I keep a journal each day, for our lives are so filled with excitement, then discouraging times, then God working things out, etc. that I want to be able to remember it all one of these days. Besides, since we were engaged, I've written down the ways God has worked in our lives, so on those discouraging days, I can give the devil a BLACK EYE, and show him that God does know us by name and have the hairs of our head numbered! =) On Saturday, I finished writing the 150 Thanks You notes to our supporters, that I've been working on. We have just found a secure way to send out Thank yous from here, so we're trying to catch up on getting our Thanks yous written. The only time that we had mailed something to the USA from here (using a local company) the box had arrived EMPTY to the USA. =( But, we have now found out that we can send a package of Thank You notes that doesn't weigh too much by Fed-ex or DHL, doesn't cost too awful much, and they arrive safely there in the USA. Praise God! I also baked one of the small pumpkins that I had purchased, roasted the pumpkin seeds with some salt (yummy!) and then made 2 homemade pumpkin pies. Now, if you are sweltering hot, and wanting to drink ice tea and go swimming, those pies probably sound "out of season"...but you have to know that here in Bogota, usually the weather is like FALL year around. I have always LOVED Fall! I was born in the fall, and I've always loved the fun memories of BEAUTIFUL FALL LEAVES, smelling them burn, carmel apples, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin cookies, or gingersnaps with pumpkin dip, school days, wearing sweaters, plaid skirts, etc. Then, Phillip and I started dating in the FALL, so that just made me love the fall all the more! Thank the Lord my pies turned out yummy, and my family has enjoyed them this weekend. ~I used a little pumpkin cookie cutter to put pumpkins on my pumpkin pie!~

Sunday was a more busy day than usual, IF THAT IS POSSIBLE! We had a good service Sunday morning, and God answered our prayers and He met with us. God helped Phillip preach and there was conviction in the service, with at least 2 women weeping, and later an alter call and 2 ladies praying. We thank God for His presence, for without Him being there, it's not worth going to church. RIGHT?! Kimberly had 11 kids in her Sunday school class, and God helped her. Her story this week was Noah's ark, so she made each child an elephant puppet (with a whole for the trunk where you put your index finger), and then since I had some foamy animals left from Noah's "Noah's ark" room, she passed those out to her happy S.S. kids too. After service, Kimberly's best friend, Diana, had a birthday dinner, and we were invited. We ate quickly, promised to bring a gift for the birthday girl next Sunday (since we didn't know about her birthday until we arrived that morning for church,) thanked them for their kindness in including us, and ran home. Got home, and since we were already full, we didn't eat the "Arroz con Pollo" (rice with chicken) that had made for lunch, but I made some fresh grape juice (I had to make it, for I was afraid the grapes wouldn't last another day) and we had a piece of the yummy pumpkin pie, and then we grabbed a 20 -30 minute nap. Jumped up and ran to our evening service. We had no electricity in that area, so had church with no lights, and no piano, but we had a good service, and God helped us. (We have a big window and a HUGE garage type door, so we had enough light coming in for service.) Jumped on the bus came home at 8:00 PM, stripped off our "Flea church clothes", ate a bite, jumped into more clothes, did our hair, and ran out the door to an ALL NIGHT SERVICE (9:00 PM-6:00 AM) that we had been invited to. Some of our friends invited us to participate in this service; Phillip was to preach, our family was to sing, and Kimberly was to play her violin. (Sarah is doing good on her violin, but has really only been playing for one month, and we didn't think "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" would be appropriate for church, what do ya think? =) We were aware that the service was going to be interesting, for not only are we in a Different culture, but a different church than we are used to. It was different all-right, and we're thankful to God that we still have our hearing today. =) This culture LOVES LOUD MUSIC, SPEAKING, ETC. and so we nearly went deaf, and we were sitting pretty far away from the speaker. Phillip and Noah were wearing an ear plug in their ear closest to the speaker, and I was "casually" plugging my ear too, WHEW! It was VERY LOUD! BUT, BELIEVE IT OR NOT, Noah fell asleep on the bench in the midst of all of that noise, I Have NO clue HOW! There was a band that played...and then Phillip preached and we sang.

Poor Sarah fell asleep on my lap, while I was sitting on the platform, while Phillip preached. I told her that she could go to sleep, but that I would wake her up when it was time to sing, and I did, and she woke up fine and sang well. We were not really wanting to sing and play the violin, for after a BAND, our music was quite different, but we asked God to please help us, and take away our nervousness, and He did help us, and for that we Thank Him! ~Kimberly, Phillip and I singing a trio~

~Sarah and Kimberly singing, and Heather playing for them~

~A close up of the girls singing.~

~Kimberly playing her violin.~

After that there was another band, and some interesting prayer time, and then we were taken out of the church and they fed us a snack. ~Noah found some new friends that let him ride a little rocking horse, while we were eating our snack.~

Then we came home...arriving home at 2:30 AM. We were afraid if we stayed the last 3 1/2 hours, we'd have been deaf for life! =D! After church 2 different people from another church asked for our phone number to have us come and sing and preach at their church, Help...maybe you should pray for our hearing if that happens. HA! No, Phillip said he won't be exposing our kids to this again. We had no idea what we were getting into. Even though we felt like a "fish out of water" there, they were very kind to us, and treated us well. God helped us, and gave us a good weekend, but we're pretty tired today! Thanks for your prayers!
Oh my, Heather. Pumpkin Pie is my very favorite. Now I am drooling. The pies look so pretty. It defiantly looks like you were at an interesting service. How in the world did you play standing up? You must be exhausted today. Sarah's dress is very cute.
Heather & Phillip, just wanted to let you know we are praying for you. Thank you for sharing your day with us. I had been in a service simular when we went to Haiti in 1999. May God Bless Your Work There. Have a blessed day! It would be nice to have a piece of that pumpkin pie about now.
Love & Prayers, Eileen Gerard
Thank you for the kind comments you left on my blog a couple of weeks ago. I am glad you are still enjoying the CD.
I have enjoyed reading your blog, and peaking into your lives.
I am praying for you and your family that God will keep you safe and use you to reach others.
Trusting ya'll are taking a break and getting rested up!! Bless your hearts! I love eating pumpkin pie w/chocolate!
Your pies look scrumptious - we're in the cooler time of the year here, too - the rainy season. It gets warm in the day but cools off in the 50s at night.
I sympathized with you about the all night service and not knowing what you were getting into, etc.....the mission field puts us in all types of situations, doesn't it? Just have to be ready for whatever it is, then have a family conference when it's over to discuss it - at least we've done that on occasion.
I love the report of Kimberly's class - sounds like she's doing great! Praying for you, Kimberly.
Blessings on your family!
Melodie in Mexico
Sounds like you had such an interesting Sunday!! The best thing is having open communication with your kids to better explain things to them!! Mu husband would have been dying at the sight of those pies. He loves pumpkin pie!!
Thanks for sharing your weekend with us. I am so hungry for a pumpkin pie after seeing yours I think I will have to make one. Kimberly you are doing a great job!
That is so encouraging about your class.
Once again, I read your blog and am amazed and challenged at the life that you lead! You have such a willing spirit, to even agree to an all-nighter with 3 children: loud music or NOT! You are preparing 3 flexible children for the world; Dr. Brown's favorite proverb during international travel was "blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break"! That about sums it up!
I love cold pumpkin pie for breakfast! And, you'll probably faint at this thought, but I just made my very first homemade apple pie last night. Made other kinds before, but this was my first attempt at apple, from scratch crust, etc. It turned out yummy, but I need to work on my crimping technique for making it pretty!
Okay, I'll close my book now. :) It's a stormy, overcast day here, so I'm just veggin' out on the computer. :)
Your pies look so good! Pumpkin is probably my favorite ones to make, although I'll have to admit to never making one from a real pumpkin! Maybe I'll attempt one this fall, it's also my favorite season, Christmas is a pretty close second!I really enjoy reading your blog, we'll keep you in our prayers!
Thanks for your nice comments on my blog!
Dearest Kimberly, It is hard for me to get your blog sometimes and as you know I have been away from home at camp and now with Great Grandma Bryan so ill. I have wanted to send you a note how pleased I am that you "stepped up to the challenge" of teaching a Sunday School class for your little sister and other friends. Teaching takes work to prepare but is so rewarding. As you are preparing please remember to teach not only in "word but in deed as well." Your example of how you allow God to lead you and help you in hard times will cause those little girls to turn to Jesus for their life needs as well. I am praying for your efforts and your class. Have you thought of having your students invite their friends to come to their SS class? May God bless you with many souls to gather around His throne. I love you, Gram
Hi Heather.
Fall is my favorite season too. In fact, I'm really starting to get in the mood for all the Thanksgiving decorations. Believe it or not, I pulled out my favorite Christmas CD and have been listening to it this week.
I'm so excited about the two ladies going to the alter. It makes it all worth it, doesn't it?! So glad God is using you there.
I actually updated my blog (finally). Sorry it's been sooo long.
Heather, I have been reading your blog for awhile and I have to tell you that it is very inspirational. I enjoy the updates and the recipes! I have started a blog and added you as a friend. I am so impressed with your mothering skills! The clothes that you make the girls are so pretty. As always the bread looks scrumptious. I am praying for you all. Love Liz Barr
Was so good to hear from you :) WOW love to read your posts so interesting. Nice to see what all goes on in "another world" Keeping you in our prayers. Not sure if you know or not but Dan & Tammy Williams ( My pastor) Now have a blog spot of their own. Check my page out at the bottom to get the link. Blessings!
Dearest Dickinson's,
we are praying for you all DAILY! Keep encouraged and LAUGH much. I love that flexible comment... how true. Daryl says on the mission field you have to LIVE in that flexible mode for RARELY do you get all the needed info! :) Love you so much, Laura
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