~Kimberly decided to paint her sibblings and her face. We didn't get a picture of Sarah. =(

I am not able to to to church right now in my condition, but Thank the Lord, He sent in some money to buy a little "Gloria Player" which is a little machine that you just punch in the number of any of the Spanish hymns in our Spanish book, and it will play all of the songs. YEA! So, God helped us get that machine for Phillip to take to church, the VERY DAY that I started getting really sick with this pregnancy. God knew that I wouldn't be able to go to church and play the piano for a few weeks, so He provided music for Phillip just in time! It is VERY Necessary to have music when you sing for almost an HOUR EACH SERVICE, and most of your congregation cannot carry a tune!
~Kimberly made Noah into a "Kitty Cat". Dear Noah, put a bunch of GLUE on this piece of paper, AND GLUED IT TO OUR LIVING ROOM WALL!

Today while the girls were having their violin lesson and were playing their violins together, Noah was strumming his guitar. It was cute, but not on tune! =)

Thank you for your prayers for baby and I! I'm not bragging nor complaining, but I'm soooooo nauseated and tired that I am NOT getting anything done in life right now. My laundry is overflowing, and I have a bunch that needs ironed, and my house looks like a hurricane just came through it. =D It is very discouraging to me right now, but I know that this time will soon pass, and I'll feel better soon, (HOPEFULLY), and I'm just trying to relax in the midst of the MESS, and help the little "bun" in my oven to grow into a "loaf". =) PLEASE KNOW THAT I'm sooooo HAPPY about this baby, just feel like I'll never get caught up on my work.
Thanks for your prayers, I NEED THEM VERY MUCH!
Oh dear -- I can say that my kids have never glued anything to the wall....yet. Hope you start feeling better soon!
I have never met you personally but know who you are through IHC., ect. My husband and I live in Indiana (about 5 minutes from your Dad and Mom's new church)! I am writing to encourage you. I am also pregnant and due May 23 with our second blessing from God. I too am in the same situation you are...sick and so tired. I feel so discouraged too and I am near family so I can imagine how hard it is for you. Stay encouraged...this too shall pass! Jesus cares so much for things that seem so little...like housework and laundry; mine is a mess. You are in my thoughts and prayers! Hope you feel well soon.
Carla Salisbury
This too shall pass heather...I know how you feel and it is very hard to get anything done and you feel guilty but you have a wonderful family who understands. Just rest and get over the sickness! :)
I just want you to know what an encouragement you are to me! I was just thinking the other day of what a wonderful example of a Proverbs 31 woman you are! You are teaching your family to be grateful by your attitude of gratitude. You put your family and husband first by all those special things you make and do for them from violin cookies to fun decorations around the house etc. You "open your arms to the poor and extend your hands to the needy" around you. The list could go on and on. And while I know that piling laundry and a less than perfect house can be very discouraging, you are an inspiration to me and others. I am praying for you today. Isaiah 40:29-30
Heather, we are praying for you. Maybe God will see fit to lift the nausea and give you an energy boost today that will encourage your heart? We'll pray so. You are such a blessing and we love you VERY much!
Aunt Nesi
Heather we are praying for you and the little one. Also I will be sure and pray for the little girl that fell. Have a blessed day!
Love & Prayers, Eileen
Noah is just trying to be constructively busy like his Dad, Mom, & Sisters are-that's why he is doing important stuff like gluing papers to the wall. I can see his little brain whirling as he thinks up neat things to do. He likely was shocked when told never to do that again. We so enjoy reading about life with the Dickinsons in Bogota'. Love, Mom & Dad D
Having just come through the nausea stage myself, you have been on my mind and in my prayers lately! Blessings to all of you.
Don't worry about the laundry... it'll get done. (I know that is easier said than done) I love the paper glued to the wall... aren't boys great??? :)
A "gloria machine" sounds like a neat machine. I need one sometimes, I think, but not for the same reason as you. Please try to rest and be a "good" mommy by not stressing out, ok?
Love to you and yours.
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