Since I had a pretty good day on Saturday, I was encouraged that maybe I was getting some better. Well, Sunday morning, I got up and put chicken in the oven to bake, and went into the dinning room and ate my breakfast, and got some green beans ready to cook. I brought those green beans in the kitchen and THEN I SMELLED THAT CHICKEN BAKING AND RAN OUT OF THE KITCHEN AND LOST MY BREAKFAST! UGH! When we first moved here, we thought it interesting that our kitchen had a door on it. NOW, WE KNOW THAT GOD KNEW I WOULD NEED THAT DOOR TO HELP BLOCK FOOD SMELLS DURING THIS TIME OF MORNING/ALL DAY SICKNESS WITH MY PREGNANCY! Our kids and Phillip had 2 good services on Sunday and God helped them. Kimberly and her class started practicing for their simple Christmas program. I was able to watch the Hobe Sound services for my church.
~Sorry to re-post a picture, but I didn't feel like taking any new ones yesterday. Our family, May, 2007~

On Monday, our friends, Jimmy and Farly invited us over for dinner. On Sunday Jimmy had called me to ask me what they should make for lunch so that I could eat with them. I told him that I was sorry but I honestly DID NOT KNOW what I could eat! I told them just to cook what they wanted and I would try to eat what I could. Well, I was sooooo DYING to tell him that I couldn't handle rice right now, but I knew I couldn't tell a Colombian not to make rice, for THEY ALWAYS have rice with almost every meal. (I was afraid that they would make "Arroz con Pollo"...or "Rice with Chicken" and THEN...what would I be able to eat!) So, I just prayed that God would help them make some food that I could eat. When we got there and I sat down to eat, there were some creamed potatoes with some cheese,(that tasted similar to the potatoes I'm used to eating in the USA =) a YUMMY fruit salad, and some good juice that I could drink. They made me some chicken too, but I couldn't eat that. But...I LOVED the potatoes and salad and ate and ate. THANK THE LORD....AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN MAKE OR SERVE RICE!!!! THAT IS AMAZING for Colombians. So, God totally Guided them what to make so I could eat. YEA! God is awesome! We had a nice visit with our friends.
I'm 13 weeks along now, so hopefully I can kick this nausea in the next few weeks. If I'm not better by Thanksgiving, we'll just do something else that day, and I'll made a big dinner for Christmas. I just don't want to get sick on turkey and the trimmings and not want them for many Thanksgivings to come. =( Thanks for your prayers for us. God is helping our people and our churches too. Also, Phillip's Bible classes that He teaches for 3 hours every Saturday are going really GOOD and the students are LOVING learning more about God, the Bible, the Christian family, etc.
You poor thing! You have been soooo sick! I think of you often over there being so sick and so far from home. Too bad someone couldn't mail you some Phenergan tablets! Those are wonderful for people with nausea during pregnancy! Hope now that you are beginning your 2nd trimester, you will begin to feel better!
I love your posts, altho' I am too drained to think of anything interesting to reply to you. Love, Mom D
Heather I am sorry that you are still not able to hold food down. I pray it will go away soon. Keep your chin up. God is good!
Love & Prayers, Eileen
Happy Late Bday Heather...Love You!
I am glad to hear that you were feeling some better to be able to get out of the house and go to the market. Noah is just sooooo Cute!! Thanks for the update and I am praying that you feel much better very soon! Love you all Michelle J
So glad you were able to get out and enjoy the day. What a nice family photo!
Noah is a dear.. that is so cute what he said. Hope you are soon to get over this nausea!!
What a sweet hubby! So glad he did that for you. There have been times when I've gotten discouraged with housework and David came along and cleaned for me and it just sort of gave me a boost of motivation to get me going again.
Can I cheer you up by telling you that I am boxing up your patterns. I am sending a few other little things that I think you might be able to use too. I found a pile for each of you. Pluse some crafty ones the girls might light to try. So I am going to try and to get them sent out thid week end. You keep getting to feeling better. Love & Prayers, Eileen
Heather - I enjoy catching up with you all but I am so sorry that you are not feeling good yet!! I am praying that God will touch you so that you can enjoy Thanksgiving with your family!
Although I haven't been blogging much lately, I have been thinking of and praying for you!!! I really haven't ever had morning sickness to speak of, but I do understand how it feels to have children in the house when you feel inadequate to meet their needs! Our church mentions you all's name almost every Wednesday evening in prayer meeting. Even though you don't know many of our people, they were so impressed by your family and the calling you are fulfilling. They think much of you and pray often for you. Love you all!
A little boy worried about a dirty face. Count your blessings that he even thought of it.
Hope you feel better soon. We are praying for you.
I'll tell Harold to give you a wave from the choir on Sunday.
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