~I haven't been able to post the pics from our USA open house yet, but wanted to at least post this cute pic that Will took of our baby Mary in our kitchen. This was Jan. 11th, and she was 4 months. Will's family got her this adorable outfit!~ ~Jesus did it again! He helped us take some nice pictures of our baby...without JCPenny's help. =) Mary has her Daddy's color hair, but is a mixture of her Aunt Laura and her Mommy when we were babies!~ ~Our silly baby was ASLEEP and was supposed to STAY THAT WAY for these pictures...but woke up and sucked on her finger and cooed and laughed for us. =)~
What a sweet Baby Girl! I am sure that it took the entire family helping and the whole day to get such precious pictures. Now that dress is my favorite! How I would love to give her a squeeze. Thank the Lord for allowing his creatures that ability to create this technology so that we can "watch" our little ones grow. Thanks for taking the time to get these photos. They are lovely! I love you all, Moma
How precious, Heather! You and Jesus do a wonderful job with the photographs! So glad you found a new home too! Keep encouraged. I think and pray for you nearly every day. Diana Eckert
Heather, you do as good as any JcPenny's!! Of course you are working with one of the most beautiful and sweetest babies alive!!! She is precious. Your family has truly been blessed again! Susanna Pilmore
Great photos!!! You sure don't need Pennies. They couldn't have done any better. Glad Jesus helped you. She is sooo adorable and cute. I could kiss and kiss those sweet cheeks. Thanks for taking time to post, so we can see what is going on with you all. love you tons
Just had to sneak another peak. You feel sofar away this afternoon. My favorite is the first one where she is obviously not posing! Such a doll baby. I Love you all, Moma
Dec. 18th, 2015 found us coming back to the U.S.A. from South America, but to continue working as full-time missionaries with our mission. With our Children's age, we have been planning for years to come back at this time. We remain under appointment with Global Holiness Mission to continue serving Colombia and Argentina. We will be making trips to teach, preach, and disciple the nationals on the fields. Now that we are serving our people with missions trips from out of the States, we will also be ministering via digital and written ministry in Spanish and English for those that are on the field. We so appreciate all of y'all's prayers for us! None of this would be possible if it weren't for a team effort of you and others like you. God has been doing great things, let's ask and expect more from Him!
~Baby Abigail's birthday cake~
~Give a Lady a Fun Pair of Shoes...and she'll be your Friend for Life!~
~My Fun Rainbow Cake!~
For Elijah and Mary's graduation using the colors of Crayons.
Super moist choc. cupcakes w/ mocha icing!~
Click on picture for recipe
~Our baby Abigail Elizabeth~
This is her hospital pic...less than 24 hours old.
You are welcome to take a peek into our exciting lives! We have served Jesus for nearly 8 years in Colombia and nearly 2 years in Argentina! Now that we are serving our people with missions trips from out of the States, we will also be ministering via digital and written ministry in Spanish and English for those that are on the field. We so appreciate all of y'all's prayers for us! None of this would be possible if it weren't for a team effort of you and others like you. God has been doing great things, let's ask and expect more from Him! We are a close family that loves to do things together. Those things include sharing God's love, going places together, baking and having company, singing, and thanking God for each moment! We are delighted with our 6 sweet children with which God has blessed us, and love being a "team" for Jesus! ~Heather~
I want to so LIVE That when I DIE There is no Doubt as to where I went. ~Heather~
~A yummy Choc. cake I made~
click on picture for recipe
~Oreo Stuffed Choc. chip cookies~
click on picture for recipe
~No Peekin'...We're Sneakin'~
~The man who has made my dreams come true!!~
~On our way to "Forever together"~
~Our family~
Children are the best "things" since Husbands. =) ~Heather~
~Making the decision to have a child is MOMENTOUS. It is to decide FOREVER to have your HEART go walking around on the OUTSIDE OF YOUR BODY!~ Elizabeth Stone
These pictures are adorable!!!!! Mary is such a sweet baby girl!!! Hope you all are doing well!! We think of and pray for you often!! :-)
very cute!!!! I love them. Miss you all very much
I love them!!!!! She is soooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!
What an adorable baby girl! And what great pictures!
Sweet, sweet pictures. Hard to believe she is real and actually here, "or there, I guess." :) God bless....
What a sweet Baby Girl! I am sure that it took the entire family helping and the whole day to get such precious pictures. Now that dress is my favorite! How I would love to give her a squeeze. Thank the Lord for allowing his creatures that ability to create this technology so that we can "watch" our little ones grow. Thanks for taking the time to get these photos. They are lovely! I love you all, Moma
she is so cute!
What a sweetie! You of course did awesome.
How precious, Heather! You and Jesus do a wonderful job with the photographs! So glad you found a new home too! Keep encouraged. I think and pray for you nearly every day.
Diana Eckert
Heather, you do as good as any JcPenny's!! Of course you are working with one of the most beautiful and sweetest babies alive!!! She is precious. Your family has truly been blessed again! Susanna Pilmore
Great photos!!! You sure don't need Pennies. They couldn't have done any better. Glad Jesus helped you. She is sooo adorable and cute. I could kiss and kiss those sweet cheeks. Thanks for taking time to post, so we can see what is going on with you all. love you tons
absolutely beautiful!!
Those are adorable pictures!! Can't believe Mary is 5 months already!! :)
She has gotten soooo big, we can't believe it!!!! We love ya'll tons!
the Hausmans
My personal favorite is the last one with her smile so fun! They are all darling, though! We miss you MUCH!
awww! she is adorable and growing so fast! Miss you all!
Just had to sneak another peak. You feel sofar away this afternoon. My favorite is the first one where she is obviously not posing! Such a doll baby. I Love you all, Moma
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