Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I copied this off of my sister Laura's blog.
What would we EVER do without Jesus? What an awesome God we serve! How I thank the Lord for His amazing care over Natasha! Last night was the roughest yet. many tears on both Momma's part & Natasha's! Today, they say, though VERY TOUGH, will do her lots of good! My devotions did my heart good this a.m. Deliverance! God watches over us. A song I sang this a.m. is... "God WILL Take Care of You"! How true and how wonderful! Sorry for the "weaker" side of admitting this... but we couldn't make it w/o your prayers! I NEED to be strong for Natasha today, but I don't "FEEL" too strong. So I'm asking Jesus, who promises strength for each new day... or could I translate that... "each new turn.. since she needs to roll every 1/2 hr. on the clock.." :) for the strength to be strong for her. So far I've been able to be strong and not break down when she sees me. THAT's ALL GOD... for I'm a very emotional Moma normally. So God is good, we are counting on Him! Natasha memorized the verse Is 41:10 this week, heading into surgery. she loves music as you know, but didn't realize that it was a song too. I sang it to her once and she had it. we'll be singing a lot today no doubt. I quote/sing, "Fear Thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed, for I am thy God, I WILL strengthen Thee, Yea I will help thee... Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my Righteousness!" God Bless You all, from this over-whelmed Moma's heart! ~Laura~
Big day today!!! The Dr. has mentioned, it is when we need to get a little mean - getting her up, moving her around more - so there will be much pain involved. It has been real tough on me to see Natasha go through the pain. She rolls from one side to the other about every hour, which requires assistance from Laura and/or myself. However, the nurses, techs. and Drs. are amazed at how well she is doing. For the most part Natasha rolls over on her own, which is very unusual for patients with this surgery, at least the first 24 hours that is. Daryl

1 comment:

lila said...

That's so sad she is having so much pain but love reading how our Amaing God is intervening.

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