We are very blessed when we think of all those who gave of their time or money to help us on our USA house. Here are some pictures that I could find from our files. Our dear church took up 2 love offerings and our Jr. church gave us a love offering at Christmas for us to use on our home! Others gave as well!
~A picture of my kitchen...during the renovation process!~

~Michael came and helped Phillip tear out old plaster and take off lath boards in our house in Cinci and this is what they looked like when they got back to Mrs. Phyllis' house that night. =)~

~They are standing in my kitchen and behind Phillip (the wall he is holding onto) is the small doorway and wall which Phillip tore out and made it "open" in between my kitchen and dining room.~

~One day I came to our house and Phillip and I worked in our basement. He tore out a bunch of rotten divider walls, and I had enjoyed sweeping up the mess. It was fun, for I couldn't do much w/ being pregnant, but I could sweep. =) We got a lot done that day.~

~On Phillip's b-day we shoveled up a bunch of old plaster that was knee deep in our house and the entire Hausman family came over and were a HUGE blessing. Phillip built a ramp and put it out a window, so they dumped buckets of old plaster down the ramp and into Rob's trailer below.~

~I didn't have any old maternity clothes, so I wore Philip's work shirts.~

~Lil' Elijah~

~Natasha taking Elijah on a ride. There was lots of plaster dust in the air.~

~Bro. Probst came and helped.~

~Phillip worked untold HOURS!~

~This is the new wall that Phillip built when he knocked out the wall in between my kitchen and dining room. The dining room is behind us.~

~Sis. Jowers and her daughter Stephanie came and helped wipe down our furniture. (I must have not taken a picture of Stephanie. =(

~Bro. Jowers was a HUGE HELP! He changed locks on our doors, and came several days and helped!~

~Bro. Becker (our mission director) spent untold hours wiring our house!~

~Sis. Massengill helped us paint the girls room.~

~Will helped Phillip rebuild the roof on our front porch.~

~Sis. Becker came and helped in lots of ways! Sweeping, picking up, holding babies, bringing meals, donating nice window sheers, etc.~

~Dad D. came for a few days and helped Phillip as much as he could.~

~Daryl helping.~

~Sis. Becker.~

~The Hausmans were a big help!!~


~Bro. Becker and Phillip~

~Bryanna and Kimberly~

~Bro. Donald~

~Sis. Melinda.~

~Warren and his brother and sisters helped a lot too!~

Jim Smith from IN. came over and did a lot of work. Randy Paulus and his Dad, Will W. and Bro. Wegener all came and helped but I wasn't around to get pics of them. Rob K. and Scott S. loaned Phillip a lot of tools and advice when Phillip needed it. Laura cooked a lot of meals, and Grammy brought food. If I have forgotten someone, Please forgive me, it wasn't on purpose.
We are very GRATEFUL to all those who helped!!!
Oh I love it, fixing up an old house is SOO much work, but SOO exciting. I've always said I'd rather have an old house over a new one any day. That way, you can fix it the way you want it!! I'm so glad you had so much help. God's people make a great team!
What(cough, cough) memories (cough, cough)! Oh how our neighborhood looked for all the world like a snow storm had hit the area! with all our plaster messes the wks before that too... we were definitely, the "white boys" on the street... that is til you tried to wash up and you were black. That STILL puzzles me! Fun memories... for work isn't really work when you have such a good time laughing through it all!
Natasha is resting at present and the hospital loaned us this laptop so we are able to stay in touch. Blessings upon blessing Jesus gives us! The prayers that Natasha needs are for Thursday,for due to complications with the making/ordering of her brace, she can't get up til in the morning. She is going to be in MUCH MORE PAIN, for the 1st few days. Keep praying it means SO much!
I'm soooo happy you had lots of help. God bless those dear people. Glad you will have a much better place to come home to this time. Praying for sweet Natasha. Trusting for a quick healing. Jesus is able. Love how the Lord is getting the praise in the midst of it all. love you tons
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