~Phillip's "office" is in our dinning room/living room so he's always with us when he's working on newsletters, his Bible institute and our mission work.~

Kelly Stamper and I were emailing each other and she made some comments on the home, that inspired me (with God's help) to write the following poem!
A home is made up of more than just four walls,
it's love, homemade cookies, kids playing with balls.
No matter your style, you can make a home,
And you can make one, wherever God may have you "roam". (like Colombia, Romania, Mexico, etc. =)
A home is not the latest fashion, and all the latest decorations,
It's LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER and GOD, and hearts full of dedication!
It doesn't have to look like your neighbor's house, we're not all alike,
You may decorate in antiques and they in black leather and "BIKES".
The point is that "Daddy and Mommy" Love each other more each day,
And love their children too, lovingly teaching them to obey.
Spending time together playing games, reading, and just chillin'
Or going shopping together, not necessarily to buy, just millin'.
Eating our meals together around the TABLE...as a FAMILY...
Not each one in their own chair, reading a novel...you see!
Giving each other hugs, and asking "How was your Day"?
And taking time daily to read the Bible together, sing and PRAY!
So, no matter if you can decorate like Martha Stewart or not,
Or if you don't cook well at all, and always burn the food in your pot!
Cheer up, God made you Y-O-U, and LOVES YOU JUST LIKE YOU ARE,
So, hug your family, spend time together, and YOU'LL BE THEIR STAR!!!
Each home will be different, that's how God made us...
To love each other, and to not to fuss. =)
The devil HATES happy Christian Homes filled with God's love...
So, let's love one another, and help each other get to our Heavenly HOME above.
~HEATHER D. Aug. 2007~
~Mommy playing "Guess Who" with Kimberly, and Sarah, while Noah, and a FREEZING Bro. Edwards look on.~

~Enjoying yummy popcorn and hot chocolate together, because it was a cold and rainy evening.(My dinning room is my "sewing and Scrapbooking" room too!)~

Cute poem! You are so talented in many areas!
Steven used to line all his cars up like that too.
AWWW what a cute poem! That is so true if God is head and Daddy & mommy follow the home is such a beautiful place and safe refuge from this mean o world.. Very good job. and BTW.. your lil abode is adorable :):)
Good job and sooo true. Even if we don't have talents in the baking/decorating area, we can still provide a happy home - a loving retreat for our family. (not that we shouldn't work toward NOT burning that food though!:)
By the way, I made your quick/easy homemade rolls for our Sunday dinner and they turnd out wonderful! In fact, I fixed baked fish for dinner yesterday and I made those rolls, only I added garlic and cheddar cheese and italian seasoning which was also very good. I was trying to imitate Red Lobster's rolls. They didn't taste like them, but they were good anyway.
Your home is beautiful. The poem is very cute! and oh so true! DeAnna loves to play Guess Who with me or her dad. Love you, Michelle J
Nice poem. Poor Bro. Edwards, I hear Phoenix is having temps in the One hundred teens. UGH!! That probably is a shock to his system. Your game looks fun!
That is an "inspired" poem. So many times we judge ourselves against others who are usually talented in an area we are weak in. Then we make ourselves feel badly. As an in-law I always felt intimidated by the domestic skills of your mother but I learned that God called me to do things in my own area of strenghths. Hope your thoughts encourage others along the way.
That is a very good poem, I enjoyed all the pictures too.
Keep encouraged in the Lord, I think you are doing a wonderful job there in Colombia or where-ever you may go.I always enjoy reading your blog, it is so interesting.
Linda Hudson
Heather...great poem. It reminded me of all of the poems you used to write when we were teens. I still have some of the ones you wrote to me when you moved to SC. And to think now I live in the very place that you moved to. I would have never thought I would end up here married to Phillip(the best hubby ever!) God does work in mysterious ways! Love ya!
Blessings to a WONDERFUL homemaker and her family!...thanks for your prayers!
Very nice poem Heather, YOu are a pro at being a homemaker. BTW I may have seen them before in other posts but I just noticed your curtins behind the table. I like them - very classy!
I love your poem! And I completely agree with it! It is sad that so many people have never experienced a 'True Home"! How blessed I feel just now! You are all in my prayers!
Can I just say that not only are you your mothers daughter...you are soooo you fathers daughter!!! The words just rhyme away!! Great poem! I'm glad you have gotten some things from home..hope it lifts your spirits! love ya!
Heather, the poem was beautiful. It reminds me of my Aunt that went to be with Jesus a couple of years ago. A few years before she left us she had written I believe it was over 500 poems. She just one day started to write them and they are beautiful poems about our Savior, Master. Thank You so much for sharing. Have a Blessed Day! And keep up the good "Mothering", the being the Wife for Phillip that God has called you to be. Bless you both there in Columbia. Love & Prayers, Eileen
yes it has been around 115 all week and only for a short period of time has gone down low but than always comes right back up. And they always say its not as hot at is FEELS out there..lol.. Shew.. So hot..
That was beautiful and a wonderful reminder! Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
I love reading what you share!
Enjoy your day!
Love your poems & family!
Very cute! I love it!
No I haven't died!! We have been soooo busy with camp and lots of other things!!! I loved your poem!!! You always remind me of what is really important in life!! Tell Noah that Zach is finally starting to play with his cars!! Next time you come home they will have a Blast!!! We love you all and miss you so much!!
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