~Our visiting friends and our family~

We had a good service, and everyone was HAPPY to see baby and I! Little blind Maria came to church wearing a really pretty little dress, BUT she was CRYING because her eyes were hurting her. So, we prayed for her and Phillip anointed her and at the end of service she told us that her eyes were feeling much better, PRAISE THE LORD! HOWEVER, HER LITTLE NOSE IS STILL RUNNING, AND THE DOCTORS CANNOT PUT HER TO SLEEP AND DO HER SURGERY WITH HER IMMUNE SYSTEM LOW. SO PLEASE DOOOOO HELP US PRAY THAT GOD WILL TOUCH HER RUNNY NOSE AND THAT SHE WILL BE ABLE TO HAVE HER EYE SURGERY, IF IT IS GOD'S WILL!! THANK YOU!
~Diana, Sarah, Noah, Heather (and baby) and Maria...these 2 little girls from our church wanted their picture taken with baby and I.~

We had a pretty good day on Monday too...but I was still exhausted and stayed in bed most of the day. I finally got out of bed and got dressed and we walked to the mall and a little market beside the mall, ate and then came home and I went to bed again. I guess Sunday just wore me out.
~Last year we walked into OLD NAVY and found these "Tis the Season" blouses for 50 cents a piece. We tried to have Noah take a picture of we 3 ladies with our blouses, but he kept cutting our head off. =D So, we had a friend snap this pic of us.~

I have been missing you guys terribly while we were busy going to Camp Meeting. It was nice to read your new post this morning. Your family looks so sweet in the pictures, and I love the picture with you extending your love to Diana and Maria too. Oh, I hope & pray that Maria can have a successful eye surgery. With lots & lots of love, Mom D
I'm so glad you are felling better. Love seeing all the pic. of the family. Miss you all very much.
It sounds so funny to read that you were in bed from exhaustion because when you aren't pregnant you are the energizer bunny and you put us all to shame with what all you can do. I know your family and church people were thrilled to have you out and about.
Next Thursday, Lord willing, your Momma is going to be our church ladies Christmas dinner speaker. Can't wait. She is full of ideas and wisdom. I wonder what she has up her sleeve this time :) I'll try and take pics for you.
So glad to read of your progress! Is your nausea seeming to end sooner this time? Silas' nausea was so differnet I was positive he was a girl. :-) Goes to show you cannot prove anything with nausea!
So glad you are feeling better and was able to go to church! Also enjoyed seeing your Thanksgiving pictures. Glad the children enjoyed their "special" Thanksgiving! Hey, don't feel badly, a lot of people go out to eat on Thanksgiving. :-) God bless you, friend!!
So glad to hear you are feeling better! You and the girls look so cute in your matching blouses...
Glad you're starting to feel a little better, Heather. A few months from now, with the newest little one in your arms, you'll look back and say that he/she was worth it all.
Kudos to Phil for getting someone with a car so you could go to church. Did he really want the guy to preach for him, or was he just finding a way to get you there??????
So good to see and hear that you are beginning to get over your nausea! You are really showing! How far along are you? Another comment I have to make is that you must not move very much in your sleep to be able to do your hair the night before and leave it for the next day! Mine would look terrible, I move all night long! LOL!
I'm 15 weeks along, so almost 4 months. I'm hoping to feel our baby move in the next week or two. I cannot wait!
Thanks for your sweet comment!
Love, Heather =)
So glad you are getting back on your feet!!! I won't be surprised if we found out you have two little babies making you so sick!! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and it looked like you all had one also! Miss you all so much . Emily loves all the comments you make on her blog.
we have all been praying for you and your missionary work as well. I trust that you will be feeling better soon. We got to make it to one night of camp meeting and I only seen Phills Dad and did not get to ask about you all. Was so nice to see everyone again but still lonely down there without you all. You are greatly missed here in the valley :) Happy Belated Thanksgiving!!!
Love and Prayers, Angela
I am so glad that you had a very good day! I am praying for more and more like it. I love the pictures! Your family is beautiful and you are very pretty with baby! I love you guys and I will also be praying for Maria that she will get rid of her runny nose! Love, Michelle J
Dearest Heather,
FINALLY, I found a minute with Daryl away to get on your blog... sorry for the LONG SILENCE... just running too fast. Funny thing is I was looking for Kimberly in that picture, thinking she must have been the one taking the pictures, when Darla said, "Mommy, Kimberly's right there!" She's SOOOOO tall that I thought she was someone else standing there. Way to go Kimberly... you all look SO SWEET, even baby Dickinson looks cute! :) I love you dearly... Laura your sister
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