On Sunday evening, our Christian Nation Church called us and had a live conversation with us during their service. It was a very sweet phone call and we enjoyed talking to them. Near the end, the whole church sang Happy Birthday to me. How thoughtful! THANK YOU CHURCH FOR ALL YOU DO TO SHOW US YOUR LOVE, YOU ARE THE BEST!!
Phillip had to be gone all day long on my birthday, today, Nov. 6th, so we celebrated my birthday on Monday, Nov. 5th. We walked to the mall, ate lunch, and I bought some dressy boots with the money that Dad and Mom D. had given me for my birthday. Here it is so chilly and rainy that most ladies just wear boots most of the time. My family bought me a small CD player to put beside my bed so that I can listen to Bible CDs, for I'm too nauseated and sick on some days to sit and read my Bible. They also got me some nice knives and a couple CDs of some neat Indian flute music. I was going to try to make myself a cake or pie for I knew that my family would want me to have some kind of dessert to celebrate my birthday, but then both Phillip and I happened to remember that Baskin Robins in the mall would probably sell Ice cream cakes. So, Phillip checked and they do. He was looking at the cakes and the sells lady told him that if he bought a HALLOWEEN cake that she'd give him a discount. So, that is what we did....the cake we got had a cute smiling pumpkin on the top. =D Hey...It tasted just as good, and was cheaper! =) I was sick most of the day, but still enjoyed the day out with my family. Kimberly sewed me this cute jean purse that I am holding, and Sarah made me some fun treasures too, she just couldn't find them before we took the picture.~The kids and I and all of my nice gifts! My family loves me and takes GREAT care of me, and I LOVE THEM TOO!~

Today, on my birthday my Kimberly made me a fruit salad for breakfast and my parents called me. (They send me Taste Of Home magazine for my birthday gift...a PERFECT gift!!) I have hopes of another phone call today too...my dear sister Laura. =) I'm having a Happy Birthday, and Thank God for another GREAT year He has given me!
Happy Birthday, Heather!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!! :-)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Heather. I hope you have a wonderful day. I can tell in your eyes that you are suffering from "pregnancy". Susan had that same look.......must be related. :) He or she will be worth it. We are hoping you can stay in the states long enough to attend Christa's wedding. I am hoping all the cousins can be there for one last wedding picture of all the cousins for Grandmother.
Lots of love....Aunt Linda
I wrote Happy Birthday on your previous post. These pictures and your 'Highlights' are wonderful to see-made me enjoy your birthday too. I loved talking on the phone to you this AM. Yes, you look like an expectant mom, not to mention your sickness lets us know there is a new baby arriving too. It will be delightful to have another sweet little baby in your family. Love, Mom D
Happy Birthday...sounds like you have a great little helper there!!!
Happy B-day! You're an old lady now, and I can call you that cause you've got a few months on me.
Hope that you have a wonderful day! Eat some more of that cake if you can.
Happy Birthday! I must agree with your Aunt Linda that although you look beautiful and are smiling your eyes betray how you feel. I love your new boots. I'm looking for some classy ones that don't wrinkle around the ankle since I like most of my skirt lengths just above the wrinkle area :) Maybe I will have to come shop in Columbia :)
I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and are soon feeling better.
Happy B-day Heather, hope you are having a good day.
love amy
you should be saying my twins ;) Beth and I have talked about this and agree with each other that you are having twins ;)
love you all
Happy Birthday! Love the pictures.... your little bump is cute. Your kids are so sweet to make things for you. Those kinds of gifts are priceless.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER! I wrote you a little note on your other post but, when I saw this one I wanted to put one on here too! Thanks for posting the pictures. I am glad that you had a nice day yesterday! Love you! Michelle J
Happy Birthday! So nice that you were able to enjoy a nice day with your family!
Happy Birthday Heather! The ice cream cake looks yummy! That is what we usually get for our birthdays. Keep resting!
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Heather! Happy Birthday to you! (sung by the Sayler family:)
Happy Birthday!!! Today was the day my youngest was due, but they took him 2 days early due to his size. I'm glad your family takes such good care of you, you all are so blessed to have each other. Also, what a great birthday present to be expecting your next treasure!
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. I posted a birthday post for you on my blog www.achristianblogs.blogspot.com I love you!
Happy Birthday Heather!
We love you!
Happy Birthday, dearest Heather! I tried to call you twice today and all I got was a lady (recording) jabbering away in Spanish and I don't have a clue what she was trying to tell me so... Consider yourself called and visited with and sang to and loved! I hope you're not too lonely while hubby is in Medillen (sp?).
Aunt Nesi
Happy Birthday to my "favoritest" cousin! Been thinking about you today and wanted to send you the happiest greetings! For a few days now we will be the same age and you'll know what it feels like to be pregnant at 34! :) Your picture is real cute and I trust you will feel better soon. We love you very much! Susan and family
Happy Birthday, Heather. I love reading your blog. You are such an inspiration to me!
Happy Birthday dearest cousin:-D
Happy Birthday Heather!! Sounds like you had a nice day!!
Happy birthday! Glad you feeling a little better.
Oh...Happy Birthday to you deary. Hoping you feel much better soon..I am 7 weeks and getting sicker everyday...oh well tis the joys of expecting!!
Happy Birthday Heather! I am so sorry you have been so sick!! I have made it to the 6 month mark with our #6! I get soooo sick every single time!Hopefully you will start feeling better soon!
Happy Birthday SWEET Heather! I'm so sorry you have to be sick on your birthday! We are praying God will take your sick away and help you to be able to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. So glad you got to enjoy a yummy ice cream cake.
Happy Birthday, Heather! Just think, all around the world there are ladies "walking thru" this pregnancy with you...and we'll all be so happy to see that little guy/gal arrive safely! Take care...and thanks for your kind comments on my blog!:)
Happy Birthday, Heather. From your pictures, it looks like it was everyones birthday. You all look so happy. Seems to me your family gave you a super birthday. =)
Love ya
Aunt Libby
Happy Birthday sweet cuz! Glad to hear you had a good celebration with your family! Lots of Love :)
I wanted to be one of the first to wish you a happy birthday so I don't know if you saw it on your previous post!!! I hope you had a Wonderful Birthday!! You look so pretty in the picture !! Miss you lots!!
Happy belated birthday!! It looks like you had a wonderful day. I hope you are feeling better very soon :-)
Happy belated Birthday! Sorry you were sick on your special day. I will say pregnancy looks good on you - you are as pretty as ever!
Happy B-day
Belated Happy Birthday Heather.
The bump is cute...could it be twins? :)
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