Monday, October 15, 2012

~Pastor Appreciation Month!~

Thank you for praying for Phillip while he helped preach that weekend revival in Medellin.  Jesus really helped.  Phillip arrived home safely this morning!
While in Medellin...They were able to purchase and pass out a lot of Bibles from offerings that our Christian Nation Church Jr. church sent. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Phillip and I have tried to be careful not to "Americanize" the churches here.   However, this month we thought it fitting to explain to the church here in Bogota about how many churches in the USA use the month of October to appreciate their pastors. We came up with a simple plan for each Sunday this month for the Bogota church to show Pastor Jimmy and Sis. Farly, Nataly, and Gaby how much we LOVE AND APPRECIATE THEM!!!!
Pastor Jimmy and Sis. Farly are such a DEAR couple and love Jesus with their whole heart!
~I couldn't go the first Sunday (explanation below).  So, here you can see that Kimberly played the piano some that Sunday morning since I wasn't there. (That made this Mommy's heart happy...for that's what we are training our girls to use their talents for Jesus! =)
~Phillip explaining to the church people about Pastor Appreciation.~
~Sunday #1 we announced that everyone would bring food to give them a pounding. (Un mercado).  I was getting ready to go to church with my family that Sunday, when we heard Elijah coughing rather hoarsly, which means that we have to TAKE CARE OF HIM, keep him quiet, and give him lots of natural things to help him not go into an asthma attack. 
So, I stayed home with him and Mary and Phillip took the rest.  (I would have LOVED to have been there to arrange this pounding in baskets, etc. and make it look really nice, but I couldn't be there.)~
~You have never met 2 dearer people!  Pastor Jimmy and Sis. Farly are a great reflection of Jesus and have the Biggest servants hearts!!  They love and PRAY lots for their church people.
We were very HAPPY that the church responded well and gave Pastor Jimmy and Sis. Farly and family a really NICE pounding!! ~
~Sunday #2 was yesterday.  We had Friend Sunday.  There was a good crowd and Kimberly made a double batch of oatmeal raisin cookies to pass out after church.~
~I gave Pastor Jimmy and Sis. Farly a loaf of my homemade cinnamon raisin bread.  (The muffins in the pink container went to a dear elderly lady at church.)
~Lil' Mary, Sarah, Elijah, Noah, and Nicolas heading to church.~
~I snapped this picture from the piano.  Dear Sis. Farly holding both our Mary and our Elijah during church since Mommy was up front (and Daddy was in Medellin!  =) ~
~Kimberly passing out her YUMMY cookies at the door. Everyone loved them. =) ~
~Pastor Jimmy taking his turn passing out cookies.  =) ~
Sunday #3 Everyone is to bring a card and some candy or chocolates to show their appreciation to Pastor Jimmy, Sis. Farly, and family.
Sunday #4 We are attempting to do a "pot-luck" dinner after service that Sunday to appreciate our pastor and family.  However, they are not used to having pot-lucks here.   So, I plan on making the meat, salad, and cakes for around 70 people, and the other ladies are going to bring in cooked rice, cooked potatoes, and drinks.  I emphasized that the most important thing is FOR THE LADIES TO COME TO CHURCH on time, and not miss church or come late because they were cooking.  =)  So, PLEASE help me pray that it turns out great, and that there is PLENTY of food.
How we Thank the Lord for Pastor Jimmy and Sis. Farly and their Godly lives.  Sis. Farly keeps that church very CLEAN!  They both are giving 100% to Jesus and to help their students in Paraiso and their church people to live a Holy life and get to Heaven.  


Stephanie Lynn Burley said...

Heather - I love this Pastor Appreciation plan! It is so important to teach people how to show gratitude.

mmsbryan said...

Your plan is nice and showing how to show appreciation to those that serve you is invaluable, both to those giving and those receiving. Thank you for being willing to stand beside your man as he answers God's call to go live and teach by example. Love, Moma

lila said...

So glad you are teaching those precious people to show gratitude to their pastor and family. I'm sure Jimmy and family appreciate it. Our people is showing us love and gratitude this October, it is so sweet and kind of them. We are enjoying it. You all are the best!! Love you tons

Unknown said...

Muchísimas gracias por todo Dios les bendiga.

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