~Kimberly has been enjoying batting, and throwing softball back and forth with her Daddy.~
~Noah is trying to learn to jump on his skateboard.~
~A tip that my Moma taught me:
Never go to bed the night before without KNOWING what you are going to serve for your main meal the next day. That way you can plan ahead. (Put the meat out to thaw, put the beans into soak, etc.~ =)

Love that tip from your momma...if I would do that, my stress levels would probably reduce by 50%!
The pics are so cute. Love those sweet kids. They are so blessed. Good tip, your Moma is one of a kind. She is amazing. love you tons
Dear Heather,
I love the pics, it's so good to enjoy our children and the park is the perfect place to do that! Also that tip from your Mom is great! That would save me alot of stress. I do try to think about what I'm make for supper early on in the day, but sometimes that's not early enough! So thank you for sharing! Love and Prayers, Hannah Klunder
Dear Heather,
I just took time to write a comment but when I pushed the word 'preview', the comment left the screen, and I haven't seen it since! Now, 'ain't' that special!
Thus, I'll conclude with the fact that I LOVE YOUR POSTS and I LOVE YOU SEVEN!
Sincerely, Mom D
Loved seeing the pictures of the Lord's Day and so glad that God has provided Jimmy and Farley with their own house, praying the other one will sell in God's timing. I enjoyed this post on the park pictures. I know that sometimes it seems we do not have the time to "play" but it may be the most important thing you do for your family. Looked like all was having fun. Praying for the families that you and your church ministers to.
The tip was not original with me but one that has been a real blessing to me across the years. I have been so grateful to sources and friends who have taught me many wonderful things. Love, Moma
Always enjoy seeing your pictures!!! Did you get my email? David found where you can look at Taste of Home on line. Give the kids hugs for me!!! Hope you have a WONDERFUL EASTER!!!
Thanks to Daryl being in school tonight, I'm safe! We'll just have leftovers! Love ya and enjoyed the park pics! Hope Moma's not readin' this!
love ya lots,
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