh?! =)
~Little Mary getting some lovin' from Uncle Andrew...who was going back to AK soon.~
~Lincoln, Lyn, Keith and Kelsea left first, then Andrew and Vonnie and family pulled off in their rental van to take Heidi back to college (and then later they would fly back to AK) and Gramp and Gram headed back to their pastorate in IN. It was SAD for the Daryl, Laura and family, and us to stand on our street and see everyone leave, but we will always have the memories of our WONDERFUL family time together that Jesus helped us to have in January 2011!!!~
Janie E. took some really nice family pics of all of us while we were together but I'll post those later, Lord willing. =)

Trying to figure out Riley's hair! It looks like he has a lot more than I remember him having. :-)
Enjoyed the pictures and the memories. We had so much fun together. It seems that our family is sometimes saying "welcome" but most of the time saying "farewell". But how grateful we are for God's blessings. Love, Moma
It's been fun the last couple of days seeing all your family photos, I almost felt like I was there....well, it would have been more real having the food to go with the picts. :)
What a nice reunion. Love today's technology that makes all these posts and pics possible.
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