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And SECOND...Thanks for praying for our first ever pot-luck dinner. Today was Sunday #4 in our Pastor Appreciation month and Jesus really helped. I'll post pics soon.
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(I know My Mary will shoot me one day when she's 18 and sees THIS POST in my blog book. Hee! Hee!)
It looks like Mary may be ready to be potty trained. So, the other night, I was out with our girls for the evening and decided to buy Mary a little pink potty chair (and a pack of M&M's to give her one each time she goes. =)
When got back home we saw a large store bag sitting in our living room. Evidently Phillip had gone shopping with Noah and Elijah while we were gone.
Sarah opened the bag to take a look inside and I asked her, "Sarah, what's in that bag?" Then I said, "Don't tell me that Daddy had the same idea and bought Mary a potty chair while we were gone?"
She replied, "Yep! He did!"
But, since the potty chair I bought only cost around $4.00 new, and since we have 2 bathrooms, we decided to keep them both.
Elijah and Mary are great friends and are "partners in crime!" =D
Elijah has been potty trained for quite some time now, but He was wanting a potty chair since Mary is getting one. =)
So, he is THRILLED that we have 2 potty chairs.
He's convinced that JESUS saw his desire and sent HIM a PINK POTTY CHAIR! =)
Now, here's where YOU come in.
~Do you have any quick tips that helped you potty train your kids?
~I'd love for you to leave me a comment.
It's Not like I haven't potty trained 4 other toddlers, but I'm always looking for new tips that I might not have known then. =)
It's not going to be an easy job since we live in a house with FOUR FLOORS, that has 38 stairs, and CARPET everywhere. I think I'll get nothing else done this week but that. =)
Your PRAYERS are appreciated! Smile!