Today we had Cracked wheat cereal for breakfast, and I put some hot chocolate powder in it, to make it more yummy (and less healthy =). I put Noah's STEAMING bowl in front of him, and he tried to take a VERY HOT BITE.... SPITTING IT BACK OUT! I then told my kids that I had put HOT chocolate in it. Noah said, "OH, is that why it's soooo HOT?" =D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The other night Sarah and Noah were sleeping in Noah's bed together. I came into their room to make sure they were covered up and to kiss them. Noah (who had had a nap) was still lying there awake. When I leaned over Noah to tell him goodnight and kiss his cheek he pointed at Sarah, and said, "The other one's asleep!" It cracked us up for he didn't say, "Sarah is asleep, or my sister is already asleep," but he said, "THE OTHER ONE'S asleep!" He's crazy.~~~~~~~~~~~
Poor Noah is not used to his mother being sick all of the time. In the last few days he has heard me say, "I'm sooo sick," or "I'm sick as a DOG," A LOT. He also hears me ask for special things like GUM saying, "I'm soooo sick!" So, he's learned that if he says he's soooo sick, he might get little favors too. =D Late one Saturday night I was lying in bed and was sooo nauseated. I knew I needed to eat something, but couldn't figure out what I wanted to eat. Finally, I thought of it...I wanted some sliced cucumbers with salt! So, since Phillip was still awake downstairs I asked him if he could PLEASE peel and slice a cucumber for me. Noah who was still awake, agreed that he wanted a cucumber too! So, I covered my head with my blankets (for it's chilly here and I always sleep that way) and then a few minutes later I happened to uncover my head and there stood a very quiet Noah holding a pink plate full of sliced/salted cucumbers, looking around wondering WHERE he should put them. I sat up and asked him if he wanted to join Mommy in my bed and eat some cucumbers and he said, "YES, because I AM SICK AS A DOG!" =)
So glad you've gotten some help with the house and in turn your are helping this girl out. What a cute little girl she has.
Noah is so funny. I love reading about the funny things he says.
Glad you got someone to help you!
Noah is so funny! Cucumbers and Salt! Vomitod!):
Such a cute story about Noah! This time last year, I was in your "condition":), and my kids began picking up some of my lingo, too. Makes you rather self-conscious when you realize how often you must say it! But it's oh, so true!
Glad for the help you're receiving. Blessings on you and yours...the born and the unborn. :)
So glad to hear you have help.. I know that always means so much in the times of sickness early on. Hope it passes SOOON for ya :)
That's awesome that you have some help around the house. She looks like a sweet girl.
Sure hope you're feeling better soon!
So great that you have someone to help out with all the extras around the house. Noah is so cute, kids say the cutest things!
Heather I am so glad for you to have had the one from the church to come and help you. That was great. I have been told, since I have really never had morning sickness, I was told that eating saltine crackers helps a lot. I think only one time I had morning sickness, well it wasn't morning, it was while I was fixing supper one evening that is the only time and that was with my first daughter, Sarah. Anyway I am so glad that you will be able to have help for awhile. May God Bless and Keep You!
Oh, I am very happy to hear that you have someone helping you! God is good! And you need your rest. Noah is very cute! By the way, I love cucumbers & salt. My grandpa and I used to pick them from the garden and take them straight into the house to peel and salt. YUMMMMMY! Love you all! Michelle J
That is so cute what Noah is saying. I'm glad you are getting some help!! I know it had to help you feel better!!
What a dolly! Give him a hug from Aunt Nesi and tell him DJ and I were talking about him yesterday reminscing when he was here and playing with all the boys' John Deere tractors. He thought he'd "died and gone to heaven" so to speak. He didn't even want to go to sleep lest he miss out on the opportunity! He's so precious. Laughter is a good medicine. Thank the Lord for children!
Aunt Nesi
P.S. I took Dan and Lorna down to GBS this eve for Homecoming. Lorna's supposed to take lots of pics for you.
I love your stories! I'm so glad God cares about things such as piling laundry and dirty dishes and being "sick as a dog"!! What a blessing to hear how He answers prayer.
Great post...I left a comment for you on mine....you can go read it. Sounds like you are still pretty sick. It is nice that you have the nice lady form your church to help you. I am so glad for you! Get better and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!
Heather -
Like has already been said a bunch, very happy for the blessings sent your way (and hers!) with the lady helping out at the house. God is so good!
I'm sure you will probably get all kinds of suggestions for pregnancy woes, and I'm not even sure you would have access to it, but the only thing that helped me when I was so very sick with Alyss for 6 months of the time, UUGGHH!, was peppermint candies. I carried them with me everywhere, had a pile beside the bed & even slept with one most of the time. The only thing is make sure you brush your teeth a lot because the sugar can cause damage sitting on your teeth like that - which I'm sure you know that already - unless you're blessed to find some sugar free ones. I have also heard that ginger is a great anti-nausea help, however, I have no experience in the hows or whys of that.
Still thinking and praying for you & baby, too! Take care & love ya BUNCHES! Esther
That is wonderful that you have gotten someone to help around the house! God has a way of working things out doesnt HE?
How cute!
Glad you had some help
Been thinking about you . . . hope the sickness lets up soon!
Have a good day!
Noah is so funny! :-)
After years of not chewing gum, I found myself doing it to relieve the gagging sensation in my throat. And when it come to pop. . .well, that basically is a forbidden drink. The problem was that it really did help my nausea, and when I was really desparate, I would get one. Seth once told me he wished he were sick like me so he could drink pop and do some of the things I got to do! :-) I kindly informed him that would never happen.
Ginger is actually pretty good. Someone from work gave me this really good peach ginger flavor tea that was yummy. Also ginger snaps are great. Noah is so funny. Thanks for sharing - I needed a laugh.
Hi Heather! I can't believe I've missed out on so much of your news! I went all the way back to where I left off which was the post about Bro. Edwards. So the first one I read was about your baby! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! I had fun reading all your news and seeing your fall decorations. David and Joshua and I enjoyed the pictures of your brother's grizzly! Thank the Lord for his protection!
I'll try to do better with blogging from now on. I went through a really rough time for a short while, but God is helping me. Thanks for your sweet email and for your prayers. I'm still praying for you too - and now for the baby also!
I'm so glad you were able to get some help! I never went thru this horrible nausea that so many of you do. I was very blessed. The small bouts I had I wouldn't want to deal with like you guys do. Praying for you to feel better quickly. I know it must be hard for you to not be up and about as you are used to doing.
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