Thursday, May 8, 2014

~We had the Youth Group over~

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING!  Jesus and our friend Leo "healed" our computer and phone and now they work great with the internet!  =)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We invited our dear friends from church to come over for an afternoon of food, fellowship, and a short devotional challenge.
~But before they came over at church that morning the choir sang a special during the service. ~
 ~Kimberly (who studies the Chinese language faithfully each day and has for months) had the honor of being asked to sing a SOLO IN CHINESE during this special.  She was quite nervous, but Jesus helped her. =)~
 ~I played for their choir special.~
Knowing that the young people were coming over to our house...
I didn't have a clue how many to plan snacks for, so I planned for around 40.  
There ended up being 36 of us. =)
On Saturday I made 3 batches of brownies and 3 batches of Laura's lemon bars.  The only problem was that I only had ONE 9x13 dish to bake them it was an ALL DAY affair.  =)~

 ~Phillip did a great job writing a nice reminder..."Rejoice Always" on my chalkboard.~
 ~Visiting before we ate.~
 ~Playing some games.~
 ~Kimberly and Mary with 2 of their friends from church. =) ~
 ~Noah and Jonathan.~
 ~Yours truly getting the snack buffet all ready.~
 ~We added some bananas and grapes to the snacks.~
 ~And after much thought and PRAYER about WHAT salty snack I could make and serve, I came up with a cheese ball.
I made 3 cheese balls...PRAYING that the young people would like this "VERY American snack!"
Thankfully, Jesus helped and I think the majority liked it...for they ate 2 cheese balls and started working on the 3rd one before the evening was over.  =)
One person asked for the recipe and another told me that it was Addicting.  =D  ~
 ~Getting in line for the snacks.~
 Phillip gave a short devotional challenge about Lot making WRONG decisions which made him lose his family (his wife, sons-in-laws to be, and later on his 2 daughters sinned and their sons became the heads of 2 wicked nations), house and possessions, and later his "position" in the city of Sodom Gomora.  
When Abraham gave him a choice of where he wanted to move, he didn't consult God...just lifted his eyes and saw what LOOKED like the best choice, and moved there.  Originally, he was in the plains, but eventually, he moved his family SMACK DAB INTO the middle of the wicked city of Sodom and Gomora.     
Phillip challenged the young people to always consult God before making decisions, for God knows how things will turn out.  What "seems in the human" to be the right decision, might just be the RUIN of us or our family!
Jesus really helped Phillip and his little talk was very good! 
Here Phillip is talking in Spanish and Caro did a great job translating what he said into Chinese.  ~
 ~Later on that evening 7 more people dropped in.  =) ~
 ~We were so HAPPY for everyone that was able to come.
It was such an enjoyable afternoon, and we trust it was profitable for the Kingdom as well!~


Daryl Hausman said...

loved this update. getting excited to see all of ya'll. Darla and Bryan are working hard doing 8 lessons a week, (which is quite a feat!) and Jesus is helping us! We are shooting for the end of May to be all finished with school! Got 4 hungry kids and one kinda hungry Moma, so it's time to make cornbread, pinto beans w/ ham and some buttered potatoes! Hungry? You could join us, I'm sure we'll have plenty! XOXOXO from this Haus in Cinci

lila said...

So happy your phone and internet is fixed!! What a fine looking choir!! I know you had a blast playing for them! Looks like you all had a fun evening. All the treats and decor looks so cute. You are the ultimate entertainer!! Love you all tons!!

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