Friday, March 21, 2014

~Practicing English with our Chinese friends.~

~L To R: Heather, Valentina, and Uncle Charlie in the fellowship hall at church!~
So recently Uncle Charlie talked to Phillip and I and told us that some Mothers of the Chinese children from church were asking if I would teach their children English.
Phillip and I had already been talking to one family about the idea.
So we told Uncle Charlie that we had come up with the idea of opening up "our home" (the one being graciously loaned to us =) one night a week for a couple hours and having the Children come to our house.
We started these "classes" in our home and have had 2 so far.  The Lord is helping us.
We practice English with them, and help them with their homework if they need help, etc. for a couple hours. 
Of course, you know me, I look forward to serving them a simple snack each time as well.  =)
~Here's my table the first evening.  I just served cut up melon, grapes, grilled cheese sandwiches, a cold drink, and hot Chinese green tea.
(Caro found the way I did "grilled cheese" different, but she like it.  Here they don't butter the outside of their breads, they just spray the pan with "Pam" for the outside, but spread Mayo on the insides of their breads.
I find it fun and interesting to learn the different ways that people cook in different countries. = )~
The children are doing a good job practicing their English with us.  We try not to talk to them in Spanish, only English for those 2 hours.  Uncle Charlie wants them to hear/learn our "accent" or LACK of accent.  Since many English teachers here are Argentine, they would teach with an Accent, so that is what their students would learn.
Uncle Charlie said that when he moved to the USA to get his masters he didn't understand United States English, although he had taken English for years in Argentina, since he had learned hearing the Argentine accent of his English teacher.
U. Charlie wants these children to hear and learn how we Americans pronounce words, to help their English be more "well-rounded!"  =)
~We enjoy having these children in our home.   They have so much potential.  Can you imagine what God can do with the children in this circle (ours included) if they will live their lives for Him?
God can use each one of them to touch MANY lives for Christ! =)
~Afterwards, while the kids played together, we enjoyed visiting with our dear friends Leo and Caro.  They are the ones loaning me the washer.  =)~
~Dear Caro and I (and baby =).~
~One big plus of having a beautiful "Eden Garden" back yard, is getting to enjoy the beautiful flowers.  The other day, Mary (with Sarah's help) brought this beauty in to give to me.  =)~
~And Sarah brought these inside. =)


lila said...

What a nice opportunity! Will be praying for the children and you all. Love you all tons

Kimberly said...

such a good opportunity! Thankful with you. Prayers.

Roseanne said...

Heard your voice mail. Call me again.

RicKaren said...

I enjoyed catching up with you. Glad to hear you and baby are doing better! Praying for your efforts there!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Heather,
Glad God has opened the door for you to minister to "the greatest in God's kingdom"! We will be praying for them! And I Love "your" house it's so pretty! You know we say we our home owners, but really everything is "ours" on loan from Him! Love and Prayers, Hannah Klunder

Rob and Deanna said...

LOVE your beautiful flowers and so thankful for friends that God provided to give you such a comfortable haven to live in!

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