Would you like to hear a story?
Then please gather 'round!
There's One who changed my history
The BEST FRIEND I've found!
Jesus saw my heart full of sin...
He had a plan for me!
Before I knew to look for Him,
He came to look for me!
Like a Caterpillar on the ground...
Is Changed to a butterfly.
What Beauty! --and no longer bound
To stay below--watch him fly!
So the Lord took little ol' me
Changed me thru and thru!
He became my Savior you see,
And can do the same for you! =)
~Heather April 2011~

Yes, Yes.
Thanks Heather for the poem.
And we can, by His grace, fly better than a butterfly.
Love and Prayers to all.
I enjoyed the poem and the pretty flowers on your post. Thank God for the Gift of His Son and all He has done to lift us up from the low life of sin. Love, Moma
Very good poem Heather. Wish a lot more people would let Him change them. love you tons
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