~The other day, Phillip was in a taxi, and they took him by a mall, a McDonalds with a playground (which most of them don't have playgrounds here), and another American restaurant that we didn't know was here. So, since I've been so nauseated and AMERICAN food (like mashed potatoes) sounds a lot better than Colombian food, Phillip decided to take our family out to eat at this American restaurant on our family day last Monday. But, when he had been in the taxi, he hadn't realized how far the American restaurant was from that mall. So, our taxi let us out at the mall, and we walked, and walked, and walked, stopped and asked a lady where the restaurant was, then walked and walked some more. We must have walked 2 miles or MORE to get to that restaurant. We've never eaten at that restaurant in the USA, so really didn't know what we were getting into. Thankfully we arrived at a quiet part of the day, but it was still too noisy for our liking. Our food was pretty good, and though I was sick I was able to eat a lot of my food. It was also neat to hear a couple ENGLISH words from our waitress who was trained to say "THANK YOU", although she of course had a strong Spanish accent. =D This restaurant was RIGHT BESIDE the American Embassy.~

~Kimberly and I with our fresh fruit drinks. Mine was good, but was making me sick, so I was THRILLED to see iced tea on the menu, and happily ordered one...WHICH IS TRULY AN AMERICAN THING, for iced tea is never sold in the typical Colombian restaurants.~

~Sarah and Noah with their fruit drinks.~

~I gave all our kids some of my noodles, and Noah ENJOYED having a long noodle to eat...and yes, that is a noodle hanging out of his mouth. =)

~Afterwards, we TOOK A TAXI the 2 miles back to that mall and had fun walking around and looking at things, then came home. We won't be spending the money to go back to that restaurant, but we did have a nice family afternoon. (Besides, our kids drooled as we WALKED PAST the McDonalds with a playground to head to that other restaurant...so, we'll probably eat there next time...for it is much cheaper. =)
I so bet you are tired out right? I pray you take care of yourself. I know some walking is good for you but take it easy. Coming from the motherly advice sorry. It is good to see the pictures of your family. While you are home in the states if there any chance that you will be near Michigan? I sure would like to see your family in person. Phillip you take good care of your wife there. Make sure you baby her a little. Okay, the Mother thing again. Thanks for sharing Love & Prayers, Eileen
I'm glad you were able to have a family fun day! Sorry you had to walk so far. Praying for you to have more good than bad days.
So glad you could finally eat a little something. Sounds like you had a nice time.
It was wonderful to hear your voice last night and get an update from Phillip. We love you guys! I pray you will have a wonderful Birthday tomorrow and not be very sick. I am glad to see that you and your family had a nice dinner out. You will have to post pictures soon to let us see how the baby is growing. Love Michelle J
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your day out...looks like you had fun! (Those fruit drinks look great!)I so realize that we take for granted "little things" like iced tea-here in the States. I hope that you are feeling better soon. I appreciate you all for your efforts there...God bless you and your growing family!
Heather, Nice to have your note on our blog. I am so sorry you have been so sick..I am glad you got an evening out!!
Hey Heather..thinkin bout you and prayin for you.
I am back blogging on this blogspot.
Crazy internet world..my yahoo is messed up..for good I think.
email when you can.
Love ya,
The drinks do look yummy! So glad you were able to enjoy our service last night! Isn't that ministry such a blessing? I will for sure have to tell the guys who run it you were blessed by their efforts! Thanks for letting me know!
Tues, Nov 6, Happy Birthday to you, Sweetheart Heather! Our love and prayers are with you on this special anniversary of the day that you were born those 34 years ago. "FEAR THOU NOT, for I am with thee. Be NOT DISMAYED for I am thy God. I WILL strengthen thee, yea, I WILL help thee. Yea, I WILL uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness". This post was so interesting! Love, Mom & Dad D
Happy Birthday Heather!!! I wish we were there to help you celebrate!! It was so good to hear your voice the other night!!! The Lord willing it won't be long before we see you!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER!!!!! We love you! I trust and Pray that you have a wonderful day today. I also pray that you feel better today. Love you! Michelle J
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