Pastor Jimmy and wife Farley (who are in charge of the ACE school here) had to go to a ACE training convention in Peru this week, so they asked us to take charge of their service at their church on Wednesday night. I played my keyboard, and Phillip led the singing, our kids sang for "offertory" and God helped Phillip to preach.

~Our family at Pastor's Jimmy's new church. Kimberly did Sarah's hair that way, and she looked sooo CUTE and little girlish!~

~All the people that were there that night, and our family.~

We enjoyed being there at their church, and everyone was very friendly to us. I gave out 3 mini loaves of Friendship bread: 2 to Pastor Jimmy's parents and 2 daughters, and one to our friends Monica and Antonio. Pastor Jimmy's parents brought us home, and we had a nice visit with them. God gave us a good night.
~Here's Kimberly, Sarah and Noah playing on our street, in front of our house. Now that Noah knows how to ride his bike, he rides it all of the time! He is ALL boy and LOVES to play in water!~ =)

~Today I made a fresh peach cobbler, and a fresh strawberry pie, and drizzled white choc. on it! The crust didn't turn out too pretty, because I had to try to wrap it around the edge of the pie plate, so it would not slide down inside while it baked. I have no aluminum pie plates here to place inside my single crust, to keep them from sliding while they bake. (Excuse the fake strawberries, I used all of the real ones in my pie.=)~

Phillip is at the airport picking up our dear friend "Grandpa" Edwards from AZ! =) We're excited that he's come to visit us. He is just now walking in the door and it looks like he and his suitcases all arrived safely, THANK GOD! He's also bringing us some goodies from he and his wife, our dear friend, Julie Miller from N.C., our kids' precious Grandma and Grandpa D., and our dear friends David and Roseanne Evans too. So...our kids are excited to have "Christmas" in August! Bro. Edwards brought us a lot of microwave popcorn, and we just enjoyed 2 bags together!
Yummy strawberry pie! Peaches are in season here in SC and they are so great! I wish I could get y'all some. We bought 1/2 a bushel several days ago. Sounds like the Lord helped in the service last night. Great! Love , Liz B
If you are baking the pie-crust shell , in the oven, I am sure you have heard of taking a fork and making pricks in the bottom and all around the crust. I think it helps it to hold it's shape.but you probably already know this. I really enjoy your blog, you are always so interesting. I live in Lexington,NC My daughter Becky Ayars,attends Faith Church, I go to Free Pilgrim. Linda Hudson P.S. I enjoy your recipes. I made the banana bread.
The kids look to have had a blast playing in the water! Michelle J
Looks like they are having a lot of fun ;-)
Glad Bro. Edwards made it ok. Was hoping everything would work out.
Love you all.
Glad Bro. Edwards made it fine. We always looked forward to visitors from the US, we would get goodies too!! Noah looks so cute all wet like that and it looks like he has church shoes on. :) Boys will be boys, won't they? Sarah's hair did look darling!! We miss you all.
So glad you have visitors and treats!). I remember the care boxes my family and church used to send me when I was living in the dorm at HSBC (I felt like I was on a missionfield:) and how exiting it was to get them.
I would never have thought of putting white chocolate on strawberry pie rather than cool whip, but I bet it is good that way.
I updated my blog and posted some of our wedding pics so come visit me sometime. I've missed hearing from you. I went so long without posting, that I lost all my readers.
I was wondering the same thing about Noah...does he have dress shoes on??? Too funny! :) The pie looks GREAT!
I so enjoy your blog it so interesting and the pictures that you take of you projects you make you take the time to make sure they look nice like with the pie here with the strawberries that is just the touch. So enjoy it. Keep encouraged. May the Lord Bless and Keep you in His care. Love & Prayers, Eileen
WOW that pie looks YUMMY.. and those pics are just to cute.. and yes glad you had a good visit !!!
I know you may not remember me,but I am Kayla's cousin from Louisiana, Melody. It has been many years since you and Kayla has lived here but I just wanted to let you know that I have so enjoyed your blog and the many
"journeys" that you and your family go on everyday. We try to read your blog everyday My boys, myself and my husband love the recipes and your wonderful pictures. You have beautiful kids. We pray for you and your family at night. Thank you for such wonderful and interesting stories. God Bless
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