~Phillip had an appointment on Thursday and was gone from our home for several hours, so since my Kimberly has been wanting me to decorate our home for fall, the Lord helped me to get it done while Phillip was gone, to surprise him when he came home. I LOVE TO DECORATE FOR FALL, AND FOR CHRISTMAS TOO, but in these first few months of pregnancy it is HARD to get the "umph" to do much of anything. =) Here's a peak into our home. We are very blessed for last year, my dear friend Roseanne and our dear Aunt Libby sent us some VERY nice fall decorations!! Since I'm a basket lover, I also enjoyed finding 2 sets of fun Fall baskets at a store here.~
~Our "front door" is actually a Garage door, so this is our official front door. Roseanne sent these pretty fall leaves, and Aunt Libby sent us these fun plastic Pilgrims and Indians to hang for our children to enjoy.~

~Our dinning room table. I thought these "pumpkin" baskets were so cute, and was happy to find them here. They are just a orange round basket with a green handle to make them look like pumpkins. There were 5 different sizes that came as a set. I'm letting my girls use the 2 smallest baskets to decorate their desks and room for fall. I LOVE the neat fall leaf salt and pepper shakers that Roseanne sent me. I was happy to find this pretty fall ribbon here too.~

~I also found these cute yellow baskets here. They have a lining of orange material with darker orange or red dots.~

~Since we don't have fall leaves here in Bogota, Aunt Libby sent us 2 neat bunches of REAL dried fall leaves. So I hung one bunch above each of my mirrors in my living room. They smell soooo nice!~

~Another bunch of the yummy smelling real fall leaves!~

~I'm a morning person, except when I'm pregnant, and then I don't function until noon. =) This morning I slept in, and I noticed that I was smelling cantaloupe every time I turned over. When I awakened I found that my dear Kimberly had made me a bowl of freshly cut-up fruits, and some hot tea and placed those and a SWEET note beside my bed. =) I tried to take a picture of the note, but it didn't work. The note said something like: "Dear Mommy, I love you soooooo much. I'm so sorry you are sick, but I am VERY HAPPY we are going to have a baby! Love, Kimberly!" My dear girls are so thoughtful and helpful, I have NO CLUE what I would do without their help!~

One of the things that we do in the Fall, is COUNT OUR BLESSINGS! I have soooo many blessings that I won't name them for you right now, but I do want to THANK JESUS for a specific answer to prayer! My DEAR Mother-in-law, Mom D., whom I LOVE DEARLY, has been SOOOO VERY Sick and even died three times, but the hospital and God brought her back. We have been begging Jesus to please HEAL Mom D. for she has been sooo miserable. God has been touching her, and she is feeling much better, though NOT out of the woods yet. My heart is soooo blessed and THANKFUL TO OUR DEAR GOD FOR THE TOUCH HE HAS GIVEN TO MOM!!!!! If you think of Mom, please pray for her, THANKS!
Thanks for stopping by, and come back soon! (but please don't mind me if my house isn't really clean and I'm in my nightgown, that's sort of life these days. =) Thanks for your prayers for baby and me, we REALLY APPRECIATE THEM!!!
Thank you for the delicious pumpkin cookie. I enjoyed every bite. =) Your house looks so festive. You are doing a wonderful job there. Sorry to hear about your Mother-in-law. We will keep her in our prayers. I can't imagine being so far away and knowing that one of your close family members are so sick. I will be praying for you and Phillip too. God can help you!!!
The house looks so nice, I love decorating for fall also, the smells are so wonderful! The pumpkin cookies looks delicious, if only I weren't trying to lose a few pounds right now! We'll keep your mother-in-law in our prayers!
Your house looks really cute being decorated for fall. I enjoy reading your blog!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful fall deco pictures!! God bless you and your dear family!!
Dear Heather,
Your decorations look so nice & comforting!
But what warms my heart even more is the way your children are so thoughtful and loving! You can tell they adore you and each other! That is success in life, if you ask me! They certainly must see these traits in you and your husband to carry through with them on their own. I think it's precious!
God be with you all!
I saw your Mom and Dad yesterday at UBC Old Fashion Day. They don't know me very well but I told your Mom that we communicate through our blogs. I gave her a hug from you.
Your house looks nice. We are still having weather in the 90's so I have not gotten in the fall mood yet. I do plan on decorating for fall this week.
Hope you had a good Sunday
It makes me very happy when I hear of the kind and loving deeds that your girls are learning to do for you and for others. That's the way that girls should treat their mothers. And, I know your girls love to do special things for you because they love you so much. But, it is all because you have loved them and shown them these unique skills.
I, too, am grateful for the physical touch that Jesus has been giving me thru' these past months. You are one sweetheart for Helping me praise Jesus for this. Love, Mom D.
Heather your house looks so nice and fallish. You did a great job. I took think it is great how the girls are really used by God. Praise Him for His touch on them as they continually serve Him and others as yourself. Yes it is great that God is touching your Mother in law, my good friend Sherry. We have been praying for her as well. We do have much to Praise Him for Praise His Dear Name. May God keep His hands on you as you go through the next few months. God bless and keep you in His care. Love ya!
Heather, your cookies look just like mine:) We had some today on a Fall Picnic/Afternoon Drive that we took with Jodi Randel & clan. They tasted especially yummy in the crisp Fall air, next to a mountain stream with a cup of hot Chai. I thought of you! I posted a slide show of our afternoon excursion on my blog - if you'd care to come along!
I love all your beautiful fall decor, Heather. And what a sweet girl you have!
Praying for you all,
Heather - I can't remember when I last posted a comment!! Love the decorations!!! I think you are doing a great job raising your kids!! Congrats on the baby!! Glad you get to come home for that event!! I truly enjoy reading your blog - it makes my day!!!
This is so pretty... Your such a talented gal!
So sweet of Kimberly to take care of her Moma this way! Enjoyed the pictures of your fall Decor! I haven't taken time to decorate really at all other than a fall wreath on my table. :-/
The cookies were yummy-like everything you cook, and your house looks beautiful! I would love to see it in person. Fall is my favorite time too. Kimberly was so sweet to do that for you. She is precious!! I hope you have a better week.
Love ya,
Very nice decorations. I love decorating for fall too. That was so sweet of Kimberly to fix you fruit and what a sweet note. Glad to hear Mom D. is feeling some better. We sure have been praying for her and will continue to.
Love the fall decor!
I was watching your Aunt Libby in church last night. She is one special lady, her life is such an inspiration.
We will be praying for your Mother-in-Law.
Your decorations look so nice! I need to try that pumpkin cookie recipe. Sounds really good!
That Kimberly is really something else! She is a gem to be cherished, for sure (as are her siblings)
Well, it certainly looks like fall around your house. So glad you were feeling well enough to get everything decorated. I'm sure it brightened your day to get that out of the way. Hope you are feeling better soon!
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