~While Daryl and Natasha were here, the guys were so busy with their classes at church, that they didn't have time to do much sight seeing. So, on the Hausmans' last day with us, we wanted to take them to a neat mountain where you ride a train up the mountain and have a nice view of the city of Bogota. I did not want to lay in bed while my family went out, so Phillip and I decided that I could go, if I didn't do a lot of walking. When we got to the bottom of the mountain, they found out that they could go inside and see Simon Bolivar's house for free until 11:00 AM (normally it's pretty costy). Simon Bolivar was some important political guy here in Bogota. So, I sat at the bottom of the mountainl and waited for them for about 30 mins. or so, for there was A LOT of walking to get down to his house and back up the hill. Then, we got into the train to go up the mountain. Here is Elijah holding on to the bar in the train that we rode up the mountain.~

~Uncle Daryl and Elijah.~

~Kimberly, Sarah, Noah, and Natasha in the train.~

~It was a STEEP ride up the mountain. Here we had just left the station!~

~Elijah loved holding onto this bar....~

~And then dropping into Uncle Daryl's arms.~

~Another train that just passed us going down as we were going up...thank the Lord for the extra track. =)~

~A neat tunnel that we went through. I say neat...normally I would have loved the tunnel. However, when I'm pregnant I get very
claustrophobic!!! I nearly had a panic attack coming back down the mountain, knowing that we would have to be in that tunnel for quite a long time. I had to sit down, close my eyes and PRAY HARD, and God helped me!!~

~Coming out of the tunnel heading up the mountain.~

~I snapped this fun picture of everyone.~

~Phillip and I decided that when there were long distances for me to climb or walk...that I would get into Elijah's stroller and ride! (I haven't seen any wheel chairs for rent here!) So, I did! I tried not to look people in the eyes, but when I did, I would just laugh. At least I was getting to be out with my family and not on my couch. =D~

~Natasha, Daryl and Elijah with some of the Andes Mountains behind them.~

~A neat shot of Bogota that Kimberly took.~

~What I did a lot that day. I sat and waited when there were steps to climb or long distances to walk. I would just sit and wait and let them go and see the sights, since I have seen them before. The Lord gave us a BEAUTIFUL day and a lot of us got BURNT by the hot sun. We're still peeling, 10 days later. =)~

~Looking over the wall to the city of Bogota.~

~Noah, Elijah, and Sarah with a Llama.~

~Then, Uncle Daryl surprised our kids and took them to McDonalds. ~

Thank you, Daryl, we had a yummy lunch and a fun time with y'all! (Sarah moved the camera when she took this picture...so it's a little blurry.)~

~Then we took the Hausmans to a market to get some souvenirs and then back home for them to pack and run out the door to fly home to Ohio. I was sooo tired, I felt sorry for them having to get on a plane and travel all night. Here are Natasha, Kimberly and I looking like lobsters.~

~Saying those goodbyes as they left for the airport! We purposely did NOT let Elijah see them leaving, or he would have cried for a long time! Thank you again, Daryl and Natasha for allll you did for our family and the churches here in Colombia. We loved having y'all here! May God richly BLESS you both!!~