Phillip was gone a lot of the day helping a man from one of our churches. God is helping us to touch one life at a time here, for which we praise Him. There are sooooo MANY NEEDS around us, but we try to take groceries to a family who needs them, find some roofing for another family who's roof is leaking into their home, etc. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS FOR US, WE WANT TO TOUCH AS MANY AS WE CAN FOR JESUS!
Here in Colombia the Christian churches celebrate "Bible Day" on this day, and we like the idea. Our children kept looking out and seeing our neighbors kids all dressed up, leaving for school, or wherever. So, I told the girls that they could go and dress up in their princess' dresses, and that we would try to make some candy to make it a fun day for them too. (Kimberly made Noah a "mask" but I didn't get a picture of him in it.) ~From the couch, I took this pic of the kids making the candy~

~Pecan Caramel Clusters~

Taste of Home Feb/March 2007
1 package (14 oz.) caramels
2 Tab. water
2 Tab. butter
2 cups coarsely chopped pecans
4 oz. white candy coating, coarsely chopped
4 oz. semi sweet choc. candy or choc. chips.
In a microwave-safe bowl, combine the caramels, water, and butter. Microwave, uncovered on high for 3 to 3 1/2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. Stir in pecans.
Drop by tablespoonfuls onto greased baking sheets. Freeze or refrigerate for 15-20 minutes, or until set.
In a microwave-safe bowl, combine candy coatings. Microwave, uncovered on high for 1-2 minutes, stirring every 15 seconds, stir until smooth. Dip caramel clusters in coating, place back on greased pan and can chill until firm. Yield: about 2 pounds.
Phillip came home and took our children with him to the mall and bought some candy and cookies and some zip lock bags and hurried home and the kids, Phillip and I hurriedly packed 35 bags for them to take to pass out after church tonight. Last year we did a very fun night, (that is when I made those 24 loaves of Banana bread, and 200 smiley face sugar cookies) but with me being "out of the picture" right now, I suggested that Phillip just tell a kids story, sing kids songs and pass out the goodies, and that would make it a simple fun night for those who come to church! =) Now here I sit in a VERY DIMLY lit house so that my neighbor children won't think I'm home, and ring my doorbell asking for candy. =) I do have some candy here, but it's all to make more goody bags to pass out at our other church tomorrow night. =)~Packing the goody bags to pass out at church~

What a great idea to give candy to the kids at church. I love the tobasco bottle on the table in the top picture! Liz
What a nice post of what you guys are doing for others. You are busy all of the time. And, your children are learning how to give to others by your example. I love it.
If you post one more recipe on your blog-I will have to stop my diet and go to eating goodies non-stop. Those carmel pecan clusters just about ruined me for good. You did warn me at first but I tho't I was strong enough to resist. I'm not! :-) Love, Mom D
I can imagine what it was like to have the kids in the kitchen by themselves. I hope you get to feeling better. From the voice of experience, this part is not fun. If I dwelt on your comments about being sick, I could probably go throw up just out of sympathy. It is comforting to know that it will not last forever. The caramel clusters looked so good, but I have had to quit making things with nuts. Joseph is extremely allergic to them. We ended up in the hospital just because he touched a pecan log. This was an adjustment for me because I ate nuts on so many things. I gladly give them up for the life of my child. They were fun to look at though.
Hi Heather,
It was nice hearing from you on my blog. Since I was just getting started I really did not have it set up like I liked it. So, Phil and I spent a while tonight trying to get it right. I have been on your blog several times thru Heidi's blog also. Come back and see me again! Love, Lisa
Those candies look awesome!! Nice that you can find something to celebrate too. We had a fall festival at school and the kids got all dressed up. It is always fun and way too much candy!!
Sounds like your kids made fun memories and I can't wait to try that receipe...Those caramel clusters look awesome! I am praying that you get to feeling better soon!
I enjoyed your pics it looks so yummy!!! Thanks for the recipe!
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