~I've been wanting to take Mary's 6 month pictures, but she is still trying to get used to the mold that we are still finding in our things, thus she keeps having cold like symptoms. Thankfully we discovered that there was mold growing in her bed (Although we have cleaned it lots of times) so we got her a new one and she seems to be getting better. Praise the Lord!
So, here's her 6 month pics that Jesus helped us to take! Enjoy!~
~I love this one!~
~Where I take her pictures is beside a window...so thus she always starts looking out the window at the passing cars, buses, trucks, and people...and I get some fun profile shots like I like. =)~
~Mommy and Mary's hands.~
~I don't know how Jesus can think of making every baby so different and so CUTE!
I love little Mary's almond shaped eyes. =)~
~Sarah got her to smile.~
~I don't mind if she doesn't smile or laugh for her pictures...for when she laughs she moves all around...but I had to post this one for I thought it was cute. =)~

She is such a cutie!!
Dear Heather,
Wow your little one is getting to be such a big girl and a sweet cutie! Those are great pics! You always do a wonderful job!
Love, Hannah Klunder
SOOO adorable! I have been wanting to see pics of her for a while! I love ya'll and please give this cute little one a big squeeze from me!
She takes the cutest pictures!!!!! I can't believe she is getting SOOOOO big!!!!
So sweet!!!!
Mary's Aunt Lyn sent me this comment and I thought it was too cute not to post! =)
I can hardly stand to look at your blog. hahaha Explanation: I just want to hold Mary so bad my arms twitch. lol. She is so precious. All of your kids are beautiful it is just that baby thingy that gets me.
Hope you all are doing well and that the kids are doing great as well as their parents.
Love ya
so adorable!!!
So adorable!!! You take nice pictures- I love that natural light!! She is beautiful. We are praying for y'all.
Hi, Heather! The pics are adorable! Mary is growing up quickly :) Love reading your blog! Have a great day!
Happy 6 months! Cute pictures! Your place looks really nice! Glad you found it and things are going better for you all.
She is way cute. I would love to squeeze her. Good job on shooting the pics. love you tons
My Aunt sent this sweet comment...so I decided to post it for her! (GG would be my Grandmother...our kids Great Grandmother!=)
I am enjoying your blog. I did copy a picture of Kimberly to take to GG. I cannot respond to your blog as I do not know how to do that. The pictures of Mary are wonderful. I hope to get GG down here soon to show her your place. She is better.
Take care and have a wonderful Lord's day.
Aunt Carole, U. Dan, and GG
Just back from a wonderful 4-day getaway (a pastor appreciation gift from our church) with Baby Mary's Gramp!;-) Been going too fast to comment but these pictures makes this Gram 'have to stop' and say that the one in her bloomers takes my heart. Reminds me of the only two little girls cuter than our little Mary and those are, her Mommy and Aunt Laura. I love you, Moma
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