God has answered sooo many prayers for me here recently, so I wanted to share a few with you. Now these aren't really "BIG" things to pray about, but THEY WERE BIG TO ME...and my God cares about what I care about! =) 1. I got my Aug./Sep. Taste of Home in the mail...and I squealed with joy right by the mail box, and then looked up to see the street guard watching me. =D (I've had at least one of my issues get stolen or lost, and when they only come every 2 months, that's a LONG time to wait for the new magazine when you LOVE to cook and bake like I do.) 2. I had not received a Ladies Companion magazine since the Valentines issue, 2 issues must've gotten lost or stolen too,...SO I WAS THRILLED TO SEE THE JULY/AUG. ISSUE ARRIVE!!!! 3. Everything that I've been sewing, has been without a pattern, for I don't have any patterns here. About 2 months ago, My DEAR Moma mailed me a small box with a few basic patterns in it....BUT I hadn't heard or seen anything from that box. ALMOST EVERYDAY I would ask Jesus to PLEASE watch over those patterns and bring them to me....AND HE DID...they came in last Friday!!!
~I've made A LOT of bread in my life time since I started baking bread when I was 11, had my own bread business out of my home in 4 different states, and was the baker at G.B.S., however, as far I can remember, I've never made "Sourdough Bread" until this past Saturday. I guess I never lived around anyone who had a starter for it. I got to thinking that I could probably make my own starter, so I wrote and asked Sherri Wolfe if she had a recipe for the starter and directions for making sourdough bread, and she emailed it to me. Thanks Sherri! Here are my 3 loaves of Sourdough, Phillip Loves Sourdough bread!~

4. Also, some of our dear friends bought Noah a bike, but here all of the bikes pedal like a 10 speed, and so when he would try to pedal, it was much easier to go backwards than frontwards. No matter how much we tried to teach him, He couldn't seem to get the hang of pedaling his bike front-wards. I was a little "worried", and would breathe a prayer about it every now and then, just 'cause I wanted him to be able to ride his bike. (When I'd ask Phillip, "Do you think he'll EVER learn to ride his bike?" Phillip would tease me and say, "No, I think he'll still be trying to learn to ride a bike when he's 20." =) Well, HE LEARNED ALL BY HIMSELF LAST FRIDAY!!! YEA! 5. God also helped Phillip to find a good Bible Book store with a lot of classic holiness books in Spanish, for our church people to read and learn more about God and His Word. So, we're counting our blessings this week, even more than we usually do...FOR GOD IS AWESOME....all of the time! =)
Fantastic! It is always amazing to find that God is interested in things like "Taste of Home", etc. He remembers what it is like to have "feet of clay".
Aunt Linda
Yes He is soooo wonderful. It's neat you got that friendship bread recipe. It looks good. My mom used to make it so much (because the starter multiplies and multiplies) we got a little tired of it after a while. However, there are lots of variations you can use with the basic recipe. The sourdough looks great. Is that the pumpkin you carried home 2 miles in the rain?? It made a very pretty picture.
Heather, first of all, I LOVE to read your blog! I got to see your parents for a little while at camp! Also, would LOVE to have the started recipe for the friendship bread - used to have it but it is gone!! Keep encouraged and LOVE peeking in at your lives!!
I have the recipe for friendship bread, but how do you make it chocolate? Just curious.
Bread looks awesome. I haven't made Sourdough bread in a very long time. Those are awesome answers to prayer. It is neat to know that God in heaven cares about the very littlest things for His children.
hi heather! glad you found the wedding pics. I forgot to take my camera. the wedding was beautiful! Your bread looks delicous and the skirts/top are adorable. we are in comargo camp so I will try to post pictures of that this week. hope you have a great week!
Glad you liked your sour dough recipe. It does look yummy. Maybe I'll try making some again sometime... Got sick on it while I was expecting Darla and that takes a while to "get over". O how right you are that God LOVES and cares about our EVERY NEED and even many of our little wants. I just read today in Galations where we are called HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS and are allowed to call him, "DADDY!" Oh, HOW I LOVE HIM! and I love YOU TOO dear sister, Love, your sister, Laura
Move over friendship bread...that sourdough bread looked wonderful. You make bread pretty enough to spray them and preserve them for a display basket. I'm glad you found some wedding pics. You can find a cake pic on Marianne Browns blog. My pic of the cake turned out just like hers. We will never be able to convince anybody that it really was ivory not gold.
Thank you for sharing your answers to prayer Missionary friend. God is good all the time. It's our idea of good that changes. Have a great day!
Isn't God good? Sometimes I am just amazed over the little things that matter to us, so small to everyone else, but God CARES!!
The bread looks wonderful! Now, if all of the stuff you have made is without a pattern, I am looking forward to seeing what you can do with one :-)
Have a very blessed week!
I rejoice with you, Heather, in your answers to prayer. It is wonderful when we have these times of encouragment in the Lord. Provides strength when tougher days arrive.
Funny you should mention the Friendship bread; I hadn't made it in years, but just got a starter for it this weekend. I'm on Day 3! And I also plan to make the chocolate version as well as the original! Yum-O!
I would love to have that recipe as well.. I also would like to know some of ur ideas for the cute jean skirts you have made with the girls. I have some but would really like to use a few of yours if you didnt mind they are just to cute
What awesome answers to prayer - I'm encouraged by your post. Thank you.
Your bread looks simply wonderful. I, too, love the hot cup of coffee during morning devotions. I love when the sun peeks up over my back yard wall and sunlight spills into my living room. No matter what the day holds, that part of it always seems to be perfect.
Melodie in Mexico
I also received two special answers to prayer today! They would be insignificant to others, but to me a HUGE blessing. It still amazes me that God works sometimes thru other people to supply anothers need. I pray that I am always faithful to His promptings! Great BLOG! and my mouth is watering for the bread!
Yum - the bread does look delicious. I enjoyed reading this post. God IS good!
Not only is it amazing to me that God is good All the time, its that he is good to All of us All the time! My personal time with him is my shelter from crazy life. I'm so glad he is OUR Heavenly Father! I need to share him more for his love is not ever stretched thin. Thanks for your post:)
Our God is truly an Awesome God! He takes time out of His busy schedule to look down upon us and grant our (what to Him could be) insignificant prayers...when I think of how many people are in the world and He hears MY prayers, it takes my breath away.
I apologize, Heather, as it's been awhile since I've felt up to reading on the computer and have missed the little peek into you'alls lives. I had quite a bit to catch up on tonight (I woke up at midnight and couldn't go back to sleep so thought it'd be a good time to catch up on your blog).
I'd LOVE to have the recipe for the friendship bread and ALSO the chocolate bread--haven't seen that before but I love chocolate so would love to try it.
I copied your recipe for "quick" rolls, as well. Uncle Dan doesn't care for biscuits, which is what my southern-raised momma taught us girls to make (and we had them at every meal every single day :>)), so he might like these rolls.
We love you guys and are always praying for your health and that God will bless your ministry.
Hey Heather , I tried your quick roll recipe yesterday. I was baking for a funeral with 65 in attendance. I made my crescent rolls but needed something extra so I decided to try those. They were really yummy! Thanks for posting that recipe!
Our Lord is so good and it's so encouraging to hear when He answers prayer! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Heather. I enjoyed reading your updates. I'm so happy that God has been answering prayer for you. We still pray for you all each night. I'm SO glad God sent you your Taste of Home magazine! I was actually going to email you today and see if you had gotten it yet. If not, I was going to see about ordering you a new subscription. God is to good!
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