Since they did the decorating...that gave me more time to do the things that I did. I bought the frames, developed the pictures, and put the pictures in them for the tables, decided what specials we all would play/sing, made sure everyone was ready to play/sing, arranged the program, played for the specials, made the broc./caul. salad, made the 7 loaves of banana bread to give away as gifts for prizes, and made the 144 banana muffins as party favors. I was also very happy that during the Quinceañera Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Farly did the talking/announcing of the next I worked behind the scenes and kept things going....but didn't have to talk in front of all of their guests. =D are the fun pictures of the nice Birthday party that Jesus helped us to have for Nataly! Enjoy!
~Nataly's cake that her Grandparents paid for as a gift to her and her family.~
~Nataly and her cake~
~Nataly with the decorated hall behind her. Like I mentioned above: The day of the party Bro. Jimmy, Sis. Farly, Farly's brother Elkin, and Bro. Edgar did the decorating of the hall. I thought that they did a great job! Everything looked beautiful!!~
~Elijah...I think he must have been chewing on the left side of his bow tie. =)~
~The flower arrangements and pictures on the tables.~
~My friend Marisol came and she was a big help to me.~
~Bro. Edgar running the sound. He, Elkin (Sis. Farly's brother), and Bro. Jaime from church were a huge help in decorating and serving the food!~
~Gaby, Carolina, and Sarah.~
~Our kids.~
~Bro. Jimmy, Nataly, Sis. Farly, and Gaby~
~Nataly with her Grandparents who bought her cake, with her 2 little cousins, and Elijah.~
~Nataly and Kimberly~
~Introducing..........Heather Sofia!! Remember Bro. Edgar and Sis. Joanna who prayed so long for a baby...well, here she is! She was born on Friday, Aug. 5th. We are so happy to have her as the newest member of our church. =)~
~Sis. Farly spoke some sweet words about the blessing of God sending Nataly into their home.~
~Nataly playing her piano solo.~
~The Lord helped there to be a good crowd at the Quinceañera!~
~Gaby and Nataly playing their piano duet.~
~Elijah singing in English and Spanish.~
~Sarah and Gaby singing their duet.~
~Kimberly and Nataly playing Amazing Grace on their guitars. (Kimberly doesn't own a guitar, she's borrowing the church's guitar.)~
Part 2 to come soon!

Aww!!! Loved seeing the pictures! Everything looked SO nice and pretty!
love, nh~
Very nice. Glad there was a good turn out. Wish there was sound to all the music being played there. Love you tons
Lovely occasion and one that I am sure glorified the Heavenly Father. Please tell Nataly that she looked sweet. And of course all those little Dickinson's did as well in their formal attire. Looking forward to more pictures. I love you, Moma
Heather, your blog is always so awesome to read. Thank you for taking the time to let all of us so many miles away know how your life is going. I have no idea how you make the time to do all that you do and still blog... but I sure do enjoy it! :)
Nataly's Quinceanera was so beautiful. I LOVE her outfit! I also thought that Sarah's hat was super cute!!!
I can't believe how grown up all your kids are. It doesn't seem like that long ago that I was swinging Kimberly and Sarah on those swings at Gospel Center. But then again... I am married with two boys. So I gues that means I haven't stopped "growing up" either. lol!
I really enjoyed these pictures!
Dearest Heather,
I love the fact that you all had a big Quinceanera for Nataly! My Mom helped us fix up a fancy dress and we took pictures! So happy that everything turned out so beautiful! You all did a great job! Love, Hannah Klunder
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