We sat down and we were eating a very simple breakfast...when some one knocked on our front door. We went to the door...and there was Bro. Jimmy, Sis. Farly, Nataly, and Gaby and Nataly had purchased hot tamales, a yummy hot cheese bread, and juice for our breakfast as a way of Thanking us for all we did to help with her Quinceañera. HOW VERY SWEET! (Muchas gracias, Nataly, que amable de Ti de comprar el desayuno para nosotros!=) They served us breakfast and we really enjoyed it! Then a little later they took us to show us where we could find cheap blouses/clothes to buy. For as a I mentioned earlier, there are no Goodwills here...much to my DISMAY! =) I tried to buy a lot of clothes for our kids at thrift stores while in the USA...but as you know kids keep growing. =)
~Here we are on the bus going shopping. =)~
~It was a fun bus ride. We hardly ever use buses as a family, for it's just as cheap to pile into a taxi. So, when we ride buses, our kids love it. It brings back a lot of memories to our 3 older kids, for we used a lot of buses our first year here.~
~The Lord helped us to find some good deals on clothes, and we had a nice time together.~
~Someone gave these jammies to Mary as a gift. I think they are so cute.~
~I love the pink bear's face on her "rumple-stilt-skin". =)~
~At the end of our shopping day...this is what Elijah and Mary did. They would have never lain still in their stroller together like that...without being asleep. =)~
~Recently we were walking together as a family, and Elijah was walking slowly and picking dandelions. At first I was wanting to hurry him along, for we had plenty to do at home, but I was reminded that occasionally in life we do need to take the time to "smell the roses" (or blow the dandelion puffs). =D~

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed the blog. I love what you said about taking time to just enjoy the little things in life. My boys have been teaching me that. :) Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog!
I enjoy reading your blog and read every post. Thank you for taking the time to share about your life in Colombia and Argentina with us. :)
The party you helped with was just beautiful. And what a nice surprise the next morning for your family.:) It is a nice reminder about taking time to slow down a bit and 'blow the dandelions'.;)
I enjoyed the post and seeing pictures of the nice guesture to you all by the pastor and family. I do not know how they had the energy to even go out of the house themselves let alone think up such a nice way to say thank you. I enjoyed your line on "blow the dandelions". Such a cute picture of "our" two babies sleeping in the stroller. Love, Moma
I need to do more of that"taking time to smell the roses"(or blow dandelions, whichever are in season! =) We miss you all terribly and love you just as much or more!
Dearest Heather,
I love the pic of your "twins", wow they look alike! And that is soooo cool that your got to go shopping with your friend. We are taking a day trip to Mitchell, today so I've got to run! Love n Prayers, Hannah Klunder
Love the smiles on the kids faces, you can tell they are enjoying the bus ride. So happy you all get to do fun things. Love all the pics. love you tons
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