~Noah's twin "Elephant" bed with his new Elephant blankets that he chose.~

I'm just now getting Noah's room decorated. Again I say, when you move to a NEW COUNTRY, AS A FAMILY OF 5, with ALL of your things in just 11 suitcases, there are a lot of things to buy, and that takes time and money! I was trying to think what theme I wanted to do in Noah's room, when I remembered my friend Melinda Shirk's words to me...."Heather, with a son named Noah, surely you have his room decorated in Noah's ark!" I was praying and asking God to guide me in what theme to do, and to help me find things for that theme. (I'M GLAD THAT NOT ONLY NOAH FINDS GRACE IN THE EYES OF THE LORD, BUT THAT HIS MOMMY DOES TOO! =D) When we were shopping the other night, (when Phillip almost got robbed) we bought blankets for Noah's twin beds. We were asking everywhere if they had blankets with Noah's ark, or a boat, or water, or something, but all that had were animals. So, Noah chose 2 nice, thick, soft blankets (with the same picture) with elephants on them. He didn't want ANY other animal, only an elephant! HE's very happy with his "ELEPHANT BED". It's probably not what I would've have chosen had we had more choices, but I'm happy that he's happy, and it does go with the Noah's ark theme!

The only problem is that here (Being a Catholic country) they don't have Noah's ark stuff, for they don't believe in reading the Bible! In the USA, you can find Noah's ark things in a lot of stores; thank God for our Christian Heritage. A lady here in a store, told me that with them being CATHOLIC here, they don't have those Biblical things. Then she said, "We are just Catholic in name, and don't really practice, where your country is more Christian and does practice." (Wish that were always true about the Good ole USA!) I'm SAD for I have a HUGE, ADORABLE Noah's ark picture that's matted and framed, that our cousin Rob Dickinson gave us for Noah, but it's in the USA, and too big and fragile to bring here. I know that if I'm going to do Noah's room in Noah's ark things, it will have to be when he's young, for he won't be "into that" when he's 14. HA! The kids and I went into about 7 to 10 stores in the mall asking for Noah's ark things, and THANK GOD, one souvenir shop had an adorable handmade clay ark with animals, and a Colombian looking Noah and Mrs. Noah. It was soooo cute, and so I bought that...and here it is!

While we were in that store buying that cute Noah's ark, the man asked Noah's name, and when he heard that both Sarah and Noah had a Bible names, he asked about Kimberly's name. To which I told him that her 2nd name was a Bible name, Kimberly "Anna". He got all happy looking and said, "Oh, we have the "SAINT ANNA," if you'd like to buy it for her!" HELP! I thanked him, but declined. =D
I also have a CUTE frame from my dear friend Mrs. Kemp that is Noah's ark, with my Noah's picture in it. We bought little animals to set around this on his dresser.

Then, I bought what we call "Foamy" here, and Phillip helped me make an ark, and I cut out letters that say "Noah's Ark" and I put foamy animals all over the letters. Thank the Lord it turned out cute, and we have that on the main wall of his room. So, his room looks really cute FINALLY, and I'm happy, and so is NOAH! Thank God for His help!
Cute, cute, cute! You did a good job and you little Noah is adorable!
Heather - what can I say but that God has blessed you abundantly eith talents most of us only dream about. Loved the decorations - cute room for a cute boy!!!
AWWW that is to cute.. You did a GREAT job.. I imagine it is challanging not having all your things.. wow and ya all do it with such grace.. Thanks for the comments :) Have a blesses day!
Good job, Heather, and Good job Noah on picking such snuggly looking blankets. They look so soft and commfy. The room looks really nice. To bad you can't get that big picture down there that is at the church. You did a great job. I like the foam wall deco.
I really like your foamy letters! Good job on the decorations!!
I enjoyed reading your friendship bread and "Fellowship with Jesus" blog. I, too, am thankful for a Heavenly Father who loves and cares for me!! Had a good time of "renewal" this morning. I was also going to ask if it would be possible to email the sourdough bread starter to me. I think I would like to try my hand at it. Would it be ok for a "beginner" to try? If you already have it on your computer, and wouldn't mind emailing it to me, I would really appreciate it. Thanks so very much!! Trust your day goes well and you all have a good worship on Sunday! Becca
Sorry, my email is srhoard@gmail.com Thanks again!! Becca
Heather, I just love Noah's room - great job decorating and great job, Noah, picking out awesome blankets...they look so warm and snuggly. They remind me of blankets they sell here in Mexico.
Love to you all,
Very cute!!!!
Dear Noah, This is Bryan. I just got up on my Mommy's lap and got to see your "Elephant Bed" It is REALLY COOL! I see that you have 2 beds in your room. Does that mean I could come and see you some time? I would love that! I LOVE YOU and I miss you too, Love your Cousin Bryan in'Manian
You did such a great job, I love seeing how others decorate their homes, it's something I really enjoy also!
Heather... I really really like how y'all decorated his room> You are so creative! I love the foamies idea! Really nice job.
I found this website today and thought of you. You may have already seen it but it looks nice...
Very sweet decor!
I didn't get to try the rolls! I forgot I was out of yeast! Maybe next time . . . :>)
Love, Liz
Everything looks really cute! And that grape salad looks yummy to me! So thankful for your safety! Love Ya'll!
What a cute room! My kids taste is usually not to my liking, but it's what makes them happy that matters!
So glad to read your update.
Great looking room! You did a great job! Tell Noah how happy we are for him! But, thanks to your loud music service he might not hear you! Ha! Love ya bunches...just started school this week. It came around all to soon!
Heather "Noah's" Ark is adorable. It is so neat how the Lord gives us ways of doing things when we think we don't have what we need. God gives it to us. Praise His Name. God bless each of you and His work there. Love & Prayers, Eileen
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