~Perfect Sunday Dinner Rolls~ (YIELDS: 32 YUMMY rolls!)
In a small bowl, place 1/4 c. WARM (not too Hot, not to cold. It should not burn your finger, but should be pretty WARM) water and one small package of yeast, or if you buy it in the 1 lb. bag at Sam's or Costco, use 1 HEAPING Tablespoon! Set aside to for 10 mins or so.
In a large bowl microwave for 2 mins or so:
1/2 c. sugar
1 stick margerine or butter
1 cup water
1 t. salt
Bring out of microwave and use mixer or by hand (using wire whisk for the first 2 or 3 cups of flour, then a spatula) stir in 1 cup of flour and MAKE SURE THAT YOUR WATER MIXTURE IS NOT TOO HOT, BEFORE YOU ADD YOUR YEAST MIXTURE! IF IT'S STILL VERY HOT, YOU COULD ADD A 2nd cup of flour,THEN, add the yeast mixture. And then add:
2 eggs, beaten
4 1/2 -6 cups flour. (Add flour 1 cup at a time, for you may not need all 6 cups of flour.) The last cup or so of flour you should try to knead it in. Kneading is just taking the dough in the bowl (that has some flour on the bottom of the bowl) and pulling a part of the dough into the center and pushing down, then turn the bowl and grab the next section of dough and pull it into the middle and push down. What you are doing is forming the dough into a nice round, smooth, ball. (of sorts!) (When dough doesn't stick very much to your finger when you touch it, your dough doesn't need any more flour.) Cover in that bowl and refrigerate overnight. (You can let it rise on the counter for 2-3 hours, if you want to make them the same day.)
Then take the dough and you may need to add a tad more flour so it's not sticky. (I take a spatula and pull the dough away from the bowl, and add a tad of flour in the bottom of the bowl, then I knead it a little until it's sort of a smooth ball, then divide it into 4 even sections.) Take each section and roll it out on a floured surface into a nice circle (About the size of a pie). Butter with soft butter, or marg. and then take your pizza cutter and cut into 8 pie shaped pieces. Roll each piece of dough LARGE END TO SMALL END and place POINT DOWN on a greased cookie sheet, and cover. Do the same with the other 3 sections of dough. If the dough is COLD, let rise about 4 hours or so (while gone to church on Sunday morning, and bake when you get home!) If the dough is NOT cold, let rise just an hour or so, and then bake at 350 for about 8-10 minutes or so. I like my rolls barely brown, like to where you have to glance TWICE to make sure they are not raw! =) Butter the tops of them when they come out...and THERE YOU GO! You have just made some very light, delicious rolls!
~Sarah made these cinnamon rolls like the first version I mention below!~

Cinnamon Rolls!
Use the same dough, and you can do it one of 3 ways.
#1 Divide into 4 sections and then roll each section into a pie shaped circle. Then butter with soft butter, add cinnamon sugar, and nuts or raisins, or whatever you like then roll the dough JELLY ROLL STYLE from SIDE TO SIDE and take a sharp knife or a piece of dental floss and cut them into 7 or 8 rolls and place them LAYING DOWN on a greased cookie sheet (WITH SIDES! so as not to have a mess in the bottom of your oven.) Let rise an hour if warm dough, 3 or so hours if COLD DOUGH and bake at 350 for 12-15 mins or so, for with the stuff inside they take a little longer to make sure they are done. Once they are cooled off, I make a quick icing and put on them. You can make this icing RUNNY, or more thick, however you want.
Icing: Melt about 3 T. of butter, and add about 1 Tablespoon of Milk and 1 t. of vanilla and how much ever Powdered sugar that you want. (like maybe 2-5 cups more or less!) Less makes a more runny icing, more makes a thicker icing. If you add too much powdered sugar, and you wanted the icing thinner, just add more milk. You can't mess it up!
#2 ~OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD CINNAMON ROLLS~ Make these same cinnamon rolls in the jelly roll style like above and slice the jelly roll into 32 cinnamon rolls and place 16 cinnamon rolls each in 2 greased 13x9 dish. Cover and let rise 1-2 hours if COLD dough, less if dough is warm. Bake at 350 for 20-25 mins. or until golden brown. Meanwhile in a saucepan, combine:
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup heavy whipped cream
1/2 cup butter, cubed
Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 mins. Remove from heat. With a hand mixer, Beat in the following until creamy:
2 cups confectioners' sugar
Frost rolls. Serve warm.
#3 "CINNAMON LOVE KNOTS!" is a little more work, but I love them this way too! Take your dough and divide it into 4 equal section. Then divide each section into 8 small BALLS! Take each ball and roll in between your hand and make a snack-like rope. ABOUT 6" LONG. Dip each rope into a bowl that has melted butter, and then into a bowl that has cinnamon and sugar. Place the rope on a greased pan with SIDES and TIE INTO A KNOT, making sure that the ends are tucked under! LET RISE 1 HOUR if warm, 2 or 3 hours if COLD DOUGH and then Bake at 350 for a good 15-20 minutes or more, to make sure they are done inside. Cool, and can add icing if you want, but they are delicious just like they are.
Enjoy...and if you have any questions, just leave a comment, and I'll try to respond to you! =)
You are a Sweetheart for taking the time to type out these detailed recipes & instructions for us all. We love you! Mom D
Heather, you sent this recipe to me while I was still in High School... now I use it almost every Sunday for our church fellowships... they truly are wonderful! I can't wait to try the cinnamon roll version. It is so great that your girls share your love for baking, I hope my Chloe will as well!
PS-I just printed out these recipes and I am happy to have them. Love, Mom D
Thank you so much for taking the time to post your roll recipe and the variations. I can't wait to try them. I sure hope you are soon feeling better. We will continue to pray for you.
Thanks so much for posting the recipe and variations!! I'll have to try the cinnamon roll version! Sounds yummy!! I got the recipe from my aunt's friend, Shirlean Chester. Makes great rolls! Thanks for your kind comments on my blog! Hope you have a great day!!
I am always looking for and trying new recipes, I'll definently have to try this one! So sweet of you to share your favorite recipes with us!
P.S. I would love to hear more about your bread making businesses, opening a bakery someday is a dream of mine and I would love to hear your experiences with baking!
I'm so glad you were able to go to church. I'm sure that was exciting for your family. Don't overdo it though! Take care of yourself and that baby!
We're still praying for the little blind girl. Thanks for the update.
Thanks for the roll recipe. Now that you got me over my fear of using yeast, I'll have to try this. I never before would even glance twice at a recipe if it called for yeast! Can this recipe be used for bread rather than rolls? Joshua is always asking me to make homemade bread. I would love to learn to do it someday (even if just once for his sake!)
I am so very glad you are starting to feel better...just in time to do all of your holiday baking!!
Thanks for sharing the hot roll recipe with us. I am anxious to try it. Your other recipes have always turned out well.
Take care of yourself...
Have a blessed day.
Thanks for signing my blog. Thanks, also, for sharing this recipe. I think I'll try it sometime.
I haven't made these in awhile...but I'm so busy making your "quick rolls" recipe don't know when I'll fit it in!:) THAT one is just my style and is so yummy...I love it!! These are awesome too but more work...although those cinnamon rolls sound delicious!
So thankful you were able to RIDE to church..and then have plenty of nap time!! Hang in there!
Sounds like you may be feeling little better. I missed last Sunday but I haven't missed too much church yet. Fingers crossed! I am suppose to be singing in the program...we shall see what happens. I can't wait until I am over this part...glad you are feeling somewhat better. Love ya!!!
I love your rolls! The cinnamon buns look yummy too!
Glad you feel like baking again.
Thanks for the recipes.
Thanks so much for the info. Thanks to you I have some really good ideas now! I'll let you know when they materialize!
I tried the love knots (because you told me how on my blog awhile back) .. and they were so yummy! I fixed them for Jonathan's first day of Kindergarten breakfast. Thanks for sharing this stuff with your grateful friends. :-)
My husband loves these rolls! They are practically like dessert. Do yours get larger as the set out, or are they supposed to be a more dense style of roll? My other recipe for rolls is fluffier and these ones turn out thicker. Any suggestions, or am I on the right track? Anyway, they sure are good!
Thanks! theclemensclan.blogspot.com
Thanks for the roll recipe! I have been looking a good one for quite some time. I made these yesterday, and used half the dough for rolls, and half for cinnamon rolls for this morning. They were delicious and got a thumbs up from my husband too! Thank you again for posting!
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