I went last Monday for training on how to check my blood sugar 4 times a day, and what and how much to eat to help with my gestational diabetes, and I'm being careful. This will probably help reduce the fluid over time and could help baby not to get too big. I just went today (Friday) for an ultrasound and non-stress test on baby and he looks great, PRAISE THE LORD.
For those of you who didn't get to attend the Inter-Church Holiness Convention (IHC) and are curious, baby and I did get to go to IHC. =D We tried to use a wheel chair as often as possible, and shared a room with our family in the Crowne Plaza hotel right across from the convention center, which helped baby and I out a lot. It was WONDERFUL getting to be there at IHC and feel GOD'S WONDERFUL PRESENCE, hear great preaching and singing, and see family, friends and fellow bloggers. =) Here are some pics from IHC for you to enjoy.
~Nicole Cassady and I finally got to meet each other...after emailing and checking out each other's blog for MONTHS. Just like I thought before I met her...She's a dear. She gave baby a nice gift of 2 adorable outfits. Thanks, Nicole.
~Noah and Bryan trying out my wheelchair. NOTE THE "IT'S A BOY" BALLOON that I had Phillip buy and we taped to my wheelchair . =D~
~My Daddy just published his 3rd book and this picture is of him showing his book to us. (The book is dedicated to we 4 children, our mates, and our Moma! =)~
~Enjoying a snack in the room!~
~Our kids all ready for Wednesday of IHC...and the younger ones were EXCITED to be heading to children's church!~
~From L to R: Moma, Heather, Natasha and Laura enjoying Women of Worth. We ladies had a very good time laughing, sharing, crying, etc.~
~My sweetheart pushing me in my wheelchair. =)~
~Fellow blogger, Leanna and I. She is due one month AFTER me...look at how HUGE I am compared to her. The difference is that this is my 4th baby and I have the extra fluid which is making me look like I'm carrying an elephant. =)~
~Noah and Bryan eating green frosted donuts in their jammies.~
~Our happy family on Thursday of IHC!~
~Noah and Bryan in line to go up on the platform and sing with the Chapel of the children.~
~Sarah and Darla in their matching dresses getting ready to sing with the children.~
~Kimberly and Brittany ready to sing.~
~The Chapel of the Children... where at least 300 children (including ours) were singing for Jesus up on the platform.~
~All of us eating at the Spaghetti Warehouse. My sister and family, my parents, the Kemps, Sis. Sproles and us.~
~Our kids in the last IHC service.~
~~The Mass choir; which is all of the Bible college choirs singing together.~
~My dear Sister Laura and I...tired after 3 long days of IHC...but VERY HAPPY that we got to attend!~