Our Lord told us to pray that the Lord of Harvest would call forth laborers into His fields, and we try to do that daily. We also try to pray that God will send us someone to help us here in Colombia. It appears that God has answered our prayers by sending us
ANOTHER MISSIONARY to help us next May or June. Now, this missionary won't know the language right away, won't be very big, so won't be able to do much at first,
EXCEPT CRY, EAT, AND SLEEP but we are VERY excited that God is sending us this missionary, even though we don't know if it will be a lady or a man.
Yes, I think you have caught on by now, that the LORD WILLING we are to have our precious baby #4 next May or June! YEA!!!! We have been wanting and praying for a baby for 2 years now, so we are very HAPPY that God has answered our prayers! Our kids are sooo excited and want the baby to come NOW! Noah keeps patting his round tummy and telling me that he has a baby in his tummy too. Lord willing, we hope to go back to the states in March or April 2008 and have our baby there in Ohio somewhere, then later on come back to Colombia. (We had thought of having a "Colombian" and having the baby here, but the one emergency room trip that we took with Kimberly who had hurt her wrist, scared us soooo badly about how things are done here in the hospitals, that we changed our minds!)~Since this is my 4th baby, and I'm slim, that baby is already showing.~

I'm soooo nauseated with this little baby (I've been this way with all of mine) that all of my normal baking and sewing projects have come to a SCREECHING HALT and my new task at hand is to TRY TO FIND SOMETHING THAT I CAN EAT THAT WON'T MAKE ME SICK! I'm sick BEFORE I eat and sick AFTER I eat, and tired all of the time! =) How can a precious baby so TINY, make a Mommy soooo sick? =) We're soooo excited about our baby. Please pray that this sickness passes fast, for it's not my personality to lay in bed and not be doing things, but right now my "job" is to grow a healthy baby! Please pray for a healthy BABY and a Healthy MOMMY! It is NOT easy be pregnant in a foreign country, I miss all of the comforts of familiar things in the Good ole' USA, and I miss my Moma and my family! =) Thanks for praying!
Congratulations!!! Hope the nausea subsides soon! How difficult to be pregnant in a foreign country and not have your OB doctor handy! I will pray for you to have a healthy pregnany and safe delivery here in the USA! (I work in Labor and Delivery here and know exactly what you are talking about!)
Congratulations!!! Don't think you know me, but I know your parents and sister Laura. I've enjoyed reading your blog and was wondering if I could add you to my friends list. I just started blogging after my TLC missions trip to Brazil this summer (last summer I went to Honduras).
I think you are doing a wonderful work and will remember you in prayer.
Love, Jen
Congrats on baby #4!!
YIPEEE!! ;-) You look SOOOo Cute, Heather!!! How many weeks are you? You think this will be another Noah pregnancy. That was Awesome!! :-)
Love ya!
Happy Congratulations to you! Now, we will be a little more specific in our daily mention of your name!
Congratulations to you and your family!! I am excited for you!! Hope the nausea goes away quickly!!!
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. I am so glad that you will get to come home for the delivery. Hope you get to feeling better soon. I wish I could cook a meal or clean your house to give you a break. I will be praying that you feel better soon.
We Cant wait!!
How very exciting! Congratulations! I will be praying for you.
You look really nice. :-)
My Moma couldn't post a comment for some reason, so she emailed me this comment to post for her!
Daddy and I are always thrilled when you children call and ask for both of us to get on the phone for it usually means another baby! And this time was no exception! Number 16 is on the way! We have prayed for you and this tiny little one daily since that call. Heather, Heather, Heather after seeing your blog this morning I am in shock! You are either farther along than you think or you are having twins! If this baby is a boy it will delight the grandsons for it will make them eight the same as the girls. If it is twin boys you will be in trouble with the girls for the first time there will be more boys than girls! If you should have twin girls then you will really mess things up so guess you will have to have "identical twins" like Phillip's Dad and his sister were! Please take care of our baby and the Moma!
We love you, Daddy and Moma
Congratulations!! Hey, it might be twins!
Congratulations!! I do hope the nausea is better soon, try some ginger, either make a tea or chew a tiny bit of root. It really helps if you like ginger :-) One of the midwives I work with, worked in Columbia for awhile. I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy and safer delivery for you.
Congratulations on your wonderful news!
Although you have the sweetest babies on earth, I HATE that you have to endure being sick, and have to go thru' childbirth. But, we must trust Jesus to help you thru' all of this until baby arrives. I realize it is a slow process but try to get thru' each day the easiest way you can. We are grateful that you will have baby in the U.S. I loved your Mom's comment. Love, Mom & Dad D.
Congratulations, Heather! What a treat if you were able to be at IHC in person this year! :>)
Praying you're feeling a little better soon!
Such sweet, happy news! I'm so happy for you that God granted your desire. Congratulations! There will be added prayers going up from our little corner of the world for you! Take good care of yourself....how many weeks along now, do ya think?
I am so happy for you all, congratulation and hope you start to feel better soon. Wish I could help
love amy
Warm congratulations from Mexico!
Marc and Melodie
Heather... oh my word... I can't believe your baby "bump" WOW girlie!! Take care!!! I'm sorry you are so sick. I know it is not like you to lay around. I think our family needs another boy so I will root for a boy!! :)
Congratulations, Heather & Philip!!! It's exciting to know another mommy in the "expecting again" category!!:-) Hope you are soon feeling back to normal. I'm just starting to get there, so I know there is hope!!! :-)
Congratulations! I have been thinking about you and wondering when the next one would come! I was going to tell you too that my midwife travels world wide and helps other missionaries have babies in foreign lands, but I'm glad you are going to get to come "home" to have the baby. Best wishes and hope you get feeling better very soon. Will be praying for you and your family.
We are sooooooo happy for you and Philip!!!! I know the kids are happy beyond words! I'm thinking either this is going to be one Big baby or we may be having two new missionaries to Columbia!! I'll be glad to keep one here for you if that is the case!! We are so excited to see you guys it seems like it will never get here. Give Kimberly,Sarah, and Noah a big hug and kiss and tell them we are so excited for their new brother or sister. {Maybe Both!!!}
Heather, I am so very excited for your family!!! You look very cute pregnant. That is awful being sick when you are so busy! We will be praying that you and the baby stay healthy (other than being nauseated of course and hopefully that will stop very soon!)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! With lots of love & prayers, Michelle J
I was told to go to your blog by my Mother....What a fun surprise! I am so very happy for you..Babies are such precious gifts from God! We will pray that everything goes wonderfully for you throughout your pregnancy...Please take good care of yourself! You look too cute! Congratulations! I can't believe Laura was able to keep that exciting "news" to herself...
Congratulations to all of you! We will keep you in our prayers. We are so glad you will be coming back to Ohio -- hopefully we'll get to see you then. We're very happy for you.
Thanks for posting on my blog! It was great to hear from you. Our family surely enjoys the newsletters you send out. Congratulations on baby #4. Hope you feel better soon!
Love, Heidi
Congrats. and prayers!
I also wondered if you would be more excited about the baby or possibly being able to be at IHC!!!:) Love Ya!
You look really cute Heather, I like the dress. It looks comfortable (but not for long).I can't believe how big you are getting. I am sooo happy for you. Love ya.
How exciting and wonderful - except for the nausea! I hope that passes soon. I know all too well what that is like. With all the pain I am experiencing, I keep telling Troy, "This is still better than nausea!" :-) I love to see growing Christian families.
Our Friend, Sis. Gerard from Michigan emailed me this comment, because she couldn't post it.
Eileen Gerard
to me.
Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I just was on yours Heather, and CONGRATULATIONS are in order. Wow a new "Missionary", that is great. You look so cute in the picture. I tried to leave a comment on your blog, but for some reason I was having problems. So when I got this I thought I would take this opportunity to share a little bit with your excitement. Heather you take care of yourself and may God keep His Hand on you and the "New" Missionary. Our prayers are with you. Love & Prayers, Eileen
Congrats! So happy for you, we'll be praying that everything goes smoothly!
Congrats, Heather! How exciting! I like the way you told the news in the blog post.
I am so happy for you! It is wonderful how God does answer prayers (in His time). I'm glad you are coming to Ohio to deliver, I will want to set up a meeting with you here! Four is such a good number! :)
Heather, I am so excited for you! Congratulations!! You are a wonderful mommy, and I'm glad God has blessed you with another child. I'm sorry you're sick. I will pray for you. I miss you.
Love you lots,
YEAH! Your answer to prayer has come. I was terribly sick with Hunter and had all the comforts of home, so I will definitely be praying for you. I posted that pumpkin pancake recipe I told you about. Congratulations!
YEAAAAAA I am soooooooooooooooo happy for you guys.. WHOO HOOOO>.. CONGRADDDDDSSSSSS... I can totally relate I think all us mommies can on that sick part..lol I always had the first 6 months spent in the bathroom and the remaining 4 in bed.rofl. but was SOOOO worth it.. WOW HUGS to you all!!!!
Many Congrats from all of us! We are very excited for y'all. So sorry about the nausea - Jane is suffereing right along with ya! (In case you hadn't heard, Jane is expecting a new arrival in April!)
Lots of Love :)
PS Alyssa says to tell Kimberly & Sarah hello!
Oh, I am so happy for you! I will be praying for you! Like Martha, my nausau is better, but i have been haing lots of pain... it will be worth it all when you get to hold that baby (or babies!). People like to say stuff about me having twins, but I am not... I just tend to have extraordinarily large babies! Okay, I haven't had a 10 pounder yet! Bless your heart, hope this one isn't that big!
What great news! I hope the sickness doesn't stay around for too long. So glad the Lord answered your prayers.
Congratulations on baby #4. Hope you get feeling better soon!!!!
Congratulations to you and your family!!! Trust the Lord will bless you with a good pregnancy (hopefully you'll get to feeling better soon) and a healthy baby. So glad you get to come home for the delivery!! Take care of yourself and baby!! God bless you all!!
Martha called me this morning and in conversation asked if I read your blog. I do, but had not checked it for a week or so; she told me the wonderful news! So happy for you! Babies are such precious gifts from God! I will be praying that the nausea ends -- SOON! Love and God's blessings on all of you! - Dawn Castle
I'm just getting around to reading all of your posts, so wanted to add my congratulations on your upcoming addition!! I pray that your sickness will leave soon. I had to keep saltines right on the bedside table to nibble when I first woke up in the morning before I even MOVED! It helped!!!
Congratulations! What wonderful news. Take care of yourself as best you can.
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