On Thursday, the lady was here helping me. We only let her clean on our first floor, for though I think we can trust her, it's just better that she doesn't have the full run of our home. I went and talked to Phillip and told him (not knowing that he had plans to help me by cleaning our bathroom) that it would be WONDERFUL if she could at least go upstairs and clean our bathroom, and I'd have Kimberly stay near here to make sure she didn't take anything while she was up there. (The only other lady that cleaned our home, was invited here by a Christian Colombian staying in our home while we were in the USA for Christmas 2006. The Colombian staying here thought she could trust the cleaning lady, and left her ALONE in our home, and that lady stole A LOT of our things!! Not huge things, just smaller items, like NEARLY ALL OF MY CREATIVE MEMORY SCRAPBOOKING PENS, ETC. SAD!) (Praise the Lord, A dear friend sent me more pens!!=) So, Phillip told me that he didn't want our cleaning lady upstairs, but that he had plans to clean our upstairs bathroom for me. ~I LOVE this pic of our Noah, 2006~
So, the other night, Phillip TACKLED our bathroom. It had mold on the walls above the shower...not anymore. The shower needed cleaned badly (something I cannot stand on my head to do right now, I'm too nauseated) and now it shines. The supposed-to-be-white floor was pretty much black, and now it is a glistening white! And the sink and the toilet are spotless too! WOW! Phillip, you get husband of the year award...! You would have gotten that award even before you cleaned the bathroom, but now you really do!!! =) THANKS BUNCHES for helping me, I love you!!!
~Phillip cleaning away!~

Phillip that was very nice of you ;-) I know when you are sick like that you just cant clean the bathroom like you need to. Hope you are starting to feel better.
Love you lots
Way TO GO, Phillip!! :-) I am sure it is Wonderful to have your Bathroom spotlessly cleaned by SOMEONE ELSE, especially. ;-) (I very much dislike cleaning my bathrooms!) Rob is a great Help around the house, too. He just finished rearranging beds in the kids rooms & vacumming all the floors for me.
Love the pictures of your family. Your kiddos are so Beautiful & Cute!
WOW!! What a sweetheart!! I know that makes you feel better just knowing that the bathroom is really clean. You will have to keep on reminding him of the super job he did so he won't forget!! :):) Pictures of the children are so cute. Hope your feeling better. God bless.
Wow!! Isn't it great to have a very helping and caring husband?? We are blessed!!!Seth has come to my rescue many times. I feel very blessed and especially this week after trying to help our neighbor, who on her birthday had to leave home with her four children, because the father of her children was drunk and mad. Very Sad! Well, I haven't been able to blog for a few weeks but you have been on my mind and heart, now I know why. CONGRATULATIONS! Do take care of yourself and the little one! We have been and will continue to pray for you. Do hope you get to feeling better soon!
Hi Heather, I am rather speechless. Love, Mom D
Yay for helpful husbands. I just had my appendix removed last Saturday (the 3rd) and Michael really came through for me with laundry & dishes, etc. So I can understand that whole feeling of pride and GRATEFULNESS too!
Hope you feel better soon. Brother Sankey mentioned you in prayer this morning and I am praying too!
That is good that the husband helps out. Way to go Phillip. My husband helps me out a lot too. Of course he is semi-retired from work now. He has a little time to help me. I hope you are feeling well Heather. I wanted to tell you, you are on my to do list this week to get out all my patterns so I can go through them for you. That is my Wednesday Project. My husband has to help me because they are in tubs which are heavy and he is home on Wednesday. So I will probably be sending them out by this week end, Lord willing. Thank you again for sharing. Love & Prayers
So nice!!! I loved the pictures of the kids too!
Looks like you did a great job Phillip. I'm sure Heather is very, very appreciative too.
Praying all is well with you and Heather get's over her sickness soon!
Love & Prayers,
Noah is so cute, and the girls are beautiful. Such nice pics.
Cute pictures of the kids!!! Way to Go Phillip for helping Heather out!!!! It is a blessing from God to have a husband to care so much and be willing to help! Love you guys, hope you are beginning to feel a little better Heather. I am praying for you! Love Michelle J
WOW!! It was almost 18 years before I realized Scott actually did know how to wash dishes. Phillip you bypassed the easy stuff and went streight to the bathroom! Way to go!!
I love the pictures of you all
Aunt Libby
Adorable pictures of the kids:-D
H'mm....I hope David remembers how to clean when he gets out of the Marines! Lol!!!! I'm glad Phillip helped you out! That was VERY sweet!!!! Luv ya!!
I'm disappointed! I really expected you to say about that last photo, "I just LOVE this pic of my hubby!"
By the way, the photos of the kids are super.
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