Phillip and I like to MAKE time for each other in our very busy lives. In January, our friends the Wegeners offered to watch our 5 kiddo treasures and we got to go out for a fun wintery date! We went and ate a yummy salad at a cheaper place, then drove to the mall. We enjoyed walking around and looking at stores for decorating IDEAS...for our own home. We also went to Goodwill and found some things to make those ideas become realization. Then...we headed to the CheeseCake Factory for dessert and coffee to finish up our Romantic evening.
(You may not call going to Goodwill Romantic, but I LOVE going there
and THRILL at the good deals that I always find at Goodwill! =D
(Plus, there are not thrift stores on our mission fields!)
~We had never been to the Cheesecake Factory so decided to go. I got a Reeses Peanut Butter Cheesecake. Yes, I was
RICH I shared the last bit with Phillip. =) ~

~He enjoyed a reg. cheesecake with strawberries on top. We had a wonderful evening together and enjoy the fun memories of being out in the winter wonderland just the 2 of us! =)~
Sweet, glad you two got to go out and have a fun time. love you tons
Goodwill and Cheesecake Factory sounds like a perfect date to me! :) My hubby loves the Reese one, too.
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