Thank you for each of your sweet comments about our house. Your comments make me feel like you "dropped in for a quick visit." I wish y'all could drop in...=).
Someone asked about the bars on my kitchen window...that is very common. If you don't have bars, you get broken into.
~Here's the kids' bathroom on the 2nd floor.~

~And here are 2 of "the kids." =)~

~A shelf outside their bathroom is "the linen closet". (We have more towels, they just weren't present for the picture. =D)~

~On the fourth floor is my laundry room, and our "garage"/storage shed." When you travel internationally every 6 months or so, you have lots of suitcases to store. (And there are suitcases inside the suitcases. =)

~Here's my ironing board, hot water heater, and washer...and HERE...

~Is my DRYER. =D~

~Our dinning room.~
How I miss our large wooden table (and chairs), but it's too big for this house too. =(
Thank the Lord for this china cabinet. This piece of furniture is used to catch what won't fit in my little kitchen. =)

~We have a nice full bathroom in our room too, but it's hard to get a good picture.
Here is one of some of the sea theme we use.~

Our girls are still working on their room.
When we get living room furniture, I'll post pics.
Where are Noah's TEETH??!!! Cute. I just ran across Brittany's toothless pic yesterday. Such fun memories. Loved you house pics.. and fun that I go to comment before Moma! :) love ya,
Your house is decorated so nicely, and I love how you have pictures everywhere! I don't think I know Sister Phyllis who you asked me about. Thanks so much for your comments on my blog. I love reading yours!
I love seeing the pictures of your new home. You have it decorated beautifully! :) I had to chuckle at your 'dryer'. We've started hanging all of our clothes up to dry. So every day of the week we have clothes hanging up around the house. :)
Very nice Heather. You are doing a beautiful job decorating. I'm glad you have a nice place and things there and glad you have a nice place and nice things here in the USA.You are so blessed. love you tons
A very cute post of the rooms in your house. But better yet, the pictures of the two brothers! Smile.
I love your sweet attitude of gratitude even with only a washer-no dryer, a hot water heater-with precious little hot water, a laundry room-on the fourth floor, and a family of seven-with no maid!
Bless your mom and dad for doing their best to raise such a sweet homemaker! And thank you to Jesus for sanctifying your talents for him.
Love, Mom D
Dear Heather,
I love your house, it's so beutiful and it shows how creative you are!
We are so glad to hear how well your niece is doing!
Oh, and I would LOVE to stop in for a visit! You are one of my treasured friends!
Glad to hear that Mary is doing a little better!
I love the B-day pictures you took of Sarah and Noah! They turned out great! That hat that Sarah has, is just the cutest, I love it! Love and Prayers, Hannah Klunder
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